Lu Anya walked up to Lu Ying, and asked intentionally or unintentionally, "Where's Xiao Nan?"

"In the bathroom." Lu Ying pointed to the bathroom.

Lu Anya nodded, and asked again: "The one just now was Xiao Nan's cell phone, did you return it to him, boys' cell phones usually have hidden secrets, and being held by you, the class monitor, must have frightened him. "

"Give it back to him, and I'm not interested in his phone, why are you here?" Lu Ying complained.

Lu Anya was relieved now, and said with a smile: "It's just a reminder, just let him go home, it's rare that Xiao Nan comes here, I'll go back to the room to put on makeup first, and you can entertain him for me."

"Got it, let's go."

Seeing Lu Ying's helpless look, Lu Anya smiled, turned and went back to the room.

Seeing her close the door, Lu Yingqiao's face turned serious. She lowered her head and took out Su Nan's phone that was pressed under her buttocks, unlocked it with the password she asked from Su Nan before, and clicked to play the video just shot.

Although she had watched it once before, Lu Ying was still dumbfounded by the content of the video when she saw it again. She couldn't believe that those two people could do such a thing.

After the shock, there was endless grievance and anger. That guy Su Nan was too much, he was only allowed to touch, but he actually asked his aunt to give him... that.

Turning off the screen of the phone, Lu Ying stood up and went back to her room with a cold face.

Su Nan is in her room, sitting on her bed with her head shrugged.

When Lu Ying watched the video for the first time, he was by his side, and he regretted that he didn't stop it in time.When she was worried that the squad leader would get mad at her, she ordered Su Nan to enter the room, probably to deal with Lu Anya.

Seeing Lu Ying walking in with a blank expression at this time, Su Nan knew that something was wrong, and the matter between him and Lu Anya might be exposed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan was listlessly sitting on the edge of the bed, Lu Ying came in with his mobile phone, and stood in front of him expressionlessly, the two fell into a brief silence.

At this time, countless villains were arguing in Su Nan's head, and finally they all converged into the same voice, which was to find a way to hide the past.

But after thinking about it, Su Nan still decided to give up, and even if he managed to make it through with a video of that scale, the squad leader might still have a lump in his heart.

And Su Nan was fed up with this kind of fearful life. Every time he saw Lu Anya, he had to be careful, for fear of being discovered by the monitor.But it's impossible to see him, and Lu Anya can't do without him, and the squad leader doesn't allow him to see him.

Obviously he already has several girlfriends, they know each other's existence, and they all live in harmony, why must he be so worried.

Just in time, I took this opportunity to explain the matter clearly to the squad leader. If she couldn't bear it, then the cooperation between the two of them should be terminated.On the contrary, the shame disease has nothing to do with her. Even Su Nan is afraid that she will also contract this strange disease. The source of this strange disease is mysterious, and the possibility of automatically "staring" at the supervisor cannot be ruled out.

In a flash of thought, Su Nan had already considered it clearly, but just as he was about to confess everything, Lu Ying took a deep breath and handed him the phone: "Here."

Su Nan stared at her outstretched white palm in astonishment, unable to react for a while.

Lu Ying urged: "Take it, this shot is good, remember to send it to my aunt when you go back, and use it as a teasing method. Don't forget to tell her to save it in the phone and not delete it."

After hesitating for a while, Su Nan took the phone and held it in the palm of his hand. He could feel the residual warmth of the monitor's palm on the phone, as well as the slight trace of sweat.

He held it tightly, looked up at the squad leader with a complicated expression on his face, and said, "Squad leader, about me and your aunt..."

"Are you wondering why I'm not angry?" Lu Ying interrupted him, her eyes darkened, "I can't blame you, I should have thought about the possibility of my aunt getting sick. In that case, you always think about treatment , There is nothing you can do if you can’t completely resist. I’ve watched the video, obviously you didn’t do it on purpose, my aunt took the initiative twice, and you also resisted, you’ve done a good job.”

She in turn comforted Su Nan.

It turned out that she thought Lu Anya had just had a seizure.

Su Nan said in his heart.

Indeed, at that time, Lu Anya acted like an idiot, crazily picking up Su Nan's pants, and her characteristics were in line with her appearance at the time of the onset.Just go along with the squad leader, admit it, and the lie will continue.

But do you want to continue? You have already made up your mind just now, and you want to go back to the past.

It feels like hiding is not a good option.

A flash of determination flashed in Su Nan's eyes, and she had made up her mind.

"Squad leader."

He stood up, and he was about to tell the whole story about his relationship with Lu Anya.

"Su Nan." Lu Ying sighed melancholy, and lowered her head sadly: "Although you are right, but I am not in a good mood, can you let me be alone?"

Her tone was pleading, giving people a pitiful feeling.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, feeling a little complicated, so she nodded.

Lu Ying smiled, stepped forward to give him a hug, and said in a low voice, "Don't think too much, this is my choice, I made you do it, go back, and do what I just said."

She let him go, smiled at him, and moved out of the way.

Su Nan stayed on her face for a while, then walked out of the room with her mobile phone.The moment the door closed, the smile on the squad leader's face seemed to be a bit forced.

All the way out of Lu Anya's house, standing on the main road with traffic, Su Nan felt a little complicated, thinking of the fragility that the squad leader inadvertently revealed just now, and the strength that was barely disguised.

It can be seen that the squad leader has already guessed that his relationship with Lu Anya is not easy, but Su Nan doesn't know how much she guessed, so she dare not ask, obviously the squad leader is avoiding this question, and he is also avoiding him, Su Nan is afraid to ask When the squad leader came out, his tears would not stop.

Looking back at the window of the monitor's room, Su Nan got into the car immediately. At this time, let the monitor calm down and let her choose the rest.

After putting on exquisite makeup, Lu Anya walked out of the room, but learned from Lu Ying that Su Nan had gone back, she immediately sighed in disappointment.

"Why don't you keep him?" she complained.

Lu Ying said dissatisfiedly: "It must be because of you. He left because he was embarrassed to face me. You know I'm at home, but can't you restrain yourself? You have no shame in dragging him into the room dressed like that." Finger Scratch it across the face.

"Otherwise, why should I date him? I'm already in my third year, and he's still a teenager." Lu Anya said sadly, thinking of Su Nan's rejection of her just now, she felt depressed for a while, wondering if she was too old, but Obviously still looks very young.

Lu Ying said expressionlessly: "Who told you not to find someone from the right family? You actually fell in love with my classmate and threatened me to help. You can do such an outrageous thing. If you succeed, how will I face it in the future? he."

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