It cannot be denied that, in fact, he was secretly looking forward to it, and his inferiority was undoubtedly revealed.

Su Nan's explanation to Qin Xiaowan just now was [-]% true and [-]% false. At first, he really thought that it was Xiao Min who came looking for him, so he acted recklessly.

However, in the later resistance process, the obviously different body feeling still made him understand that the person in his arms might be Junmin. He hesitated whether to stop, but Junmin just struggled without saying a word, and the struggling behavior gradually became weak , as if a silent encouragement to him.

And during the day, Xiao Min's attitude did not seem to exclude him from getting close to his third sister.

Under these multiple stimuli, the evil thoughts in Su Nan's heart grew infinitely, if Xiaowan hadn't broken in, maybe he would really let it go.

Just as she was about to lie down on the bed, the door was pushed open. Su Nan looked over and saw that it was Zhao Xiaomin who came.

She leaned in with half of her body, and seeing Su Nan staring at her in surprise, she raised a finger to her mouth to signal him to keep quiet, then sneaked in, and closed the door lightly.

It wasn't until the door was closed that she patted her plump chest, breathed a sigh of relief, and proudly said to Su Nan: "Xiao Wan must have never thought that I came to you so late, hmph, the excitement of having an affair is beyond her comprehension. "

Su Nan was speechless for a while, did you come here to be funny at night?

"Just kidding, I actually wanted to come here a long time ago, but I was held back by that girl Ruo Min, who insisted on pestering me to sleep with me."

Zhao Xiaomin said with a smile, came over, sat on the edge of the bed, dangling her calf, turned around and kissed him on top of him, with a "boom".

After kissing her, she smiled and said: "I haven't slept so late, you must miss me. Although it's a bit late, I'm here to look for you. I'm yours tonight."

When traveling with a female companion, how can the man not flirt? Zhao Xiaomin knows Su Nan so well, so of course he knows what he is thinking, but there are too many people traveling together, which is very inconvenient. The two of you go out on your honeymoon together.

Su Nan couldn't tell Xiao Min that the reason why she stayed up so late was because of her two younger sisters.

Su Nan tried her best to behave normally, put her arms around Xiao Min's waist and asked her: "Ruomin went to sleep with you, what about Junmin? Is she alone?"

"Junmin went to Ruomin's room. They discussed it. When I came here just now, I ran into her who came out to go to the bathroom. Hey, I'm so ashamed!"

Zhao Xiaomin covered her eyes shyly, her face full of shyness.

Su Nan didn't care to admire her girlfriend's tenderness, thinking that Junmin must have been in a complicated mood at that time.

Zhao Xiaomin stared at her shoes and climbed onto the bed, squeezed into his arms and hugged him, pressed her face against his chest and listened to his rapid heartbeat, blushed and said, "I'll just sleep with you tonight, we don't do anything else, Everyone is there, so afraid of being heard by them."

The breath that the girl exhaled when she spoke fell on Su Nan's chest, making his heart itch a little.

The impulse caused by Junmin before, coupled with the various stimuli during the day, now facing her girlfriend who is extremely obedient to her, Su Nan couldn't control herself, hugged her and rolled into bed.

Softly, softly, softly again, lightly, lightly, lightly again, as the skin rubbed against each other, the electrostatic phenomenon in winter was generated, and the slight numbness and tingling made the two of them tremble slightly, paralyzing their perception.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Pink arms, jade legs, buttocks, and swimsuits.

It was still the misty pool, and the two people in swimsuits still looked at each other, standing face to face, but the atmosphere was far less ambiguous than last time.

The two turned their heads to look at the shore at the same time, only to see Zhao Xiaomin squatting on the shore, holding a plate of grapes in his hands, eating grapes without spitting out the grape skins, and looking at them with a smile.

Seeing them looking at her, Zhao Xiaomin swallowed the crushed grape pulp in her mouth, and said with a smile: "Go ahead, don't worry about me, I'll just take a look, Senior Sister Gong Ting, please give him a massage, The guy was exhausted last night."

