Ruo Min is a normal girl, and Su Nan doesn't want her to join the twisted circle of herself and others.

"Early in the morning, you guys were having an affair. The relationship is so good."

The sudden laughter woke up the two people who were in a stalemate. They both scratched their heads and looked in the direction of the sound. Zhan Weiling stood at the door with a smile, staring at them with interest.

"Senior sister, you misunderstood, it's Ruomin who is messing around." Su Nan looked embarrassed, and while Zhao Ruomin was stunned for a moment, she took her hand away from her lap.

Zhao Ruomin said loudly: "It's cheating, I admit it! Why, are you also here to snatch my brother-in-law?"

She stared at Zhan Weiling warily.

Zhan Weiling felt that it was ridiculous, and Xiao Min's sister was really a strange thing.

She didn't follow Zhao Ruomin's words, but said to Su Nan: "Xiao Nan, you go out first, I'll have a chat with this sister."

"Sister..." Su Nan hesitated, and Zhan Weiling interrupted him with a smile, "Why, are you afraid that I won't be able to bully your sister-in-law? Don't worry, I just want to have a good chat with her."

"That's not the case." Su Nan hesitated to speak, but in the end she still wanted to trust her senior, put on her pants under the quilt, got out of bed, and left the room.

After Su Nan went out, Zhan Weiling closed the door, not caring about Zhao Ruomin's vigilant gaze, walked over and sat beside her, and asked her, "Do you like your brother-in-law?"

Not sure what Zhan Weiling wanted to say, Zhao Ruomin hesitated and nodded.

"Why?" Zhan Weiling asked her curiously.

From her point of view, Zhao Ruomin is normal and different from them, so why would she fall in love with Su Nan?

Su Nan is Zhao Ruomin's sister's boyfriend. Normally, girls would not take the initiative with a boy of this status, unless it was Bichi, and Su Nan didn't look like she took the initiative to flirt with Zhao Ruomin.

"I don't know why, if I like it, I like it!" Zhao Ruomin said angrily, she was still depressed because Su Nan rejected her but not Junmin.

Zhan Weiling was a little surprised by this answer, and then she fell silent, seemingly lost in thought.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hey, what's the relationship between you and my brother-in-law?"

Seeing that Zhan Weiling was silent, Zhao Ruomin couldn't help asking her, she had seen Zhan Weiling before, last time in the park, and also at school a few times, Zhao Ruomin knew that she was Su Nan's neighbor, now it seems that the two Human relations are not simple.

"What's the relationship? I'll think about how to answer first."

Zhan Weiling thought about it, and found that Zhao Ruomin was nervous. She decided it's better not to teach the children badly. The less people know about their relationship with Su Nan, the better.

"It's just a neighbor relationship, but you, don't you know that you can't snatch your sister's boyfriend? If you do this, it will make my sister sad. You don't want to see your sister sad, do you?"

Instead, Zhan Weiling questioned Ruo Min, and Ruo Min lowered her head sadly: "I know that too, but I like brother-in-law very much, and I don't want to leave him at all, and my sister is not sad, obviously she agrees that Junmin will be with brother-in-law gone."

Seeing the girl's expression of displeasure, Zhan Weiling finally knew where the problem was.

The three sisters all like Su Nan. Su Nan is the eldest sister's boyfriend. The eldest sister agrees that the youngest sister will be with Su Nan, so the middle sister is upset.

What's more, Zhao Ruomin's thinking circuit is obviously different from that of ordinary people. She will not hesitate to get close to the things she likes, but she has no thoughts of competing and the consequences in her heart.

Even at present, Zhao Ruomin really hoped that the elder sister would admit herself, and she wanted to become one of Su Nan's women together with her older sister and younger sister. As for the ethical issues of the three sisters being taken together by Su Nan, she did not consider it at all.

Zhan Weiling couldn't help pressing her forehead. What a zombie Zhao Ruomin, having such a sister-in-law is definitely the dream of most men.

So why did Su Nan reject it?

Zhan Weiling felt that the biggest reason was Zhao Xiaomin. If Su Nan cared about Zhao Xiaomin's feelings, he would not accept Zhao Ruomin easily.

At the same time, from a rational point of view, if Zhao Ruomin is not with Su Nan, her future should be happier. After all, if she chooses Su Nan, she needs to bear the fact that Su Nan still has many women, and these are invincible opponents, even if Even if you get Su Nan's heart, you can't completely get Su Nan.

This is undoubtedly a nightmare for women who long for normal love and marriage, and Su Nan must have considered this.

But is Zhao Ruomin a normal girl?

Zhan Weiling looked at Zhao Ruomin and shook her head in her heart. Knowing that Su Nan was her sister's boyfriend, and she could persevere in getting close to Su Nan, how could it be normal.

Zhan Weiling thought about it, and said: "You should be aware of the trouble your behavior has caused Xiao Nan, and he doesn't want you to continue to get close to him."

"But...but..." Zhao Ruomin was in a hurry, but he couldn't explain why, he just felt flustered.

There was a flash of pity in Zhan Weiling's eyes, she put her hand on Zhao Ruomin's head who was depressed, gently comforted her, and said softly: "The problem is not with you and him, it is useless for you to keep pestering Xiao Nan, if you don't get you Xiao Nan will not accept your sister's permission easily."

The moment these words came out, Zhan Weiling hesitated for a moment, but in the end she said it out, and said sorry to Zhao Xiaomin in her heart.Let Zhao Xiaomin worry about these troublesome things, Xiao Nan just needs to be happy.

"As long as my sister agrees, that's fine!" Zhao Ruomin's eyes lit up with fighting spirit.

Zhan Weiling was afraid that she would act recklessly, so she quickly said: "That's the case, but you can't tell your sister that you like her brother-in-law, that will only arouse her rebellious heart, and you will not be allowed to get close to Xiao Nan. You'd better be with your sister Be a good girl in front of you, do housework, study hard to get good grades in the exam, and please your sister, maybe your sister will agree with you and Xiao Nan when she is happy."

Zhan Weiling gave herself a thumbs up silently in her heart. She was not hurting Xiao Min, but helping Xiao Min educate her younger sister.

Zhao Ruomin was thoughtful, and said: "It turns out that my sister is very diligent at home, and her grades are also very good, so my sister likes her and is willing to share her brother-in-law with her. It turns out that I was wrong here."

Zhan Weiling nodded happily: "It seems that you have figured it out, you have to learn from your sister..."

"Sister, she's so despicable!" Zhao Ruomin said viciously, "It's impossible to learn, I can't learn no matter what, so there is only one way, which is to pull my sister to the same level as me, and then there is no reason for my sister not to do it. I agree with my brother-in-law."

"Thank you, Unnamed Senior Sister, I'm going back to carry out my plan."

Zhao Ruomin jumped out of bed, patted Zhan Weiling's shoulder gratefully, and slipped out of the room.

Zhan Wei is dumbfounded, this brain circuit is invincible, and, am I not worthy of a name?

Afraid that Zhao Ruomin would mess around, she chased him out, but only met Su Nan in the living room who looked puzzled.

Seeing her senior come out, Su Nan asked puzzledly: "Sister, what did you and Ruomin say? She came out and said 'wait for me' affectionately, and then left coquettishly, wouldn't you Give her a bad idea."

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