Thinking of this, Qin Xiaowan took out her mobile phone, opened WeChat, and sent a message to Zhao Junmin, asking her if Zhao Xiaomin was at home.

Zhao Junmin also got up very early, and quickly replied to her, saying that her sister hadn't come home yet, and asked what she could do with her sister.

Qin Xiaowan simply perfunctory, put away the phone, feeling a little upset, "Hmph, a woman who is a husband and wife, how dare you lie to me!"

She is angry.

Su Nan actually ran to spend the night with Zhao Xiaomin without telling herself, which made Qin Xiaowan feel a little bit unhappy that she was being tricked.

"They probably haven't gotten up yet, I have the key next door, go and scare them!"

Turning her eyes, Qin Xiaowan thought of a plan.

With resentment, she went back to the room to find the key, and was about to go to the next door to scare the couple, but when she opened the door, she saw a very tall girl standing outside the door. The girl seemed to be about to ring the doorbell, and here was Su Nan's house.

Qin Xiaowan was immediately vigilant, but this girl looked familiar, and she recognized who she was after a careful look. The one she met at school was Zhao Junmin's slightly naive second sister, that is, Zhao Xiaomin's second sister.

The moment she recognized the other party, Qin Xiaowan thought about it and asked, "You can find your sister. She lives next door. I have a key here. Your sister kept it for me. She is afraid that she might forget to bring the key out. Here it is for you."

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but put the key into Zhao Ruomin's hand, then smiled at her and closed the door.

Zhao Ruomin held the key in a daze, then rang the doorbell.

"Anything else?" Qin Xiaowan asked politely as he opened the door.

"I'm here to look for my brother-in-law. You are his sister, right? Then we are relatives, let me go in." Zhao Ruomin said with a pleasant smile.

Who is related to you, you are too familiar, and obviously your sister is next door, but you don't go to find your sister, but your brother-in-law, isn't it strange?

Of course, it is also possible that Su Nan is too fond of my sister-in-law. I heard that Zhao Xiaomin's parents are not around. At this time, having an extra man in the family is like having a backbone.

But Qin Xiaowan is still a little dissatisfied, Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin are still married, what are you calling brother-in-law, it's too shameless, so I won't give you a chance to call him brother-in-law.

But Qin Xiaowan had no choice but to politely refuse Zhao Ruomin's request to enter the house: "He's not at home, maybe he went out in the morning, you know, the first day is off, boys will have a lot of activities, how about You go to your sister and wait for him, oops, I got up and peed urgently, I'm really sorry."

In order to get rid of Zhao Ruomin quickly, Qin Xiaowan pretended to be unable to hold back and closed the door, then tiptoed to see Zhao Ruomin's situation outside through the peephole.

Zhao Ruomin stood in a daze at the door for a while, then he didn't know what to think, smiled excitedly, and ran to the next door excitedly.

Although she didn't know that Zhao Ruomin was so happy, Qin Xiaowan's goal had already been achieved. She lied to Zhao Ruomin just now, saying that Su Nan had gone out, so Zhao Ruomin never expected that Su Nan would sleep with her sister next door.

Thinking of the ignorant Zhao Ruomin going to the next door and carelessly opening the door of her sister's room, and seeing her brother-in-law and sister sleeping naked and embracing inside, Qin Xiaowan felt relieved. No sister would not feel embarrassed when her younger sister encounters such an embarrassing thing, hum , Tell you to steal it, right?

Just when Qin Xiaowan was imagining Zhao Xiaomin's embarrassment, Zhao Ruomin had already come to the next door and opened the door to enter.

As soon as she entered, she heard movement from her sister's room. Obviously her brother-in-law was also inside, which made her happy who wanted to come to try her luck.

As long as you secretly film the scene where your brother-in-law sleeps with the eldest sister, and then send it to the younger sister, the younger sister who loves her elder sister must be very angry after watching it, and maybe she will fight Su Nan. This will definitely affect the elder sister and Su Nan. Nan's feelings.At that time, she will be able to reap the benefits.

