Picking up a piece of clothing casually, he found that the price was thousands of dollars, the most expensive was several thousand, and the cheapest was several hundred. Zhao Xiaomin, who was used to thrift, smacked her tongue inwardly, and turned to Su Nan and said, "These clothes are so good." Expensive, no wonder some girls sell themselves for clothes."

Some time ago, they saw news on the Internet that a seller on a shopping website sold this kind of skirt for one yuan, but secretly asked girls to sell themselves, and many of them succeeded.

"It's the same as Hanfu, the price is quite expensive." Su Nan said, girls like these beautiful clothes, don't look at Zhao Xiaomin complaining about the price now, in fact, his eyes have never stopped, and there is joy in his eyes.

Su Nan's heart moved, and she said to her: "It's rare to go shopping, why don't you buy one too."

The loli girls you see on the street are all tenacious and nine-faced, not very eye-catching. With Zhao Xiaomin's appearance and figure, she must look good on her body.

Zhao Xiaomin was a little moved, and then shook her head: "Forget it, if I bought it, Ruomin's girl is going to lose her temper again, saying that I stole her limelight, and it's too expensive. Ruomin is always hot for three minutes, wait until she gets tired of it." I'll take hers and wear them again."

Although Su Nan regretted it, she didn't force it.

Soon Zhao Ruomin changed into clothes and came out. I have to say that clothes really depend on people. Zhao Ruomin, who was originally very beautiful in Su Nan's eyes, now looks like a fairy transformed into a noble and holy, delicate and lovely like a doll.

She ran up to Su Nan and turned around, holding the hem of the skirt with both hands, looking at Su Nan with wide-open eyes, and asked expectantly, "Brother-in-law, is my dress beautiful?"

"Very beautiful." Su Nan nodded subconsciously.

Zhao Ruomin smiled, and said again: "If you have time, please take a nice photo of me, and I will give you my photo as a thank you gift."

This is possible, I really want to agree to it.

Zhao Xiaomin, who was always smiling next to her, had a froze smile on her face. She looked at Su Nan, then at her sister, and finally said to her sister: "I don't think so, the skirt shows too much thighs, and this kind of clothes are not for everyday wear. It is very inconvenient to wash, you will get dirty if you are so naughty, you have to wash it every day."

Zhao Ruomin boasted with a smile on her face, and said depressedly: "What's the matter? If you wash it, can't you just put it in the washing machine? I can wear it as daily clothes."

"It's fine to wear it once in a while. If you wear it every day, and even wear it to school, people will treat you as an idiot. Besides, if you put it in the washing machine, it will definitely be damaged. If you don't believe me, ask the waiter."

Zhao Xiaomin said seriously, and Ruomin turned to look at the waiter, who thought the pair of sisters were quite interesting, and nodded politely: "It's best not to wash them in the washing machine, and wash them by hand should be gentler."

In fact, it is best not to wash it, but that is the way of life of the rich, and the skirts are all disposable. It is a bit extravagant for ordinary people to buy a skirt for thousands of dollars.

"I have to wash it by hand." Zhao Ruomin grimaced. She can use the washing machine, but her sister won't help her if she washes it by hand. The waiter said that hand washing can't be done hard. Washed badly by her.

Zhao Ruomin felt so annoying, but she didn't want to give up such a beautiful dress. Her brother-in-law seemed to like it very much, and she wanted her brother-in-law to take nice photos of herself.

"Hey, listen to my sister, let's go to another place to have a look. If you really like this one, I will bring you back to buy it."

Zhao Xiaomin touched her sister's head and said with a smile.

"Okay." Hearing that he would come back, Zhao Ruomin reluctantly agreed.

Su Nan was not optimistic that she would still be able to buy a skirt. As for the reason for Zhao Xiaomin's drastic change in attitude, Su Nan felt that it had something to do with her, so she didn't dare to delve into it, and decided to pretend that she didn't know anything.

Sure enough, after shopping around in other stores, Zhao Ruomin managed to buy a set of sportswear. The weather was cold, so he could wear it for a jog in the morning.

After shopping for clothes, Zhao Ruomin's mouth was pouting high, with a displeased expression on his face.

"Don't be angry, sister promises you, I will buy you clothes next birthday, are you hungry, let's go eat something delicious."

Zhao Xiaomin said helplessly.

Speaking of delicious food, Zhao Ruomin's stomach growled, only to realize that he was very hungry, so he nodded quickly.

Su Nan looked into her eyes, and felt that Zhao Ruomin was really fooling around.

The three of them went into a hotpot restaurant, and after ordering something, Xiao Min went to the bathroom first, Zhao Ruomin sat opposite Su Nan, kicked his calf, and said aggrievedly: "Brother-in-law, my sister is bullying."

Su Nan thought, this girl is not too stupid.

But of course he had to speak for his girlfriend in this kind of matter, so he comforted her: "You are still studying, and you have no chance to wear that kind of clothes when you buy them, and the price is too expensive. Your sister is under a lot of pressure, please be considerate of her. "

"But my brother-in-law likes it. In fact, I want to wear it for my brother-in-law to see." The girl said.

"Nonsense, when did I say I like it!" Su Nan looked serious, and at the same time looked around guiltily.

"I can feel it. The way my brother-in-law looked at me just now means that he likes me." Zhao Ruomin affirmed, two feet under the table moved forward, hooked one of Su Nan's feet, rubbed it lightly, and looked at Su Nan with bright eyes. He: "My sister doesn't seem to like me being close to you, but it's okay. I have a video I took this morning. Junmin will be angry after watching it. If she agrees to cooperate with me, then my sister will be hers, and my brother-in-law will be mine."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The calf was lightly touched by Zhao Ruomin's foot, and Su Nan shivered violently.

Damn, when did this girl learn how to be seductive?

But what surprised Su Nan even more was Zhao Ruomin's words, is she so perverted?

Su Nan asked nervously, "Did you send the video to Jun Min?"

It would be too shameful for Zhao Junmin to see such a large-scale video.

"I haven't posted it yet. I haven't read it myself. I have to read it a few times before posting it." Zhao Ruomin said naturally.

Su Nan's eyes widened: "What's so interesting about this, delete it quickly, do you know how serious the consequences will be if it is leaked?"

"I know." Zhao Ruomin nodded, with a serious look on his face: "So I will keep it well, and I will never let anyone see my brother-in-law's body except my sister."

Su Nan raised his forehead, this is not the point at all, okay, sister, don't you care?Raising you for nothing.

Zhao Ruomin sighed and said: "My sister must be very troubled too, she is sandwiched between her brother-in-law and her sister, so I want to help my sister so that she can be with her sister, and if my brother-in-law wants, I will take care of her instead."

I really fucking thank you.

I feel that the problem still lies in Zhao Ruomin's three views, and the misunderstanding of the relationship between Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Junmin.

It is not so easy to change the three views, and we can only find ways to clarify misunderstandings.But the real reason for the misunderstanding between Xiao Min and Jun Min in the activity room when Ruo Min bumped into her was that Jun Min had an attack at that time, and Xiao Min had to help her that way. This kind of reason cannot be explained to outsiders. Zhao Ruomin probably heard it. Nor would I believe it.

After thinking for a moment, Su Nan decided to stabilize Zhao Ruomin first, lest she hastily send the video to Zhao Junmin, and then find a way to let her delete the video, or get her mobile phone to do it herself.

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