But Zhao Xiaomin shook her head: "No, you just promised Senior Sister Li that you would go to find her, and you were not afraid of ten thousand or just in case. Senior Sister Li is a professional after all, so it's okay for you to meet her."

Su Nan was helpless: "You don't mind at all, Senior Sister Li doesn't seem to be very enlightened in this regard. I'm afraid that some gossip will spread and affect her reputation."

The girl was so unguarded against a boy, and even took a hot spring with him alone. No one would believe the rumor that the two of them were innocent.

"I'm the only one who knows about your going to find her. If we don't say who will know, I mind a little, but I'm more worried about your health, Anan. Besides, Senior Sister Li is also kind. Don't disappoint her good intentions." .”

Zhao Xiaomin said that in her heart, she didn't think that Li Gongting was so simple, and it was impossible for her to be so insensitive to matters between men and women. Maybe that senior sister Li fell in love with Su Nan, maybe she didn't even know it, it was just subconscious. Look for opportunities to get along with Su Nan.

Under normal circumstances, Zhao Xiaomin would not agree to Su Nan's going to find Li Gongting again, but out of concern for Su Nan's health, even if the possibility was unlikely, she still agreed. As for the ambiguity between the two...

Zhao Xiaomin glanced at Su Nan, and said with a joking tone, "I'll follow along then, and I won't give you a chance to hook up with other girls."

She couldn't believe it anymore. With her presence, Su Nan could still have some crooked thoughts about Senior Li, just like this time.

The two went out early this morning. The others are still sleeping. They didn't go back directly. They went to the place where they bought breakfast and planned to pack it for everyone.

Approaching a shop selling breakfast, Su Nan asked the boss to pack five breakfasts, then raised her head inadvertently, and saw Lu Anya and Lu Ying coming out of the shop.

"Su Nan!" Lu Anya's eyes were surprised, and Lu Ying's was surprised, and then they both stared at Zhao Xiaomin who was holding his arm next to Su Nan.

Zhao Xiaomin keenly noticed that Su Nan's body froze, and turned to look at Lu Ying and her aunt with thoughtful eyes.

She didn't make a sound, and waited for the development of the situation, because she felt that there was something wrong with Su Nan's reaction to Lu Ying and Lu Anya. It would be fine if it was aimed at Lu Ying... Actually it was not good, but she was mentally prepared for it.But if Su Nan's reaction was aimed at Lu Anya...it would be very bad.

At the same time, Zhao Xiaomin found that Lu Anya looked at Su Nan in a very strange way, and she didn't hide it in front of Lu Ying, which gave Zhao Xiaomin a bad feeling.

"It turns out that Xiao Min is here, are you traveling with your boyfriend?"

Lu Anya greeted Zhao Xiaomin with a smile.

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned for a moment, she had met Lu Anya, but not many times, and she was not familiar with her at all, so she was naturally a little uncomfortable to be greeted so warmly, and she felt that Lu Anya's smile was weird, as if mocking, or pity.

After being stunned for a moment, Zhao Xiaomin came to his senses and quickly said politely: "Yes."

Did the other party know about her intimate relationship with Su Nan from Lu Ying?In any case, let's confirm the identity of Su Nan's girlfriend first.

"I'm so happy." Lu Anya smiled with great interest, and deliberately glanced at Su Nan. Su Nan was sweating, and Lu Anya should be jealous.

"Hey, it's just you two." She said in surprise: "I remember there is another girl who has a good relationship with you, why haven't I seen her? Could it be a conflict?"

Hearing that she deliberately mentioned Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin felt a little strange, and couldn't help but glance at Lu Ying, suspecting that Lu Ying had told Lu Anya about the relationship between the three of them.

Next to her, Lu Ying twisted Lu Anya's arm, as if warning her not to talk nonsense.

Zhao Xiaomin glanced at Su Nan again, and then replied: "Chu Xi is at home with the family, this time besides me and Anan, my younger sister and Anan's younger sister are also coming out to play together."

"You're all very nice to my sister. Don't forget to take her with you when you go out to play."

Knowing that they were not on their honeymoon, Lu Anya smiled a little more, and Lu Ying's slightly frowning brows beside her also relaxed, and she even took a special look at Su Nan.