Thinking of what she was proud of, Zhao Ruomin smiled, took out her mobile phone, clicked on the camera, switched to shooting mode, and then quietly walked to the door of her sister's room.

Because there were only the two of them in the room, they didn't think to lock the door at all. Zhao Ruomin gently pushed the door, and the door opened.

However, the smug Zhao Ruomin's smile froze on his face, and he was shocked by the hot scene inside, that he could still do this!

She held up her mobile phone in a daze to take pictures, stared at the scene in the room with dull eyes, felt a strong shock in her heart, her heart was beating wildly like a drum, and her mouth was dry for a while.

She doesn't know much about men and women, but she often surfs the Internet, so it's impossible to be as pure as a blank sheet of paper, at least the novels of her brother-in-law and sister-in-law have such descriptions.

But compared with the real picture, the text is like a little witch. Because she has no experience in reading novels, she only has beautiful fantasies about that aspect. She is ignorant and covered in a layer of fog. The body has only a slight reaction.

However, when the real picture appeared in front of her eyes at this moment, she felt as if she had been pierced by a cupid's arrow, and a numb feeling spread all over her body instantly, like a strange electric current, making her mouth dry and her body extremely hot.

It turns out that the true union described in the book is like this. Will I be like this with my brother-in-law in the future?But brother-in-law is so great, wouldn't it be uncomfortable for sister to tolerate him like this?

She stared blankly at her sister and brother-in-law and thought to herself, with a strange expression on her face.

Chapter six hundred and fifteenth ignorant restlessness

Early in the morning, Su Nan was in high spirits, living together with Zhao Xiaomin, but inadvertently, he also found that the door of the room was opened a crack, and when he looked, he saw Zhao Ruomin taking a mobile phone to take pictures of himself and Zhao Xiaomin.

He was taken aback, and wanted to tell Zhao Ruomin to stop, but at this moment, Zhao Xiaomin wrapped his limbs tightly around him and kissed his lips, making him unable to speak.

Su Nan made a whining sound, and Zhao Xiaomin thought he wanted something exciting, so he tightened his grip even more.

When it was over, Su Nan's mind went blank for a moment, and then he woke up, and quickly pushed away Zhao Xiaomin who was pressing on him, and saw Zhao Ruomin's figure flashing away outside the door.

Su Nan didn't care about giving her girlfriend a hug afterwards, grabbed the clothes thrown aside and put them on her body.

Next to him, Zhao Xiaomin was wiping non-existent tears and looking at himself in pity: "Whoa, Bahang is ruthless, is it because I'm not a bugger enough?"

She pretended to be sad, but her success made Su Nan feel bad, so she leaned down and kissed her, and said, "Sorry, I suddenly remembered something urgent, please rest for a while, I'll be right back."

"Okay, I'm hungry, I want to bring me breakfast." Zhao Xiaomin had no choice but to put away her pitiful look and act like a baby, she could see that Su Nan was really in a hurry.

"Well, what do you want to eat?"

Su Nan got out of bed and asked while putting on her pants. After receiving Zhao Xiaomin's answer, she ran out of the room in one breath.

He didn't tell Zhao Xiaomin about being secretly photographed by Zhao Ruomin, it was too embarrassing, and he planned to find Zhao Ruomin to solve it in private.

There was a problem that worried him. Zhao Ruomin seemed to be too close to him, and last time he lost control, he took Zhao Ruomin to the grove, and he really did a lot of things that shouldn't be done.

Did Zhao Ruomin's behavior this time be for fun, or because his behavior last time gave her an obvious signal, but it's too strange to secretly film her sister's bed.

Leaving the room, Su Nan didn't see Zhao Ruomin in the living room, thought she had run out, and followed her. Zhao Ruomin hadn't left for long, and he was confident that he would catch up with her very quickly.

But he ran downstairs in one breath, but there was no one in sight.

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