It was this kind of emotion that made Li Gongting feel no fear at all when facing Zhao Xiaomin at this moment, and even had a faint sense of fighting spirit.

She had to win this round, even if Zhao Xiaomin represented Zhan Weiling at the moment.

On the shore, Zhao Xiaomin stared straight at the hot spring pool, Li Gongting knew that she was trying her best to play the role of the light bulb, and warned herself not to get close to Su Nan, but Li Gongting planned not to back down.

With a touch of her finger, she tapped on Su Nan's left chest and rubbed it slightly, making the picture look very obscene.

Zhao Xiaomin's eyes widened, this sister Bichi was so shameless, molesting her Ah Nan in front of her.

Before she could react, Li Gongting moved out his other hand, and pointed at another part of Su Nan's chest, doing the same thing.

Not to mention Zhao Xiaomin, Su Nan was stunned, what's the matter with Li Gongting, is it because he's so nervous that he doesn't think there is any problem with doing this?

Zhao Xiaomin was so angry that she stood up straight instantly.

At this time, Li Gongting spoke, and she said in a low voice: "Don't move, these two acupuncture points are very important, they can relieve the fatigue of the heart, make the heart healthier, and the blood supply function more powerful."

Su Nan, who was about to make a fuss, hesitated for a while.

Zhao Xiaomin on the bank was stunned, and asked, "Senior sister, is this really useful?"

"I'm a professional." Li Gongting said coldly before explaining: "Although Su Nan is in good health, because of this, the organs in his body are a bit overloaded, and the internal organs are not as serious as exercising. He can exercise easily, if this continues, he may die because the heart cannot supply enough blood to the body."

Zhao Xiaomin's face turned pale with fright, and she couldn't care less about jealousy anymore, and hurriedly said: "Then senior sister, please help him quickly, Ah Nan is senior sister Zhan Weiling's boyfriend, you must not let him have an accident!"

"I will. Don't make noise, just stay aside." Li Gongting said.

"Yeah, I promise to be dumb, please save Ah Nan." Zhao Xiaomin nodded repeatedly.

Although Zhao Xiaomin acted very flustered, Li Gongting only thought that she was afraid that Su Nan would die and would not be able to use Su Nan, and her life would be threatened, that's why she was so flustered.

After shocking Zhao Xiaomin, Li Gongting ordered Su Nan not to move again, and Zhao Xiaomin also persuaded her, Su Nan could only listen to them with a strange expression.

After taking a deep breath, Li Gongting gently massaged his left and right chest with both hands, bringing a sultry feeling.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When they were leaving, Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin looked at themselves strangely, Li Gongting insisted on acting calmly in front of them, told the time when Su Nan would come next time, and then closed the door calmly.

After returning to the house, she was completely paralyzed, leaning limply on the sofa, sitting with her knees hugged, her face flushed.

Burying her face between her arms, Li Gongting recalled what she had done just now, put her hands on several places on Su Nan's body in a flickering way, and felt shy for a while.

She regretted a little, she did such a shameless behavior just to be angry with Zhao Xiaomin, and it's meaningless to be angry with Zhao Xiaomin, she might as well continue to secretly get closer to Su Nan.

Now that he has done this kind of thing to Su Nan in front of Zhao Xiaomin so directly, maybe Zhan Weiling will know about it, and it will be difficult to maintain contact with Su Nan in the future.

However, fortunately, she found a good excuse just now. Although Su Nan was dubious, Zhao Xiaomin seemed to believe it, and it was easier to fool than imagined.

As for Zhan Weiling, based on the relationship between the two of them, and Zhao Xiaomin was there just now, she wouldn't think of that.

Thinking of this good friend, Li Gongting felt a little complicated. She was not hostile to Zhan Weiling, but she didn't approve of Zhan Weiling's treatment of Su Nan, as if she didn't take him seriously at all, and only used him as a tool to share with others casually.

If only Wei Ling can be persuaded to treat Su Nan well, then she can stop doing this kind of thing.

She thought with some melancholy, but as soon as this idea came to her mind, she immediately rejected it.She couldn't go back, she couldn't leave Su Nan, she had to be with Su Nan.

As for how to deal with Zhan Weiling and others at that time, Li Gongting has also thought about it. Considering their difficulties, she can turn a blind eye and let Su Nan help them, but they must understand that this is just a doctor. relationship with the patient.

But this is not something that should be considered now. Li Gongting still lacks confidence in the fact that Su Nan is together. Even after Su Nan is captured, she still has to consider how to showdown with Zhan Weiling and the others.

The cell phone thrown aside rang, waking up Li Gongting. She picked up the cell phone, only to find that it was Shu Bao'er who sent the message, asking her how the plan was going.

In fact, the reason why she came here was because of the information given by Shu Baoer, and many of the methods to have close contact with Su Nan were suggestions and inspirations given by Shu Baoer.

Ever since she got a strange disease and became strange, this school girl has become mysterious in Li Gongting's heart. From being flustered at the beginning to feeling confused about the future, it was this school girl who guided her and helped her. She made many suggestions for her.Even Li Gongting felt that Shu Baoer was vaguely bewitching him to contact Su Nan.

Shu Baoer seems to be of the same kind and has a lot of experience, but Li Gongting learned from Zhan Weiling that Shu Baoer doesn't have much contact with Su Nan in normal times, which makes people wonder how she solves the problem of seizures.

At present, Li Gongting cannot do without Shu Baoer for the time being, and still needs to rely on Shu Baoer's rich experience, and it is not convenient to ask, so she suppresses this doubt in her heart.

She began to report the situation to Shu Baoer, just talking about it in general, and she will not tell Shu Baoer the detailed process.

"Sister, do you want to be punished again?" Shu Baoer asked suddenly.

Li Gongting frowned, not understanding what she meant by asking.

"You only accepted the punishment once. If you accept it a few more times, you won't have to work so hard in the future. You only need a senior once or twice a month, and the impact on your life will not be serious."

Shu Baoer's explanation seemed reasonable, but Li Gongting instinctively felt that she had other purposes, not just that.

It's hard for Li Gongting to explain how wonderful this instinct is.

I thought and thought, but couldn't figure it out.

Regarding Shu Baoer's proposal, Li Gongting hesitated for a while, thinking of the experience last time, she panicked for a while, she couldn't do that kind of thing again.

"No need." Li Gongting replied categorically. She put a camera near here to record the details of getting along with Su Nan in the past two days. It can be used normally.

Shu Baoer did not continue to say anything.

On the other side, after Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin left from Li Gongting's place, Zhao Xiaomin nervously dragged Su Nan to go to the hospital, but Su Nan talked her out of it.

It's all because of Li Gongting's threatening words just now, even if Zhao Xiaomin doesn't believe it [-]%, she still thinks it is very possible, after all, Li Gongting has been in touch with anthropology, so what he said is very credible.

However, Su Nan knew that she was in good health, and there was nothing wrong with what Li Gongting said. Strengthening can also strengthen his brain, and his internal organs are naturally fine, but Li Gongting didn't know what was abnormal about him. That's why there is such a worry.

Thinking of Li Gongting's confession that he still wanted to find her, Su Nan was not very willing, and said to Zhao Xiaomin: "I've soaked in the hot spring too, and there's nothing to do here, so let's go back in the afternoon."

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