Early in the morning, Su Nan rushed to the gate of the community where Lu Anya's house was located, and saw Lu Ying who was waiting for her at the gate.

The squad leader's style of dressing is a bit fresh today. She is walking, her pink legs are exposed under the floral skirt, and she is kicking the ground lightly in boredom.

Seeing Su Nan coming, she looked up at him, brushed her hair, and said hello.

"Morning, did you have breakfast?"

Su Nan shook her head. He rushed over after receiving the call from the squad leader, and went to have breakfast when he had time.

"Exactly, I didn't eat either, let's go to the opposite side and have some."

Lu Ying pointed to the noodle soup shop across the street, and the rich flavor came here, very appetizing.

Su Nan still wanted to ask her about the phone, but she was really hungry, and it was not convenient to talk here, so she nodded.

The two walked across the street. It was past nine o'clock in the morning, after the rush hour for breakfast, and there were no customers in the store.

After each ordered a soup noodle, they entered the store and found a seat to sit face to face.

The owner of the soup noodle shop was already busy, taking advantage of no one around, Su Nan asked her in a low voice: "Squad leader, are you serious about what you just said on the phone?"

Lu Ying was the first to mention the video with Lu Anya, which is unbelievable when you think about it.

"Otherwise." Lu Ying sighed, and said, "I've thought about it. If you shoot a video, you and your aunt will only have one intimate contact. If you don't, I will take you home every few days. How do you count?" It’s all the former that’s worth it.”

There is a lot of ambiguous contact between men and women, so there is no reason why sparks should not be sparked.

Lu Ying was worried about this.

Su Nan somewhat guessed what the monitor was thinking, and felt that her proposal was quite reasonable, but it was the monitor who brought it up on his own initiative, which made him feel weird.

Lu Ying bit her lip, and continued: "My aunt is resting today, and she hasn't woken up yet. I'll take you home after eating, and then you can play freely."

Su Nan smiled wryly, how dare he play freely in this kind of thing, of course he has to follow the squad leader's wishes.

It's not convenient to talk here, so both of them kept their mouths shut. Later, the store manager brought up two servings of soup powder, and the two began to savor their breakfast.

After eating enough, she walked out of the noodle soup shop, Lu Ying thought about it, and said to Su Nan, "Go and buy some breakfast for my aunt."

So the two went to buy steamed buns, fried dough sticks, soy milk and the like.

Entering the building and taking the elevator, Lu Ying asked intentionally or unintentionally: "What is the closest thing you and my aunt have ever done?"

Su Nan's back was a little cold sweat, and he forced himself to say with guilt: "It's nothing, your aunt is very smart, every time she deliberately shows some scenery to be seen by me."

If the squad leader knew that he had a relationship with her aunt, he would probably be bitten to death here.

So Su Nan didn't dare to expose her trap at all.

Lu Ying nodded, as if she believed it, but just when Su Nan was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she suddenly asked, "Have you ever kissed?"

"No." Su Nan responded quickly, but Lu Ying couldn't deny it, and said softly, "Didn't you do everything with her when my aunt entered the punishment session last time? Kissing is such an ordinary thing. Haven't done it?"

"Uh, the punishment part can't be regarded as real, and I was in a daze at the time, like I was dreaming, and I couldn't remember what I had done at all."

Su Nan pretended to be innocent, but she was very surprised how the squad leader knew the content of the punishment session.

Another question is, how did the class monitor know about the existence of the 'shame disease'?

Several times when Su Nan asked, she was perfunctory by the squad leader, and now it seems that the squad leader is also hiding a secret.

Su Nan felt a little depressed.

Lu Ying seemed to want to say something more, but when the elevator arrived, she had no choice but to keep her mouth shut, walked out of the elevator with Su Nan, and returned home in silence.

After closing the door, Lu Ying looked at the door of her aunt's room, struggling.

Su Nan took the opportunity to persuade: "It's better to forget it, let's find another way."

It's not that Su Nan is unwilling, but she just doesn't want to do this in front of the squad leader, and she doesn't want the squad leader to lead this matter, which will make him feel very perverted.

Hearing this, Lu Ying put away her hesitation and shook her head: "No, there is no more suitable method than this. The images left behind have no disadvantages except for the risk of leaking out, and this risk is also controllable. .”

Su Nan didn't know what to say, and she heard her categorically say: "Go into my aunt's room, use your mobile phone to take pictures, you can determine the scale yourself."

Su Nan showed hesitation, Lu Ying turned her head and glared at him, saying, "Hurry up, what are you doing here? My aunt is still sleeping, the nightdress she was wearing last night, you sneaked in to take pictures of her."

"Sneak shot." Hearing this, Su Nan was not very willing.

"What's wrong with the sneak shot?" Lu Ying was a little annoyed, and said, "Sneak shot is fine. My aunt saw the video you shot afterwards, even if the scale was not very large, she would feel ashamed. If it was normal, I'm sure you two There are a lot of ambiguous contacts, so I don't agree."

The squad leader's tone was full of resentment, and his demeanor was a bit tasteful. It seemed that he still couldn't be completely indifferent.

Hearing what she said, Su Nan knew that this shooting was definitely going to happen, so she simply let go of her worries, took out her mobile phone and turned on the camera function, gritted her teeth and pushed the door open to step in.

"Wait a minute." The squad leader shouted from behind. Su Nan thought she had changed her mind, but the next moment she heard her say: "My aunt has been punished once. If the scale of the video is not enough, she might not feel it after watching it. So, you can... a little... cross the line."

How much does it mean to cross the line?

Su Nan didn't have time to think, so she stepped into the room.

The curtains were drawn in the room, so that the light was not very bright, but it was daytime, and it was enough to see everything in the room clearly with the naked eye.

I saw a slender figure lying on that big soft bed. The sexy nightgown made her thighs come into contact with the air, and the sight of her shoulders, collarbone, and chest made people linger on.

Su Nan held her breath, closed the door gently, and then pointed the phone camera at Lu Anya on the bed to take a picture. At the same time, she approached her and took pictures of her sleeping posture bit by bit. She felt really beautiful and sexy.

Close to the bed, at this distance, the sleeping Lu Anya seemed like a Sleeping Beauty, or an ignorant woman who had no power to resist, and could easily seduce the deepest desire in people's hearts.

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