This made Zhao Xiaomin, who was secretly observing the expressions on their faces, a little surprised. Which one of them had an ambiguous relationship with Su Nan? Could it be two of them.

At this time, the owner of the breakfast shop handed over the five packed breakfasts. Su Nan, who was feeling weak, quickly took out his mobile phone and scanned the code to pay. Then he held the breakfast in one hand and Zhao Xiaomin in the other, and said to Lu Ying and Lu Anya: "Sister and the others are still waiting, we are going to send breakfast back, goodbye."

After speaking, he pulled Zhao Xiaomin to leave quickly.

Staring at their backs holding hands as they walked away, Lu Anya turned her head angrily and said to Lu Ying, "This guy didn't say hello when he saw us. He was afraid that his girlfriend would be angry. How cowardly! Xiaoying, let's talk to Lu Ying." Go up, give him some color and see!"

Lu Ying said helplessly: "Aren't you ashamed to be jealous with a little girl? Let's go. We agreed to go back today."

"You're right." Lu Anya had an idea, and said: "Auntie, I'm not suitable, but you can do it, Xiao Ying, let Xiao Ying come and fight with your cheap sister!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Meeting the squad leader, Lu Anya, and Li Gongting who lived next door, Su Nan felt his head was getting bigger. After returning to the residence with Zhao Xiaomin, he proposed to go back at noon, but Zhao Junmin told him that Ruomin was ill. Can't get out of bed.

Both of them were shocked when they heard the news, and hurried into the room to visit, and they were relieved only when they found that Zhao Ruomin was just a little unwell, dizzy, weak, and had no signs of high fever.

"It should be because I soaked in the hot spring for too long yesterday, but it's not serious. Just take more rest, but I can't go back today."

Zhao Xiaomin touched her sister's forehead, then turned to Su Nan and said.

Seeing Zhao Ruomin staring timidly at her, Su Nan was probably worried that he would have an attack because of what happened last night, but at this time Zhao Ruomin was sick, and Su Nan didn't want to make trouble for the time being, so she decided to wait for her to recover.

Su Nan said: "Then stay for another day, and see the situation tomorrow."

To be honest, he wanted to leave this place very much now, but he had no choice. He couldn't drag Zhao Ruomin, who was not feeling well, to the car, for fear that her condition would worsen. Besides, the villa was rented for several days, so it would be a waste to stay here.

"Have a good rest and don't make trouble." Su Nan told Zhao Ruomin, with a hint of warning in her words. Seeing her nod with a bitter face, she softened her heart and said, "Drink more hot water. It may be soaked for too long, and the water in the body will evaporate, so you need to add more water, and your sister and I will not disturb your rest."

After speaking, Su Nan pulled Zhao Xiaomin out, leaving Zhao Ruomin to rest in the room alone.

When the door was closed, Zhao Ruomin's originally bitter face suddenly showed a smug smile, she lifted the quilt and sat up, only to see that she was wearing thick clothes.

The temperature has risen a bit in the past two days, and it is more than [-] degrees during the day. Wearing such a thick quilt and covering her with a thick quilt made her sweat a thin layer, and her face was flushed, like a sick patient.

In order to prevent Su Nan from scolding herself, after a whole night of thinking hard, she finally came up with such a way to pretend to be sick.She also used the same method in the morning to fool Jun Min who came to trouble her.At that time, Zhao Junmin also subconsciously felt that she had soaked in the hot spring for too long, so she didn't see through her trick when she softened her heart.

At this moment, everyone was finally fooled, Zhao Ruomin was so hot that he couldn't wait to get out of bed, ran to lock the door, and then quickly removed the thick clothes on his body, exposing his body to the cool air.She sighed comfortably.

Suddenly, her ears moved, and she heard a guest coming outside, and it was a girl's voice.

She leaned on the door and listened, feeling that the relationship between the two people who came and her brother-in-law seemed to be on good terms, and she immediately felt depressed. Could it be that they were the ones who came to snatch her brother-in-law again?

She thought to herself, my sister is so useless, she won't drive those girls away even if she becomes her brother-in-law's girlfriend, if this goes on like this, her brother-in-law won't get enough points.

Thinking about it, Zhao Ruomin thought about it for a moment, she picked up the clothes that had been thrown away and put them on again, went back to the bed and lay down, covered with a quilt, and let herself sweat again.

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