He stared at Zhan Weiling suspiciously.

Zhan Weiling felt a little guilty, turned her head to the other side, and said loudly: "No, no, I have taught her well!"

Su Nan was speechless, there was clearly a problem.

"Xiao Nan, don't frown, it's rare for senior sister to be free today, so spend time with her."

Seeing that suspicion aroused, Zhan Weiling quickly wrapped her arms around Su Nan's arm enthusiastically, using her softness to influence his thinking, and at the same time acted like a baby to him. As a senior, she acted like a baby to her younger brother.

Seeing that Su Nan was still a little hesitant, Zhan Weiling leaned close to his ear and said, "Didn't you urge me to buy stockings last time? I bought them. Go home with my senior sister. I'll show you how to wear them."

Su Nan's heart was moved, and then she went back to her house with her senior sister. The two held a fashion show in the room, with stockings and buttocks flying together.

The phone rang, and Su Nan was not free, so Zhan Weiling stretched out her arm to help him answer it.

"Where did you go so early in the morning? Come back and have breakfast, obviously I worked so hard." It was Qin Xiaowan, who seemed to get up early in the morning to make breakfast, but couldn't find Su Nan after finishing, quite annoyed.

Zhan Weiling gritted her teeth and said, "Hey, Xiao Wan, it's me, Senior Sister Wei Ling, Xiao Nan is here with me, isn't he going home with you, please stay with me at the head office these few days."

"Yes, yes, but why do you sound like you are running?" Qin Xiaowan was very suspicious.

"Ah? I'm just running, listen to my breathing." Zhan Weiling's breathing became more and more rapid.

"Pervert!" Qin Xiaowan cursed in a low voice.

Zhan Weiling blushed, she felt ashamed when the little girl said that, she couldn't hold back, and was about to hang up, but Qin Xiaowan said fiercely: "Don't hang up! Otherwise, I'll run over and smash your door!"

Zhan Weiling had no choice but to put down the phone, and whispered to Su Nan: "Xiaowan doesn't allow me to hang up." Then she pretended to be calm, and chatted with Qin Xiaowan word by word, and the chat was very hard.

Su Nan felt extremely excited, and tried to make more voices for Qin Xiaowan to hear.

Qin Xiaowan stared at the phone absent-mindedly, and began to behave unruly with her hands.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After staying with Zhan Weiling for a few days, she was finally willing to let Su Nan go and continue to study.

Su Nan took Qin Xiaowan and the necessary luggage, and went to the car early in the morning to go to Qin Xiaowan's mother.

Su Nan's parents couldn't come back this year due to work reasons, so they simply asked Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan to go home to celebrate the New Year together so as not to be alone.

It just so happened that the girlfriends have already made arrangements, and they are not afraid that they will fall into punishment without him. Su Nan also plans to stay in a different environment for a while. The recent incident between the monitor and her aunt made him a little stressed, so he just needs to relax.

After boarding the subway and finding a good seat to sit down, Qin Xiaowan rested her head on Su Nan's shoulder and slept comfortably.

It's all the fault of Senior Sister Zhan Weiling, who seduced Su Nan to sleep every night, which made her entangled in the middle of the night. She was jealous and embarrassed to stop her, and at the same time, the desire to peep was a little strong in her heart.

Every night, she used the excuse of looking for Su Nan to call Zhan Weiling, and Zhan Weiling would answer, and the two chatted one after another.

After a few times, Zhan Weiling suddenly realized that Qin Xiaowan probably wanted the voices of herself and Su Nan, so the interest in pranks came, and they cooperated very well.

Sometimes, she would make a video call with Qin Xiaowan while Su Nan wasn't paying attention. The scene made Qin Xiaowan blush, but she didn't end the call by accident.

Last night, Zhan Weiling and Su Nan were busy until two o'clock, and Qin Xiaowan also kept monitoring until two o'clock. Fortunately, they used WeChat to chat, otherwise they would not know how much the phone bill would be.

After two o'clock, Su Nan and Zhan Weiling finished, but Qin Xiaowan lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, thinking about the exciting scene all the time, feeling aroused, it turned out that Su Nan and the senior sister played like this, I was a little bit thinking about it.

This is not the first time for her. During the punishment period, Su Nan has been taken advantage of several times, so she will not feel ashamed about this matter. At the same time, she feels that she and Su Nan have almost the same relationship, and she can go to the last step, otherwise it will be late. too much.

But this kind of thing can't be rushed, Qin Xiaowan told herself so.This bastard Su Nan won't take her directly. If he insists on doing good things with Su Nan, he must find a good opportunity.

Su Nan didn't know what Qin Xiaowan was thinking. He sat on the seat and saw the number of passengers in the subway car slowly increasing. He couldn't help but took out his mobile phone, took a few seconds of video of the surrounding area, and sent it to the group.

There is only him in this group, and the girls who are often with him, like Lu Ying and Lu Anya are not in it.

As soon as the video was posted, someone responded.

Zhao Xiaomin: Ah Nan is gone, I won't see her for at least ten days, I miss her.

Zhan Weiling: @赵秀敏, I’m touching my head, I miss you, I knew I would have called you over last night to have a threesome.

Zhao Xiaomin:? ? ? ?

Zhao Xiaomin: Senior sister is really good at playing recently.

Zhan Weiling: You taught me.

Zhao Xiaomin: Were you happy with Ah Nan last night?

Zhan Weiling: It's so cool.

Zhao Xiaomin: ...

Seeing these replies, Su Nan was speechless for a while, Xiao Wan and Jun Min are both in the group, please pay attention.

After waiting for a while, Chu Xi didn't appear, so Su Nan couldn't help chatting with her in private.

Su Nan: What are you doing at home?

A few minutes later, he picked up his phone again, but Chu Xi didn't reply.

He frowned. This was not the first time. Since the holiday, he hadn't communicated with Chu Xi much, and she didn't speak in the group, and he didn't reply to the private chat.

Su Nan couldn't help thinking, could it be that Chuxi's family is so strict that he can't even play with his mobile phone at home?

But if this is the case, how did Chu Xi get her family to agree to move her to live outside?

I can't figure it out.

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