Thinking of this, Su Nan slapped the table vigorously with the palm of his hand. Fortunately, there were no people at the nearby tables, so he didn't attract attention.

Seeing Zhao Ruomin looking at him in surprise, Su Nan put on an angry look and said, "You think about your sister and sister, but what about me, haven't you thought about my feelings!"

"Ah? But my brother-in-law still has me by my side, aren't you happy?" Zhao Ruomin tilted her head to express her understanding, and also looked aggrieved.

Su Nan wanted to answer that she was not happy at all, but then thought that this would be too shocking, and it would be bad if Zhao Ruomin was irritated.

He said in a slow tone: "I also have feelings for your sister, and I am a man, and a woman is snatched away by others. Isn't that wearing a cuckold? Who can bear it?"

"Well, what should I do? My sister is also very sad seeing you and her loving each other, what should I do? And..."

Zhao Ruomin frowned, then she should be sad when she saw her sister and brother-in-law showing affection, but the strange thing is, she didn't feel that way in her heart, but she was really happy when she was with her brother-in-law, I will not be jealous of my sister.

Su Nan looked at this girl approvingly, she didn't expect that she cared about her sister, she was just coveting my body, bah, what was she thinking.

Restraining her strange thoughts, Su Nan said: "Did you misunderstand the relationship between your sister and Jun Min? The sisters are just getting closer. It's okay."

This is against my will, how can a sister relationship of that degree be okay, but I can't say the specific reason, so I can only be perfunctory like this, to see if I can fool Zhao Ruomin, she probably doesn't know much about it.

Zhao Ruomin refused: "My sister and I won't be like this. I've checked other people's sisters and younger sisters, and at most they just take a bath together at night."

"It's very intimate to take a bath together. You and your sister have also taken a bath, so you can understand the matter between your sister and Jun Min."

Oops, it seems that the more you say it, the more it goes too far. What if Zhao Ruomin takes this seriously and runs home and pushes her sister down, what should I do?

However, seeing Zhao Ruomin's thoughtful expression, Su Nan felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart.He quickly changed his way of persuasion: "If Jun Min really likes Xiao Min, then she will definitely be jealous when she sees Xiao Min and me together, and she will be so depressed that she can't eat. Have you ever seen Jun Min like this?"

Zhao Ruomin frowned and said: "My sister has been in a low mood several times, but it should have nothing to do with you."

After all, Su Nan was with Zhao Xiaomin a long time ago, and Zhao Junmin also knew about it.But as far as Zhao Ruomin knew, her younger sister had never been jealous once, so why? She likes her older sister, but doesn't feel jealous of her brother-in-law.

Su Nan thought to herself, Zhao Junmin's depression should be caused by punishment.

"Ah, I see, the reason why Junmin doesn't take jealousy of her brother-in-law!"

At this time, Zhao Ruomin suddenly realized, and said with a joyful expression: "I don't feel jealous of my sister, because I like my sister very much, so in the same way, Junmin must also like her brother-in-law very much. If my sister agrees, then the three of us can do it." Are you with my brother-in-law? I have decided to persuade my sister, brother-in-law, can you come with me too?"

Su Nan was shocked, this brain circuit was invincible.

The sister-in-law was actually willing to serve her with her sister, and invited herself to persuade her sister.Coupled with Xiao Min and Jun Min who couldn't leave him, as long as Xiao Min can be settled, the three sisters sharing the same bed is not a dream at all, and Xiao Min is also easy to handle.

Well, stop daydreaming.

Su Nan quickly stopped the wild thoughts caused by Zhao Ruomin, and said seriously: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful if your sister hears and beats you to death, delete that video quickly, you know?"

"No, unless my brother-in-law agrees, I know my sister listens to you very much, hehe."

Zhao Ruomin said with a smile.

I feel threatened.

Su Nan was about to teach her a few words, when Xiao Min had already returned, he didn't dare to make a sound, and signaled Zhao Ruomin with his eyes to stop talking.

Zhao Ruomin smiled at him and nodded, but there was cunning in his eyes.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat, and she felt that her calf was being rubbed gently with her jade feet, which was inexplicably comfortable.When we talked just now, I was too focused, and I didn't notice that her feet were actually touching my feet all the time.

At this moment, Zhao Ruomin didn't know when he took off his shoes, and the jade feet wrapped in cotton socks gently rubbed against his calf, bringing a wonderful feeling.

Su Nan didn't dare to make a sound at all, and tried to act like nothing had happened, because Zhao Xiaomin had already returned to her seat.

"What are you talking about so happily?"

After sitting down, Zhao Xiaomin asked with a smile.

From a distance, she saw her younger sister talking and laughing with Su Nan. Although she felt a little inappropriate, but seeing her younger sister so happy, she told herself not to think too much, her younger sister had such a personality.

Before Su Nan could answer, Zhao Ruomin said, "Brother-in-law said he wanted to give me a present."

"What gift?" Zhao Xiaomin hesitated, and then asked casually, it's nothing to give a gift, but the question is what kind of gift to give, who proposed it first, could it be that Su Nan saw that Ruomin liked loli skirts so much and wanted to buy them Please her.

Su Nan's face next to him was a bit dark, Zhao Ruomin is such a fool.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhao Ruomin said: "It's not an ordinary gift, and my sister also has a share."

"I have a share too?" Zhao Xiaomin was stunned for a moment, then looked at Su Nan in confusion.

Su Nan didn't say anything at all, but it's hard to refute at this time, so she smiled politely.

He already felt that Zhao Ruomin pinched himself with his toe to express a threat.

Zhao Ruomin looked at Su Nan and said, "Brother-in-law said he would take us on a trip. By the way, my sister also has a share. He wants to take our three sisters out to play together."

"Really? Nan, where are we going to play?" Zhao Xiaomin asked with interest.

She has never traveled, and her younger sisters have never been. If Su Nan is willing to take their family to a place to have fun and take pictures, she thinks it is very interesting.

And... Jun Min can get along with Su Nan more, although she feels reluctant from the bottom of her heart, but there is no way to change this matter.

"Brother-in-law, tell me quickly, where will you take us to play? My sister is also looking forward to it." Zhao Ruomin kicked Su Nan lightly, and asked with a smile.

Su Nan was ashamed, Zhao Ruomin seemed to be creating the time he spent with the three sisters, it felt weird.

Facing his girlfriend's expectant eyes, Su Nan couldn't bear to refuse, but he definitely couldn't fulfill Zhao Ruomin's wish. This girl's idea is too whimsical, and it's more likely that she just thinks it's fun, or it's her Where did I learn the idea of ​​secondary school, for example, to pursue an ending where no one is harmed and so on.

"Where to go, let me think about it." Su Nan pretended to think, and after a while, she said under the expectation of the two women: "It's winter, if it's too far north, don't go, it's too cold, and the road is far away, why don't you go Let’s go to the city next door, there are hot springs there, it must be very comfortable to soak in the hot springs in winter, by the way, call Shang Xue, Xiao Wan, and Chu Xi.”

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