I have decided that I must change my sister's outdated concept.

The young girl suddenly had a strong thought, if her brother-in-law can only be with one person, even if she is with her, her sister will leave her.

She also doesn't like this ending, so it's best for everyone to be together.

"Are you OK."

Seeing the girl standing there distracted, Su Nan put his hands in front of her eyes and asked worriedly.

He felt that Zhao Ruomin might have some psychological problems, and he had unreasonable thoughts about him who he called his brother-in-law, and he took it for granted.He worried that his refusal might irritate the girl.

Zhao Ruomin found the target, rekindled his spirit, shook his head at his brother-in-law who cared about him, and said seriously: "I'm fine, brother-in-law, I will work hard, for our future, just wait."

She took a step forward, stood on tiptoe and kissed Su Nan's side face, then turned and ran away quickly, the girl's giggles and the faint fragrance of her body came from the wind.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, what the hell?

He frowned, feeling that Zhao Ruomin seemed to have misunderstood something, as if she hadn't given up on the idea of ​​being with him.

Su Nan wanted to catch up with the girl and talk to her again, but at this moment Shu Baoer called him and asked if he was okay.

After hanging up the phone, Ruomin was nowhere to be seen. Su Nan sighed, turned around and walked towards the grove. He made it very clear just now, and Zhao Ruomin also agreed, so she should not bring up the ambiguous game last time. , As for other issues, let's talk to her next time.

All the way to the woods, I saw Shu Baoer doing squats from a distance, with her palms behind her head, squatting down and standing up in coordination with her breathing, and every time she squatted down, she tucked her thin sweatpants tight. He is a person who exercises regularly and has a very beautiful shape.

Su Nan deliberately walked around behind her and stared at her for a while before confirming that there was no trace of her tight sweatpants at all, and she was wearing a T-shaped inside?

Shu Bao'er seemed to feel something, looked back at him, covered her buttocks with her hands, turned around and said with a smile: "Senior, it's wrong to peek at little girls' PP, I want to tell them."

"Cough, you misunderstood me. I'm just attracted by your body in exercise. Exercise is the most beautiful thing for girls."

Su Nan bluntly excused herself, but Shu Baoer seemed to be quite useful, and asked him: "Really? Senior, do you really think I'm so good-looking?"

"Very nice." Su Nan gave a thumbs up.

The smile on Shu Bao'er's face became thicker, and she said with a smile: "It's like honey has been wiped on the little mouth, so I'll forgive you just once."

Su Nan thought that the last time I kissed me was not settled with you, but on the surface she had a pleasant face, "Let's go, let's visit Li Xuejie."

The two were walking out of the woods, when Shu Baoer stared sideways at Su Nan's face, and said in a pleasant tone: "Senior, remember to wipe your mouth clean next time you steal something."

Leaving Su Nan in a daze, she walked forward.

Su Nan was stunned, and looked at Shu Baoer's back in confusion, why did she feel like she was angry?

He subconsciously touched his cheek, looked down, and found the color of lipstick on the palm of his hand.Thinking of Zhao Ruomin's kiss not long ago, the corners of Su Nan's eyes twitched violently, this girl actually used lipstick.

No wonder Shu Baoer was angry, she left her and went to have a tryst with other girls, she felt neglected by him, but Shu Baoer knew he had a girlfriend, why couldn't he just go on a date with his girlfriend .

After being angry for a while, Shu Bao'er slowed down, waiting for Su Nan to catch up and walk together.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I actually went to see my girlfriend just now." Su Nan explained.

Shu Bao'er laughed and said, "Since when did Zhao Ruomin become the senior's girlfriend? I remember that the senior has a good relationship with Zhao Ruomin's sister. Could it be sister! Sister! Shuang! Accept!"

He paused every word, with a gentle smile, but somehow gave him a sense of danger. Moreover, Shu Baoer's words made Su Nan feel that disaster was imminent. Now there was a big misunderstanding. Shu Baoer must have seen the scene where Zhao Ruomin kissed herself just now.

"Actually, things are not what you see. I had a little misunderstanding with Xiao Min's sister. I was just resolving the misunderstanding with her. She was so happy that she kissed me. It's definitely not that our relationship is unhealthy."

Su Nan hurriedly clarified, but even he himself felt that his words lacked confidence, why would he kiss you if he resolved the misunderstanding, not afraid of being beaten to death by his sister.

Shu Bao'er smiled evilly and said, "Since it's to resolve the misunderstanding, it shouldn't be a problem for me to tell senior sister Xiao Min about it."

Chapter five hundred and ninety-third

"It's a big problem! Cough..."

Realizing that she was too excited, Su Nan calmed herself down, thinking that Shu Baoer threatened herself with this incident, and probably wanted to ask herself to do something, so explaining it was useless.

Quickly weighed in her heart, Su Nan said: "Although it is a misunderstanding, even you misunderstood, let alone Xiao Min, I don't want her to think too much, I hope you don't tell her, if you agree to me, If you have any requests, just ask, and I will try my best to fulfill them within my ability.”

Forget what is beyond his ability, and Su Nan emphasized that he should try his best, and don't blame him if he can't do it then, who told the school girl to be so naughty and like to play tricks on others.

"I hate it, what kind of person does the senior think of me, I won't make a small report, it's all to scare you."

Junior Shu Baoer stuck out her tongue, with a cute smile on her face.

Su Nan looked at her expectantly: "So you agreed? I don't need to pay anything?"

Shu Bao'er blinked her eyes, and said solemnly: "Although I trust the senior and am willing to help the senior keep the secret, if I can get a little reward, I think I will be more motivated."

In the end, there is still a benefit, and I don't know what benefit the school girl wants.

Su Nan inexplicably remembered the last time she was kissed by a junior in the school grove, and then shook her head in her heart. At that time, the junior should have been impulsive and curious, and she used the fact that Zhao Ruomin kissed him to talk about it, so she probably wouldn't do it. Same behavior as Zhao Ruomin.

But it's better to be cautious, lest you can't do it when you get it.

Su Nan asked: "What do you want in return? If it's not too difficult, I will try my best to satisfy you."

"What do you want?" Shu Bao'er thought for a while, then suddenly turned around as if giving up, and said, "I can't think of it at the moment, I owe it first, I will talk about it when I think about it, don't worry, I will never let the senior feel embarrassed. "

Su Nan didn't care, and followed.

After walking for a while, they came to the subway station. The two got on the subway and got off after three or four stops.Then, under the leadership of Shu Bao'er, they came to a relatively high-end residential area.

Entry and exit in this type of community are relatively strict. Shu Baoer seems to have been here before and registered at the security office. The security here also has an impression of her, so she was quickly let go.

There is access control in and out of the building, Shu Baoer used the intercom at the door to contact Li Gongting, and told her that she came to visit her, but did not mention that Su Nan came with her.

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