Swallowing her saliva with difficulty, Su Nan forced herself to think about what to do next, should she just keep shooting like this, or listen to the squad leader and cross the line a bit more.

It's just that the scale is not easy to grasp.

Looking down at Lu Anya in her sleep, some similar small movie images appeared in Su Nan's mind, and her head became hot, and she leaned over it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan took a picture of Lu Anya who was sleeping soundly on the bed with her mobile phone, feeling dry mouthed and extremely nervous.

He didn't dare to stay too long. Seeing that it was almost time, he turned off the camera function and left the room lightly.

Just after he closed the door, Lu Anya, who was pretending to be asleep, opened her eyes and cursed in a low voice, "You little ghost."

But the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be concealed.

Fortunately, her sleeping posture is not ugly, otherwise she would be very sad.

Thinking of Su Nan's heavy breathing when she closed her eyes just now, Lu Anya's heart thumped wildly. Since she tasted meat, she hadn't done it for a long time, and she felt itchy in her heart, missing it very much, and She couldn't forget Su Nan's overly strong physique.

She was having that kind of dream just now, and when Su Nan came in and teased her, her body became hot, and she wished she could call Su Nan in to bully him, and let him see how powerful the big sister is.

But Su Nan will come here, it should be Xiaoying who brought him back, but it's not easy to operate.

As soon as Lu Ying saw Su Nan slipping out of the room, she called him into her room and asked to check his cell phone.She wanted to see what Su Nan had filmed.

Su Nan had guessed it a long time ago, so she kept restraining herself during the filming just now, but now she generously gave Lu Ying the phone.

However, seeing the way she couldn't wait to lower her head to check the phone as soon as she got it, she found it quite interesting, and said amusedly, "Why, you can't trust me."

"I want to see if you have followed my request." Lu Ying stubbornly refused to admit it, bowed her head skillfully and turned out the video she just shot, and watched it.

Su Nan also leaned over to watch together.

This video was shot from Su Nan's first-person perspective, and his heavy breathing can be heard from the beginning of the video.

Lu Ying couldn't help turning her head to look at him.

Su Nan laughed dryly: "It's normal to be nervous when doing this kind of thing."

She kept silent, lowered her head and continued to watch the video.

First, Su Nan pushed open the door and walked into the room. The room was slightly dark, but when the camera turned to the bed, she could still see the shockingly beautiful body, wearing a sexy nightdress, sleeping on her side, her snow-white legs folded together.

I have to say that my aunt is really beautiful, and her figure is so exaggerated, Lu Ying felt a little jealous in her heart, and at the same time, when she thought of Su Nan's reaction to such a young aunt just now, she felt a little strange.

She didn't say anything and continued to read.

After the initial shaking, the camera stabilized, and as Su Nan walked towards the bed, the camera began to zoom in, showing her aunt's fiery figure more clearly.

When the camera stopped shaking, the representative Su Nan stopped by the bed. Judging from the distance of the camera, he was less than one meter away from the aunt at that time, which was equivalent to the aunt appearing in front of him defenselessly.

Faced with such a beautiful scenery, Lu Ying didn't believe that Su Nan wasn't moved at all, and felt a bit apprehensive, but this was her choice, and this scale was far from the bottom line in her heart, so she calmed down quickly .

At this time, both Lu Ying and Su Nan felt a little nervous. Su Nan was worried that his standards would exceed the monitor's bottom line and make her angry.

Lu Ying's mood was much more complicated, nervous, apprehensive, and a little jealous, and at the same time, she felt very sorry for her aunt for encouraging Su Nan to do such a thing.

Finally, after Su Nan in the video was stunned for a while, he started to act. He sat on the bed directly, and then the camera zoomed in on Lu Anya.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ying raised her heart, realizing that Su Nan was approaching her aunt, what was Su Nan going to do?touch?Dear?Still ready to take off my aunt's nightdress.

Because she was very worried that the scene that would appear next would shock her heart, Lu Ying clenched her fists nervously, her palms were covered with sweat, and Su Nan who was beside her even noticed that she was holding her breath.

The next second, when the camera zoomed in close to Lu Anya's thigh, it stopped, and then Su Nan kept the distance, and took pictures of Lu Anya up and down, including her sleeping face.

During this process, Su Nan did nothing but take close-up shots.

Of course, because of the dim light, shooting a sleeping beauty at such a close distance, and Su Nan's heavy breathing, the whole video appears unhealthy.

But because Su Nan didn't take any real action, which was much lower than Lu Ying's psychological expectation, so she didn't feel jealous at all.

After the video ended, Lu Ying put down her phone.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual in her expression, Su Nan knew that she had done the right thing this time. Don't look at what the monitor said so generously just now, if he really followed that standard, the monitor would be so angry that he couldn't eat afterwards.

"It's fine to shoot like this. I'll send you the video, and you can find a chance to send it to your aunt. I still have something to go."

Su Nan said that he came out in a hurry in the morning, and the three girlfriends hadn't woken up yet. When they woke up and didn't see him, they might think he had committed a crime and absconded.

But Lu Ying gritted her teeth and said, "It can't be done like this. I don't feel anything after watching it. What's more, my aunt has to do it again."

Su Nan froze for a moment, and looked at her strangely: "Are you serious?"

"Of course." Seeing his expression, Lu Ying knew what he was thinking, snorted, and said, "Don't think I'm so petty, I told you to increase the scale, so you won't be overwhelmed by this kind of What's more, this is also a good strategy to prevent the relationship between you and my aunt from developing in a worse direction, and then you will re-shoot, and I will allow you to touch my aunt."

"Aren't you joking?" Su Nan was surprised, Lu Ying gave a clear standard this time - "touchable", instead of being ambiguous like before, it can be seen that she really made up her mind.

I don't know if it's because of my conservatism, which made the squad leader feel at ease with me, so I made the decision to reshoot.

"What's the point of joking? Don't you dare? Why, are you so afraid of me, student Su Nan?"

Lu Ying looked at him with a smile, her eyes full of contempt.Seeing that Su Nan has been taking into account her own emotions, although Lu Ying was a little touched, she still chose to provoke Su Nan for the sake of the future.

Su Nan looked at her silently for a while, then nodded, "Okay, that's what you said, don't be angry then."

"Hmph, I won't be angry, don't underestimate me." Lu Ying gave him a dissatisfied look.

Su Nan didn't say anything, took back the phone from her hand, and went back to Lu Anya's room.

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