Several black lines appeared on Su Nan's forehead.

Li Gongting looked at him in bewilderment, feeling that Zhao Xiaomin's words had other meanings, but couldn't figure out why for a while.She nodded to Zhao Xiaomin, sighed inwardly, and pointed to Su Nan.

Originally, in the morning, she was too busy to panic, so she tried to ask Su Nan on WeChat if she couldn't make it through. Su Nan simply agreed, and she also went to greet her happily, and repeated the old trick, wearing a swimsuit and wearing a bib. bath towel.

Unexpectedly, something embarrassing happened to her, Su Nan brought her girlfriend over.

She was completely stupid.

However, Su Nan's wink at her also made her realize that something was wrong, so she invited him and Zhao Xiaomin into the house without any guilt.

Whenever this happens, Su Nan admires her very much, her emotional control is so perfect.

During the conversation with Zhao Xiaomin, Li Gongting understood what was going on. It turned out that Su Nan brought several beautiful girls here for a trip, and did not hide from Zhao Xiaomin that she lived next door.

Zhao Xiaomin knew her, and it was Zhan Weiling who suggested her pointing Su Nan, and Zhan Weiling also told everyone in advance.

Knowing that she was next door, Zhao Xiaomin decided to come to visit and see how Su Nan trained—this is what Li Gongting thought, and at the same time, Li Gongting felt that Zhao Xiaomin's purpose was not only that, but that her behavior was too much. Being explicit made Zhao Xiaomin wary of herself.

Li Gongting knew that Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin had a close relationship. When the "Su Nan's Harem Society" club held a meeting last time to discuss how to spend the winter vacation, Li Gongting hid at the door and eavesdropped. Several girls in the meeting had no clear relationship with Su Nan.

So now the purpose of Zhao Xiaomin's visit is self-evident, it must be to warn her, after all, no girl can bear her man being alone with other women.

But Li Gongting didn't panic at all, because Zhao Xiaomin didn't appear as Su Nan's girlfriend today, but as Zhan Weiling's best friend.

Su Nan and Zhan Weiling once admitted that they were a couple in front of her, which made Zhao Xiaomin have to admit this fact in front of her.

As far as Li Gongting knows, including his good friend, the Zhao Xiaomin in front of him, and the girl who is in the same class as Su Nan, these three girls fool around with Su Nan together, and they don't get jealous of each other and get along with each other. It's still very harmonious, it can even be called joy, and they can even discuss how to shoot Ivy with Su Nan.

Although Li Gongting guessed that these three people were all of the same kind as her and were with Su Nan because of unavoidable reasons, she did not believe that they really liked Su Nan, and she probably just regarded Su Nan as a tool, otherwise Why do they not mind each other's existence at all?

Feelings, maybe the feeling she understands is not like this, the whole world is promoting one-on-one love, which is the political correctness in today's world, even if Li Gongting is not interested in this aspect, she still recognizes this point, I feel that there is no room for a third person between couples.

So in her view, the relationship between Su Nan and Zhan Weiling, Zhao Xiaomin, and Chu Xi is wrong. Since it is wrong, she must correct it. This is what she has always done, even if the wrong person is her good friend.

At the same time, the justice in her heart prevented her from turning a blind eye to what happened to Su Nan.Su Nan likes them, even in Li Gongting's view, Su Nan's feelings are fake, but boys have low resistance to women's temptation, let alone three together.

Su Nan may have been fascinated by them for a long time, thinking that they really love themselves before allowing others to share themselves.However, the real situation is that they are using Su Nan as a tool, and there may not be any feelings for him mixed in this.

If one day in the future, Su Nan knows the truth, will she be very sad?

These are the things that Li Gongting is worried about.

In the end, Shu Baoer's suggestion has been lingering in Li Gongting's mind. She can never leave Su Nan, and she doesn't hate Su Nan, so she should come together with Su Nan. At the same time, she doesn't want anyone to share with her. Su Nan.

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