Su Nan smiled and said, "I was just now preparing to get a good grade in the exam with high morale, and to show off."

He doesn't hide his ambition, and he can talk about these dark psychology with the people closest to him.

Zhao Xiaomin laughed when she heard the words, "Coincidentally, I am also planning to get good grades in the exam. Although my father has not fulfilled his responsibilities as a father, he has a lot of demands on us in terms of studies. I have at least accepted the test these days." I called him several times, and I am ready to deal with it, and of course maintain my dignity as a sister."

"That's just right, let's work hard together." Su Nan encouraged her, and was about to turn around and wait for the exam to start, but Zhao Xiaomin kicked him lightly again.

"What's wrong?" Su Nan asked.

She said: "You have to copy it for me, how can I get good grades if I don't copy it."

It makes sense, speechless.

It turned out that what Zhao Xiaomin meant by getting good grades in the exam.

"Didn't you study hard this semester?"

He asked, the phenomenon of strengthening also happened to the woman. Even if Zhao Xiaomin didn't study well before, she should improve this semester. She definitely didn't pay attention to the class.

Zhao Xiaomin blushed, she moved her body closer, pressing the table with her chest, causing the table to shake slightly, and said coquettishly in a low voice, "It's all your fault, you've made everyone stupid."

Su Nan could see that she was deliberately joking, but the scale was too big. This is a class, so don't think that if you lower your voice, others can't hear it, such as the front desk...

"Zhao Xiaomin, can you shut up!"

You see, the front desk is angry, uh, why is the voice so familiar.

Su Nan turned around and saw Lu Ying stood up with a blushing face, her hands resting on her examination table, and she stared angrily at the innocent Zhao Xiaomin.She was very angry, her chest was heaving and unsteady, and the size was too large to make it a little seductive.I don't know if she is jealous, or angry that her cheap sister is a shameless person.

Su Nan thought subconsciously.

Probably noticing that he was staring at her chest, Lu Yingqiao blushed, glared at him, turned and sat down.

"Evil woman..." Only then did Zhao Xiaomin dare to mutter something, but after all, she didn't dare to continue to provoke Lu Ying who was already angry, and stopped talking to Su Nan embarrassingly.

Su Nan gave her a comforting look, and then looked around to confirm that no one heard Zhao Xiaomin's nonsense just now, then turned and sat down.

Soon, the invigilator came and handed the entire stack of test papers to the first person in each group to pass on. When it reached Su Nan, Lu Ying whispered to him, "Don't copy it for her!" A bit fierce.

Su Nan could only nod. When she took the test paper and turned around and handed it to Zhao Xiaomin who was sitting behind her, Zhao Xiaomin looked at him eagerly, like a small animal abandoned by its owner.

Su Nan shook her head hard, rejected her pleading eyes, turned around and began to work on the test paper.

Zhao Xiaomin sighed, gave up the idea of ​​cheating in the exam, and started working on her own exam paper seriously.

After the exam in the afternoon, after Lu Ying left the classroom, Zhao Xiaomin went to Su Nan and went home with him.

Because of the exam, Chu Xi's family doesn't allow her to live outside anymore. She has moved back home in the past two days, and there is also a special driver to pick her up to and from school, and she is probably already in the car to go home now.

The two didn't contact her, and sent a message to the senior sister who was still in school and couldn't go back so early, and then left the school together.

After arriving home, Su Nan didn't go back to her home, but was taken into her and Chu Xi's nest by Zhao Xiaomin, and finally into her room.

With such an obvious hint, Su Nan realized that something had happened and lifted his spirits.

Zhao Xiaomin approached him with a smile, pressed his palms on his chest and gently teased him, just when Su Nan wanted to hug her, she ran away with a smile.

Su Nan went to chase her, she smiled and hid everywhere, and finally fell on the bed out of breath after running tired, her face flushed.

Su Nan climbed onto the bed, supported her sides with both hands, condescendingly admired her delicate face, couldn't help it for a while, and kissed her.

She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck skillfully.

After a while, realizing that the girl was not breathing well, Su Nan was finally willing to let her go, but she still didn't get up, and continued to admire the way she was greedily breathing in fresh air.

Zhao Xiaomin took a deep breath, and looked at him with charming eyes, the twinkling eyes were full of charm, full of seductive taste.

Su Nan couldn't help kissing her again, this time it was much more intense. During the entanglement, the two left their clothes and became honest with each other.

At a critical moment, Zhao Xiaomin hooked his neck and whispered something in his ear.

Su Nan didn't expect Zhao Xiaomin to do this first, but she didn't reject it, she slid down, kissed the honey-oozing flower, and tasted her saltiness.

However, in the following process, Su Nan had a strong sense of déjà vu.

Last week, Zhao Junmin had a fit and hid in his room, but he happened to meet him, so in order to prevent Zhao Junmin from being punished, he stepped forward resolutely. At that time, as the treatment entered, he began to be a little bit uncontrollable. therapy.

However, Zhao Xiaomin's various subtle actions and expressions at this time are exactly the same as Zhao Junmin at that time. Could this be the tacit understanding between the sisters?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the first day of the holiday, Qin Xiaowan got up early in the morning and excitedly ran to Su Nan's door and knocked on the door, wanting him to take her out to play.

It's too boring to stay at home during the rare holidays. Besides, the senior next door has to go to make up classes during the holidays because the college entrance examination is approaching. Chu Xi was taken home early by her family.

She also asked Su Nan yesterday, and Zhao Xiaomin had already brought her sister home.

That is to say, she is the only one accompanying Su Nan at the moment. This is an excellent opportunity to go out on a date with Su Nan alone without anyone disturbing her. She will not admit that she has been looking forward to this day for a long time.

But after knocking on the door for a long time, there was no response from inside, Qin Xiaowan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

She simply unscrewed the door, but it was not locked. After opening it, there was no one there, and the bed was also tidy. It didn't look like someone slept last night.

Strange, she saw Su Nan go back to the room with her own eyes last night. At that time, she had the cheek to follow her in, but Su Nan justly refused, saying that she was afraid that she would make her sleepless and wake up in the morning.

However, Su Nan's room is empty now, what's going on, where did Su Nan go.Obviously she got up early enough, and it is impossible for Su Nan to go out early in the morning, let alone have the habit of making the quilt when she wakes up. Could it be that he lied to himself last night, but actually didn't spend the night at home?

Where is he going, next door?

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