When going to bed at night, Qin Xiaowan pretended to go back to the room, but in fact the door was not closed tightly, secretly listening to the movement outside.

At this time, she heard the sound of the door opening of Su Nan's room next door, so she smiled contemptuously, and after the thief entered, Shi Shiran came out of the room to catch the raper.

When she came to the door of Su Nan's room, Qin Xiaowan secretly opened the door, vaguely seeing two entangled figures on the bed, she turned on the light in a fit of anger.

Then Qin Xiaowan was dumbfounded, and the two people on the bed were as frozen as a piece of wood, only to see Su Nan tightly pressing the flushed Zhao Junmin under her body, as if she was about to do something wrong.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"why you?"

Compared to being raped by Xiao Wan, Su Nan was actually more shocked that the person who sneaked into her room and was hugged by her was Jun Min.

What went wrong? I just changed rooms with Ruo Min. Is there a problem in any link? Could it be that I have been tricked.

Zhao Junmin looked embarrassed, looked at him shyly, gritted her teeth and pushed him away forcefully, then jumped out of bed like a bunny and ran to the door, but Qin Xiaowan grabbed her arm when she went out.

Qin Xiaowan looked at Zhao Xiaomin in disbelief and said, "I thought it was your sister, but I didn't expect it to be you, you are too bold."

The shock in Qin Xiaowan's heart was greater than the anger. During this period of time, she got to know Zhao Junmin well, and she probably understood the temperament of this rival's sister. Even though Junmin seemed to be very mature in her conversation, she was actually a very shy girl. Imagine that Jun Min would do something like attack Su Nan at night, but the facts in front of her are hard evidence.

When asked by her friend, Su Nan also waited for her own explanation. Zhao Junmin was so anxious that she murmured, "No, I thought this was my sister's room."

"Everyone was there when the room was divided. Don't you remember the room of you and senior sister Xiaomin? How could you recognize the wrong room?"

Qin Xiaowan looked skeptical, it would be reasonable if Zhao Xiaomin admitted his mistake, but Zhao Junmin... With Zhao Junmin's meticulous personality, it is impossible to make mistakes easily in this kind of matter.

However, Su Nan vaguely grasped the key point, and asked the embarrassed Zhao Junmin: "The elder sister you mentioned is the second elder sister, right? She didn't tell you about changing rooms with me?"

Zhao Junmin gritted her teeth and nodded, as if she was gnashing her teeth. She glanced at Su Nan shyly, lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Second sister told me that my brother-in-law will come to see my sister at night, so let me not disturb them... I didn't know she changed rooms with you .”

The last sentence was addressed to Su Nan, like an explanation, but she still didn't dare to look at Su Nan, her cheeks were as red as blood.

Qin Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, and then realized the problem. After the room was divided, Zhao Ruomin once told Su Nan that he liked his room and wanted to change it with Su Nan. Su Nan readily agreed.

And because if the room was changed, Su Nan would live next door to Qin Xiaowan, so Qin Xiaowan didn't raise any objection.

But at present, it seems that Zhao Junmin was completely unaware of the room change. Ruomin hid it from her and took advantage of the poor information to cause the current misunderstanding.

It's just such a thing, why didn't Jun Min go to ask the elder sister for verification first, and she believed the second sister's words so easily.Like this kind of thing, as long as you think about it carefully, you will feel that Zhao Ruomin's words are unreliable. After all, Su Nan is sleeping alone. Isn't it more convenient for Xiao Min to accompany him in the past.

"So you believe it?" Qin Xiaowan questioned Zhao Junmin.

A shyness flashed across Zhao Junmin's face, she bowed her head in silence and chose not to answer this question.

Xiao Wan was taken aback by this reaction.

Su Nan somewhat guessed what Jun Min was thinking. Today Xiao Min seemed to be trying to get closer to him and Jun Min, but Jun Min was very repulsed by this. As soon as she heard that Su Nan was coming, she subconsciously thought that her sister was hiding it from her. He secretly called Su Nan over, so he was too scared to go back to the room.

