Lu Anya blushed, sat down on the sofa, and said angrily, "There's nothing wrong with this. We'll go our own way, it's totally fine."

Lu Ying probably thought of something about this different relationship, her pretty face also blushed, and she sat down, pretending not to care, and asked: "But he already has a girlfriend, and there are several more, I asked him in private, He replied that it is impossible to give up on them, Auntie, do you really stop thinking about it?"

Lu Anya thought that Su Nan's so-called girlfriend should be her own kind.Thinking of this, she felt a little sad. It seemed that such an opponent would never be defeated, but she seemed to like Su Nan a little bit, and she couldn't do without him.

She smiled and said, "My aunt is a mature woman. She is rich and beautiful. She has long legs, big breasts, and fair skin. She is a complete white and rich beauty. If you choose me, you can save twenty years of struggle. A mere high school girl That will be my opponent, maybe the development is not complete yet."

This wave of map bombs successfully included Lu Ying.Lu Ying felt resentful, and looked at her aunt resentfully: "You really think of Su Nan as a young and ignorant high school student. He can get several girlfriends and let them live in harmony. You are not afraid of becoming his harem." one?"

When Lu Anya heard this, she couldn't help laughing. If it wasn't for everyone being inseparable from Su Nan, how could Su Nan have a harem? Xiaoying didn't know it, and probably regarded Su Nan as a love saint or something.

She didn't explain, and joked: "If your classmate is really so good, then my aunt will be his harem."

"Uh, shouldn't you object to him opening a harem at this time?"

"It depends on Xiao Nan's ability."

Seeing Xiao Ying's surprised face as if she had been bluffed by herself, Lu Anya joked.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The conversation made Lu Ying feel extremely complicated. It seems that my aunt is not very repulsed by Su Nan's opening of the harem, is it because she knows that there are people with the same disease and pity for each other? Then...

Startled, she shook her head violently.Instantly extinguish this idea that just emerged from the bottom of my heart.

How could such a thing be possible?

Thinking so, she pretended to be relaxed and went back to the room.

The bored Lu Anya took off her makeup and lay lazily on the sofa in the living room to apply a mask.

Later, she received a message from Su Nan on WeChat. Su Nan asked her what her mailbox was and wanted to send her a mysterious email.

Lu Anya sent it to him without thinking too much, then took off the mask, went back to the room with anticipation and turned on the computer to receive the email.

She was curious about what Su Nan sent to herself, so after downloading the file, she immediately passed the secret given by Su Nan, successfully decompressed it, and then she found out that it was a video.

Out of curiosity, she clicked to play, her face flushed instantly when she saw the picture, she was so ashamed and indignant by the content of the video, it turned out to be a video of her giving Su Nan oral sex not long ago, and Su Nan was actually filming it at that time!

It's too much, how can he go so far!

Lu Anya complained to Su Nan on WeChat, and then she received a message from Su Nan, explaining that she was not allowed to delete the video and had to watch it every day.He also said many embarrassing things.

Lu Anya's whole heart was pounding wildly by his tough and ambiguous attitude. When the chat was over, her head was dizzy, and when she went to watch the content of the video, she was only shy.

Because WeChat is a stupid and inconvenient software, there is a size limit for sending files, so Su Nan had to compress and encrypt the video, and then send it to Lu Anya's mailbox, which is also safer.

After telling Lu Anya to coax her not to delete the video with sweet words, Su Nan ended the call with her.

Lying on the bed and sighing with some melancholy, Su Nan thought, that's it, after having this video, I believe that Lu Anya's safety is guaranteed, and try to avoid meeting her in the future, don't stimulate It's the monitor.

At the beginning of a new week, Su Nan met Lu Ying again at the flag-raising ceremony on Monday.She was counting the number of people, and she happened to pass by Su Nan, and smiled at him, that smile seemed to be more calm.

After failing to find a chance to talk to her, the squad leader then walked to the front of the team.

Su Nan looked at the back of her going away, with puzzled eyes, did he figure it out, or did he think that the relationship between him and her aunt had not broken the bottom line.

Su Nan had no way of knowing these things, and Chu Xi accidentally turned his head to let him sit upright, no longer staring at the squad leader's buttocks.

A few days later, Su Nan happened to be free at noon, and Lu Ying asked him to meet.

The two came to the top of the building and chatted for a while. Most of them talked about the coping measures during the Chinese New Year and how to deal with emergencies. A small part was about where to go during the holiday. As for what happened that day, no one mentioned it. .

It seems that there is nothing wrong, and it seems that many things are hidden in the peaceful daily life, waiting for the day of exposure.

After the meeting was over, the two went about their own business.

Afterwards, Su Nan went to see Senior Sister Li Gongting, and discussed martial arts with her in the grove, and... practiced wrestling.

Every time, it was Su Nan who was pressed on the dead leaves all over the ground, and was pressed by Miss Li's soft and fragrant body.He couldn't show his strength at all, he was afraid of hurting Ms. Li, and he was even more worried that he would accidentally touch a soft part during the entanglement, so he had to release water crazily, so that he would lose as quickly as possible.

Although Senior Sister Li will use her body to press down on the moment of landing, but the time will only last for a while.

Li Xuejie seemed a little displeased with his apparent release of water, and accused him of his rude behavior face to face.

Su Nan just laughed, but she was in a strange mood. Li Xuejie's tone of accusation against him was weird, a bit like a lover's coquettish tone.And recently, senior sister Li seems to have become gentle and sensible.

The moment she came into contact with his body, she actually blushed. Although it was very faint, it was only a short moment, but she was caught by the sharp-eyed Su Nan.

Could it be... Li Xuejie is in love?

Otherwise why the change is so obvious.

Thinking of this possibility, Su Nan was subconsciously depressed, which made him startled. He secretly thought that he was really spoiled, and quickly threw away the thoughts that shouldn't be there from his mind.

The communication with Li Xuejie at noon ended, Su Nan returned to the classroom to attend class, and came to the activity room after school, the senior sister, Chu Xi, and Zhao Xiaomin were all there, and they, a man and three women, lived in harmony here. This is Su Nan's day in school the end.

The three of them don't know if they have been together for a long time, and they have begun to become Buddha-natured. It is rare to see jealousy. Occasionally, someone is jealous, and it is like adding a little fun to life, and it will not develop into a tear situation.

Regarding this, Su Nan didn't know whether he should be happy or not. He was the biggest beneficiary of everyone living in harmony, but there was always a voice in his heart telling him that this was just a forced compromise.

The existence of the shame disease made them unable to leave him, and unable to drive away their opponents, so they could only be forced to get along together, rubbing, colliding, compromising, and finally getting used to it.

Habits are horrible.

Su Nan sometimes wondered if they were joking and joking with each other in front of them, would they look at each other and smile on the day the chains that bothered her were broken?

It's unlikely.

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