"I didn't expect you to be so fun. Whose idea was it? Could it be you?" Her eyes seemed to be looking at a pervert, and there was a hint of jealousy in her subtle tone.

Su Nan didn't want to be regarded as a pervert, so he quickly explained, but before that, he secretly glanced at the opposite side, and found that the seniors were busy eating hot pot, and they didn't pay attention to this side for the time being, so he was relieved.

"Where are you looking?"

Lu Ying was a little annoyed, she followed his line of sight, was startled, and quickly returned the camera to Su Nan, and her sitting posture returned to an upright position.

She whispered, "Could it be that senior sister Zhan Weiling has something to do with this matter? Why didn't she stay with you guys?"

Zhan Weiling appeared nearby, she felt abnormal.

Su Nan held the camera steady, explained the reason, and told Lu Ying that Chu Xi and the others were going to shoot some unhealthy videos for the upcoming holiday.

Lu Ying quickly understood the meaning, and she looked weird, but the anger in her heart was much less. She thought that Su Nan forced Chuxi to make this kind of video with Zhao Xiaomin in order to satisfy her dirty mind.

Boys seem to have a special liking for taking selfies. Many similar videos have been circulated on the Internet, and they generally cause great harm to the woman. She does not want to see Chu Xi and Xiao Min fall into that situation.

If Su Nan was really going to do this, she made up her mind that even if she quarreled with him, she would persuade him to give up the idea. Fortunately, it was Chu Xi and the others who took the initiative. Uh, from the results, it seemed to be even worse.

"Ah, auntie!" she exclaimed suddenly.

Su Nan was also surprised: "What, your aunt is here?"

He quickly looked around, looking a little nervous.It's embarrassing to meet Lu Anya on a date with other girls, and the last time she dated Lu Anya, she didn't seem to object to having something to do with him, and she might be jealous then.

Originally, Lu Ying was thinking of something related to her aunt, but seeing Su Nan's look of being afraid of the incident in the harem, she immediately said angrily: "Why are you guilty, my aunt will still eat you?"

Su Nan had already realized that she was having an oolong, and said embarrassingly: "Squad leader, you know, your aunt and I are relatively close for some reason, what if she sees me dating someone else and misunderstands me, what should I do?"

Lu Ying snorted: "What kind of misunderstanding is obviously the truth. I warned you not to think about my aunt, but you reminded me that if my aunt sees you embracing life, she should I won’t have any thoughts about you anymore, I only use you as a tool.”

Lu Ying became thoughtful, as if thinking about the credibility of this matter.

Su Nan felt cold, and quickly changed the subject: "Squad leader, why did you mention your aunt all of a sudden? Could it be that Chu Xi and the others made a video that reminded you of something?"

Lu Ying blushed, and said: "They really gave me inspiration, it's too troublesome to ask you to go to my aunt's house every time, and it's easy to cause accidents."

Lu Ying didn't say what happened, but Su Nan already understood what she meant. Although in Lu Ying's view, he and Lu Anya only had some intimate contact at most, but it was a cross-line behavior after all, and the conflict between men and women Without that kind of behavior, the relationship will become abnormal, and it will easily develop into bed.

This has to be guarded against!

"So the monitor also wants me to take a video with your aunt?" Su Nan asked for confirmation.

"I... haven't made up my mind yet." Lu Ying hesitated, seeing that Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin had already come out from the toilet, she quickly got up and said, "Go ahead, I'll contact you later."

After she finished speaking, she hurried back to her place, and Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin didn't see her when they came over.

But Su Nan took a look outside, just in time to see the half-smile in senior sister's eyes.

In the afternoon, the three of them didn't go anywhere. They went to watch a movie nearby to pass the time, and then rushed home after three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhan Weiling then brought Xiaowan and Zhao Junmin back home. Her home was next door to the house Chuxi was renting. If someone had an outbreak, Su Nan could be found in time.

Su Nan followed the two girlfriends into their den. After the door closed, he felt that the atmosphere had changed. Chu Xi, who was uneasy along the way, even blushed after entering the door, as if he was about to meet something extremely shameful.

If Su Nan realizes something, the video shot in one morning can be used as the beginning, but it should not be too long, then the next step is to shoot the actual content.

But how will it unfold, the scene between himself and Chuxi must be filmed, that is to say, Xiao Min is also... threesome?

His heart quietly warmed up.

Zhao Xiaomin winked at Chu Xi, then yawned pretending to be sleepy and said, "I didn't sleep well last night, I'm sleepy, so go to the room to catch up on sleep first."

After speaking, Zhao Xiaomin returned to her room.

This made Su Nan, who was thinking dirty, feel a little disappointed. At this moment, Chu Xi came over and took his hand. Her little hand was trembling and slightly hot, but she held Su Nan's hand tightly, and said in a low voice, "That... Would you like to come to my room and rest?"

This short sentence seemed to exhaust all her strength, her cheeks flushed, and her gaze turned to the side unnaturally.

After all, it was Chu Xi, who was a little weak in this kind of thing, and didn't know how to attract his own man, and even did the seductive behavior extremely bluntly.

Her jerky appearance made Su Nan's heart ablaze, and he didn't make it difficult for her. He took the initiative to lead her into her room, and Chu Xi, who realized what was going to happen next, held his breath.

Chuxi's bed is really soft and elastic.

Su Nan noticed that during this process, the door opened a crack, and Zhao Xiaomin sneaked in with a camera.

Su Nan took the opportunity to catch her and filmed both of them at once. Later, Chu Xi took the initiative to pick up the camera for revenge.

What makes Su Nan feel regretful is that the senior sister didn't come over, no, she came over, but she stood at the door and looked around for a while before running away, obviously a bit unacceptable.

In the evening, Su Nan walked out of the room refreshed and walked into the kitchen.

The senior in the kitchen was cooking. When she heard the noise, she turned around and pointed the shovel at Su Nan vigilantly, blushing, "Don't make trouble, I'm cooking."

"The kitchen is a nice place too, isn't it?"

Zhao Xiaomin came over with a smile on her camera

The four of them messed around all night, and finally slept in the same bed until dawn.

Su Nan was woken up by the ringtone of his mobile phone, and he subconsciously answered the phone when he was in a daze.

"Su Nan, that, about you and Chuxi...give my aunt a fix too!"

On the phone, the squad leader stammered, making Su Nan lose all sleepiness.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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