Junmin, who had no place to sleep, had to find the second sister who was wandering in the living room, and planned to sleep with the second sister. Unexpectedly, Zhao Ruomin secretly exchanged rooms with Su Nan, because the scenery in Su Nan's room was much better.

Su Nan thought that everyone knew about changing rooms, but Jun Min was the only one who was excluded and tricked into his room by Ruo Min.

He didn't know these things, he fell into a drowsy sleep, and when he saw someone coming in, he thought that Xiao Min was so lonely sleeping at night and came to find himself, so he made a series of wrong operations.

As soon as everyone exchanged information, the truth immediately became clear. This misunderstanding was all because of Zhao Ruomin's prank.

However, Qin Xiaowan still didn't understand. She frowned and expressed dissatisfaction: "What the hell is Ruo Min doing? It's too much to do such a prank!"

Su Nan didn't dare to tell Xiaowan that Ruomin's purpose was to accompany him with the three sisters, so she also said angrily: "This girl is getting more and more lawless, and I won't take her out to play next time. Don't tell Xiaowan about this. Min, I'm afraid that Xiao Min will be angry."

Without Su Nan's reminder, Zhao Junmin wouldn't tell her sister about it, it would be too embarrassing.At this time, she was ashamed to face Su Nan, so after nodding her head, she rushed out of the room without saying a word, and Qin Xiaowan didn't stop her.

There were only two people left in the room, Qin Xiaowan didn't speak, and stared straight at Su Nan, as if he could see through his deepest thoughts.

Su Nan looked a little uncomfortable, and said gently: "It's so late, Xiao Wan, you should go back to bed too, remember to lock the door, I'm afraid Ruo Min will play tricks again, I will teach her a good lesson tomorrow."

"You bastard..." Qin Xiaowan looked at him with complicated eyes, and said in a low voice, "Can't you tell the difference between sister and sister's touch?"

You must know that Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Junmin's bodies are very different, one is well developed, the other is a little petite and immature, for an old driver like Su Nan, he can feel it with his tentacles.

"Cough...Xiao Wan, you are thinking too much." Su Nan said seriously: "At first I was in a drowsy sleep. When I saw someone climbed onto the bed, I thought it was Xiao Min, and hugged her, and then she struggled violently. I thought Xiao Min was playing games with me, because we had a similar experience, she was struggling so much, I was in a hurry, and I didn't pay attention to her figure at all."

"You and senior sister Xiaomin are still playing this kind of game!"

Qin Xiaowan's expression was strange.

Su Nan hurriedly said, "We're just playing around, not serious."

Qin Xiaowan rolled his eyes, and the ghost believed him.

Su Nan looked serious, and Qin Xiaowan couldn't tell whether he was telling the truth or a lie, but he still felt a little hard to let go.

But it's hard for her to say anything. To put it harshly, Junmin will belong to Su Nan sooner or later. Even from now on, Junmin has already fallen in love with Su Nan.

She suspected that if she hadn't come, the two of them might have made a mistake.

Pursing her lips, Qin Xiaowan sighed in her heart, feeling sleepy, and said listlessly: "Since there's nothing else to do, I'll go back first, I'm sorry for intruding into your room, because I heard Junmin's cry, and thought it was an accident." What's the matter?"

Su Nan thought in his heart that Zhao Junmin didn't say anything at the time, but he was just struggling, which was one of the reasons why he misunderstood Xiao Min.

Su Nan didn't expose Xiao Wan's lame excuse, nodded and watched her leave the room.

After the room was emptied, Su Nan wanted to trouble Zhao Ruomin, but at this time, Zhao Ruomin probably went to Xiao Min's room to hold Xiao Min back in order to ensure that the prank could be completed.

And even if she found Ruomin to confront her, Su Nan felt that she would only be greeted with an innocent and wronged expression on her face.

Thinking of this, he was speechless, how can he reverse Zhao Ruomin's crooked views, and...

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