There are a few old men playing chess downstairs, Su Nan went to ask and learned that the old men didn't see any girls coming downstairs.

Su Nan then ran back, she was too hasty to come out just now, she even forgot that she didn't hear the sound of going out, at that time Zhao Ruomin ran away in such a hurry, it was impossible for her to open and close the door without any movement.

Quietly took out the key to open the door and entered, then gently closed the door, Su Nan walked around the room without a sound, Xiao Min was still in the room, not wanting to attract her attention.

Zhao Ruomin should be hiding in the house, and there are only a few rooms in this house where people can hide.

He went to Chuxi's room first, checked the closet, and then went to Zhao Junmin's room next door.

The style of Junmin's room is a bit plain compared to girls. It was the first time for Su Nan to enter, and he was a little worried that he would encounter the more private items of the little girl, but then he thought about the relationship between himself and Zhao Junmin, except for the last On the first floor, almost everything else has been done, so there is no need to worry about it.

So he boldly searched Zhao Junmin's room, especially under the bed and wardrobe.

When opening the closet, Su Nan found that Jun Min's clothes were a little too much, and she opened them layer by layer. A piece of clothes hanging on the hanger was not fixed, and accidentally fell off, so he grabbed it.

"Uh, Nan, what are you doing?"

Then, he heard Zhao Xiaomin's coquettish voice at the door, she seemed speechless.

Su Nan was very embarrassed, hung up the things in her hand, closed the wardrobe again, turned to face Zhao Xiaomin who was looking at her with strange eyes, and said, "Don't get me wrong, I saw a mouse running in here, so I came in to look for it."

"Is this what you said was urgent?" Zhao Xiaomin looked at him with a smile, but he didn't look angry, which surprised Su Nan.

He seems to have discovered a great secret, the real sisterhood seems to be possible in Zhao Xiaomin.

Bah, what are you thinking.

Su Nan hurriedly stopped her wild thoughts, walked over and pressed Zhao Xiaomin's shoulders, turned her around, pushed her to her room, and said, "It's cold, don't wear more clothes when you go out, be careful of catching a cold. "

She was only wearing a blouse, and the bottom of her buttocks was exposed.

"Hey, wait, I need to urinate urgently, so I need to go to the toilet first." Zhao Xiaomin remembered her purpose of coming out, and said quickly that she wanted to go to the toilet, but was held down and couldn't move.

Su Nan couldn't help but push her into the room, held the door and said, "Put on your clothes first, you'll be in trouble if you catch a cold, and remember to dress nicely, we'll go shopping later."

"Go shopping, okay then." Zhao Xiaomin smiled happily, and was not in a hurry to go to the toilet.

Su Nan closed the door and walked quickly to the bathroom. Since there was no one in the room, this was the only place left.

He came to the bathroom door, did not hear any movement inside, put his hand on the doorknob and twisted it, and the door opened.

Su Nan opened the door and went in, and saw Zhao Ruomin sitting on the toilet.

When she saw someone coming in, her eyes were flustered, and she was relieved until she found out that it was her, then she said with hopeful eyes: "Brother-in-law, I am in a hurry to pee, but I can't pee, come and help me."

This look seems to be like a little girl who is menstruating for the first time, fearing that she is terminally ill.

Su Nan said expressionlessly: "Hold on, your sister is coming in soon, put on your pants and go out."

After speaking, Su Nan closed the door.

Perhaps Su Nan's tone was too harsh, Zhao Ruomin was full of grievances, but when she learned that her sister was going to the bathroom, she was a little flustered, so she quickly put on her pants and went out, thinking to herself that her sister must not find out about the video she just made, otherwise she would kill her. own.

Su Nan sat on the sofa in the living room, saw Zhao Ruomin came out, she looked normal except her face was a little red, so she turned to the room and shouted: "Xiao Min, your sister is here."

"Ah? Junmin, didn't that child go home?"

For some reason, Zhao Xiaomin's tone of voice sounded a little strange, she opened the door, and when she saw the second sister coming, she looked relieved.

Su Nan felt weird. He probably made Xiao Min nervous when he entered Jun Min's room just now, but Xiao Min didn't know that the second sister was also murdered by him.

He said calmly, "It's Ruo Min, who said he was bored at home during the holidays, so he came to play with us."

Zhao Ruomin nodded solemnly: "Sister, don't you want to go home, I'll come over and help you with your luggage."

"So kind." Zhao Xiaomin smiled, feeling that she didn't do it on purpose, because she was afraid of infecting her younger sister, and she tried to avoid seeing Zhao Ruomin as much as possible, but it can't be like this forever, although this younger sister is a bit mischievous, she is also her heart.

It's been such a long time, and I will go home on weekends during the period. Ruomin has been fine, so it doesn't matter once in a while.

She thought so, and said to her sister with a gentle smile, "Well, you can go shopping with me and Ah Nan later, and I'll buy you anything you want."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After breakfast, Zhao Xiaomin said that she wanted to buy clothes for her younger sister, so Su Nan took them to a bustling shopping mall in one of the busiest urban complexes in the area.

When passing by a women's clothing store, Zhao Ruomin's eyes lit up. When he saw the dress he liked, he turned around to greet them and ran in.

Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin looked at each other and followed with a smile.

When the two entered the door, Zhao Ruomin was already holding a set of Lolita-style skirts in his hand, standing in front of the mirror and making gestures to the mirror, with the waiter watching with a smile on his side.

Seeing them coming in, Zhao Ruomin turned around and said excitedly: "Sister, this set is beautiful, but the price is a bit expensive, the young lady said it would cost several thousand."

Even though she said that, she still looked at her sister expectantly. She knew that her sister's money was not so tight recently, and she could afford such an expensive dress.

Rarely in a good mood, Zhao Xiaomin said generously: "Then buy it, but is this style of skirt suitable for you? Do you want to go to another store?"

To be honest, she never bought skirts for Zhao Ruomin, most of them bought some looser clothes for her, such as sportswear and the like.

In fact, Zhao Ruomin doesn't like wearing skirts either, she finds them troublesome, but recently she has changed her mind.

Seeing her sister doubting herself so much, she immediately puffed up her cheeks and said, "I must be prettier than you!" She seemed a little angry.

"This girl..." Zhao Xiaomin was not angry, she shook her head, and said to the waiter next to her, "Please take her to change clothes and see if she fits."

"Okay, this way please..."

After Zhao Ruomin entered the fitting room, Su Nan and Xiao Min just casually looked around in the store.

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