Unable to contact Chuxi, Su Nan had no choice but to give up, planning to talk to Zhao Xiaomin in two days and ask her to find someone at Chuxi's house.No matter how strict Chu Xi's family is, no matter how strict Chu Xi's family is, he won't turn people away when classmates come to the door.

After less than an hour's drive, we arrived at our destination.

Su Nan woke up Qin Xiaowan, who was drowsy, picked up her luggage and walked out of the carriage. Qin Xiaowan followed him, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Su Nan turned her head and said solemnly: "You are not allowed to stay up late in the future, you know!"

Qin Xiaowan blushed, and didn't dare to refute, but just complained silently in her heart, it's not because of you!

As soon as they walked out of the subway station, the two saw a car parked on the road outside. Qin's mother, who hadn't seen him for a long time, leaned against the car door and waved to them with a smile on her face.

The beauty of Xiangche attracted her attention.

Seeing Su Nan appearing with her daughter, Qin's mother smiled, walked towards them, and opened her arms.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaowan put away the joy on her face, and muttered impatiently: "I really can't do anything about you, I'm so numb, but since I haven't seen you for a long time, please forgive you."

She opened her arms involuntarily.

Qin Xiaowan intends to greet her mother's warm embrace with a proud attitude, and a warm smile can't help showing on the corner of her mouth.

Qin's mother came to her, staggered, passed her, and hugged Su Nan behind her.

Su Nan was dumbfounded.

Qin Xiaowan's smiling face froze.

The two were in a mess.

She is your daughter!

I am your daughter!

That's probably what they thought at the time.

The atmosphere fell into a brief and subtle embarrassment.

At this time, Qin's mother pushed Su Nan away, turned around and hugged her daughter, and said with a smile: "I'm just kidding, I don't think mom is there. I haven't seen you for so long. You have gained weight."

She grabbed her daughter's cheeks.

Qin Xiaowan's face turned pale, and she muttered, "I didn't gain weight!"

"It's true that you've gained weight. You can't tell by yourself, but it's really obvious that I haven't seen you for so long." Mother Qin said seriously.

Qin Xiaowan had a bitter face, and glared at Su Nan: "It's all your fault for making so many delicious food every day."

Su Nan resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and didn't bother to talk to her. If I do it, you will eat it. Are you a pig?

"Don't be awkward, you two, let's go quickly, no parking is allowed here."

Qin's mother smiled and said, let go of her daughter, and was about to get in the car. At this moment, the traffic police passed by on a motorcycle, saw a car parked here, and posted a ticket.

Qin's mother couldn't laugh anymore, but Qin Xiaowan laughed happily.

"He has no conscience." Qin's mother was so angry that she grabbed Xiao Wan's ear.

After getting in the car, Qin's mother left in no hurry, sitting in the cab and muttering: "If you don't get fined, you will be fined. Let me stop for a while. There are not many cars at this time. Log in to 12123 to deal with the violation fine first." .”

She took out her mobile phone and lowered her head to operate it.

Su Nan was sitting in the co-pilot, turned her head to look, and the name Qin Ying jumped into her eyes.This is probably Qin's mother's name, which unexpectedly gives people a young feeling, but after taking a look at this baby-faced Qin's mother, Su Nan thinks that this name suits her very well, that's why Xiao Wan has her mother's surname of?

I have never heard Xiao Wan mention her father's matter, but it is someone else's matter after all, and it is not easy for Su Nan to ask.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The app is stuck."

Qin Ying put down her mobile phone, angrily drove the car away from the spot.

After merging into the traffic, Qin Ying said with a smile, "Xiao Nan doesn't come here often. During the Chinese New Year, my sister will take you to look around. The food here is the most famous."

"Mom, you are too thick-skinned, you are his elder!"

Qin Xiaowan yelled loudly at the back, strongly expressing her dissatisfaction.

"What does it matter, your mother and I are so young, let's get along with Xiao Nan."

Qin Ying looked indifferent, and easily drove the car to change lanes, accelerate, and overtake.

"In short, I don't agree. Elders must look like elders."

Qin Xiaowan was awe-inspiring. Looking at her mother's back, which looked younger and more beautiful than herself, she couldn't help but feel jealous, and persuaded her: "Mom, you are getting older, don't wear such bright makeup, don't wear such clothes Sexy clothes, you are an elder, you must always maintain the majesty of being an elder, I am walking with you on the street, everyone thinks you are my sister, I am so aggrieved."

"You girl, what are you holding back? You think your mother and I are young, don't you think you are such a child?" Qin Ying scolded with a smile.

"That's not true, but if you become my sister, I won't have a mother." Qin Xiaowan justified.

Su Nan sweated secretly, this mother and daughter are the best.

"Xiao Nan, don't listen to her, call me elder sister from now on, I will never obey my elder sister!"

Qin Ying raised her chin...


Su Nan was very embarrassed, just about to speak, Qin's mother, who realized what he was going to say, turned her head and gave him a look, and said angrily, "Why, Xiao Nan, do you think I'm too old?"

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