Do they have a free heart, have they become the iron chains that lock them up...

Today, the club renamed "Su Nan's Harem Club" ended its activities early, and everyone went home early.

On the way, the three girlfriends suddenly had a whim and said that they would cooperate to cook a sumptuous dinner tonight, so they sent Su Nan back to make preparations in advance, while they and others went to the supermarket to buy ingredients.

As for why Su Nan wasn't left to help carry things, because it wasn't necessary.

Chu Xi and the others are slowly strengthening their bodies every day. Although they are far inferior to Su Nan, their strength is not much smaller than that of an adult strong man.

When he got home, after changing his shoes, Su Nan got used to going into the room to charge his phone, which was about to run out of battery, but when the door opened a crack, his body froze, and the sound that leaked from the crack of the door was a bit ominous.

Looking in through the crack of the door, I found Zhao Junmin lying on her bed, sweating profusely, I don't know what she was doing, but judging from her flushed face...well, she definitely had a seizure.

Su Nan hesitated for a while, feeling that she shouldn't stand by and watch, because she never took a video with Zhao Junmin in that club activity.

At this time, from the painful expression on Zhao Junmin's face, it can be known that she has almost reached her limit.

It will be too late if you don't go in!

Su Nan took a deep breath, then pushed open the door, walked in with an upright face, walked up to Zhao Junmin who was stiff and smiled and said, "Hi, do you need my help?"

Of course.

So start helping.

Little did he know, a camera secretly recorded this scene.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The camera in the room was set by Qin Xiaowan. In the past, she had prepared quite professional equipment for taking pictures of Su Nan. This time, Zhao Junmin had a seizure, so it happened to be in use.

As for why they took pictures of their shyness, of course it was because of Chuxi and the others' last event. This can be regarded as a continuation, but this is only Zhao Junmin's leading role.

Although she felt quite upset in her heart, Qin Xiaowan thought about it carefully, instead of waiting for Junmin to be overwhelmed and running to find Su Nan, it is better to take the initiative to match the two of them once.As long as the video is taken, Junmin will have a way to relieve stress for a long time, instead of going to Su Nan every time.

This is beneficial to Qin Xiaowan, it is best for everyone to do this, and then she will be the only one by Su Nan's side.

At this time, listening to the voice belonging to Junmin inside, Qin Xiaowan blushed and was surprised by Junmin who lost her composure at the same time.

This is not at all like the usual Zhao Junmin who is cold and even a little paralyzed.

She and Zhao Junmin were not acquainted with each other.

At first, Zhao Junmin was hostile because of her relationship with Su Nan, but Xiaowan still took the initiative to ease the relationship between the two for the sake of the overall situation.

In addition, they are about the same age, have common topics, and are sympathetic people. Gradually, Zhao Junmin is also willing to talk to her, and go drink milk tea together after school.

What is the overall situation? According to those seniors, they were connected because of Su Nan, and they will inevitably meet each other frequently in the future. If someone has a bad relationship with whom, not only will Su Nan have a headache, but everyone will feel that life is boring. Be a little more restrained at first.

According to Qin Xiaowan's understanding, the schoolmates have such thoughts based on reality, and at the same time, they are also related to their human beings. While they are sensible enough, they have already established friendship with each other, and maybe it won't work if they are replaced by other people.

Originally, Qin Xiaowan resisted this way of handling, but the hearts of the seniors made her feel inferior, and she didn't want to be compared.

So when I asked Zhao Junmin to drink milk tea after school today, I found that something was wrong with Junmin, and immediately took her home, and at the same time notified the seniors, asking them to find a way to get Su Nan back as soon as possible.

In order for Zhao Junmin to persist until Su Nan came back, Qin Xiaowan went out and mentioned her relationship with Su Nan, sister-in-law and brother-in-law in the ear of the uncomfortable Zhao Junmin, which made Zhao Junmin feel ashamed.

When it was almost time, Qin Xiaowan hid the camera and went back to her room to wait until she heard the door next door open.

At this time, the room was already in a state of starting, and Qin Xiaowan had no face to listen to the shy voice, and hid in the room again.

When the three girlfriends arrived home, it was already calm.

Su Nan was washing rice in the kitchen, Qin Xiaowan and Zhao Junmin were watching TV, but Zhao Junmin's face was ruddy, her head was lowered, and she couldn't lift her head in front of Xiaowan.

The three girls looked at each other, except that Zhao Xiaomin felt sorry for her sister, the senior sister and Chu Xi didn't say anything.

The three of them carried the bought ingredients into the kitchen and started working together.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaowan also got up and ran into the kitchen. She can be lazy when she is alone, but everyone is there, and she is still in front of Su Nan. She doesn't want to be compared.

After she left, Zhao Junmin was left sitting alone in a daze. She should also help in the kitchen, but now she has no face to see everyone.This kind of thing happened with Su Nan, and getting along with Su Nan now would make her feel flustered.Even her elder sister and others knew about this incident clearly, which made her feel uneasy and shy, and didn't know how to face her elder sister and them.

At this time, Su Nan was sent out of the kitchen, Zhao Junmin blushed, not knowing how to face him, she gritted her teeth and got up and walked into the kitchen.

I just hope that Qin Xiaowan will only tell her sister about this, otherwise it would be too embarrassing for everyone to know.

Zhao Junmin thought sadly and indignantly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The weather is a bit cold, and the students have already put on thick clothes. It is rare to see girls with fair thighs on campus.

The students moved forward tremblingly in the bitter cold wind, Su Nan also tightened the thick coat on her body, pretended to be cold and mixed in the team, and went to the classroom where the exam was held today.

Today is the day of the final exam. The students of the same grade were disrupted and re-separated into classes, preparing for the final test of the year. If they fail the exam, maybe the Chinese New Year will not be good, and the red envelopes may also be greatly reduced.

Su Nan himself is not under pressure. Although thinking about it carefully, this semester is too obsessed with women and did not spend a lot of effort on studies, but because of the strengthening of the body, the memory of the brain has improved significantly, and the ability to understand has surpassed ordinary people. Just by listening carefully to the class at ordinary times, you can surpass most of the people in the class.

It's really unfair to think about it, to other people.

However, before Su Nan was strengthened, her grades were only average. Because of poor memory, she often failed certain subjects, and she often felt envious of the students in the class who were often lazy like herself, but performed exceptionally well in the exams. Now Let others envy you.

With such a fart in mind, Su Nan entered the classroom, found her seat and sat down, took out tools such as pens, and waited for the test papers to be distributed.

Before the exam, someone kicked his butt, a little hard, and the people behind him seemed to be venting their dissatisfaction.

Su Nan looked back, Zhao Xiaomin was making a face to herself, she said: "You don't love me anymore, I'm sitting behind you, and you didn't notice."

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