Oops, I've touched a minefield of women.

Su Nan avoided answering, staring at the front: "I'm rear-ending, brake quickly!"

"Call me sister!"


Only then was Qin Ying satisfied, she put her eyes on the front, and lightly stepped on the brakes.

Qin Xiaowan was dissatisfied when she saw that her mother was so despicable, and she was so unscrupulous, playing such tricks on the road.

She snorted coldly in her heart, sighed on the surface, and persuaded filially: "Mom, you have to recognize your old age, and I will be filial to you in the future, and I will never let you grow old without anyone to depend on."

Qin Ying gritted her teeth with hatred, puffed her cheeks and said, "From now on, I don't recognize you as a daughter, and everyone will call you my sister from now on."

"Mom, don't, I know I was wrong." Qin Xiaowan became anxious now, if my mother really did this, I don't know how many jokes will be made.

Qin Ying said coldly, "Call me sister."

Qin Xiaowan turned her head away, unwilling to speak.

"You call me sister, or you will lose your mother soon." Qin Ying said.

Only then did Qin Xiaowan helplessly say, "Sister, sister..."

She lowered her head in shame, and felt ashamed to call her mother like that in front of Su Nan.It's all to blame this damn mother for embarrassing herself.

Qin Ying laughed and said, "Sister is so good. Tonight, sister will prepare some delicious food for you and brother Xiaonan."

As if she had won a battle, she hummed a nice melody and focused on driving.

Su Nan turned her head and looked at Qin Xiaowan, feeling a sense of sympathy.

Because Qin Ying had just returned home from a business trip, she first drove to the supermarket to buy ingredients and some necessary supplies, and then drove home.

After parking the car, there were a lot of things to buy. Su Nan volunteered to pick up all the things, feeling quite relaxed.

Qin Ying walked beside him and patted his shoulder approvingly, "My brother is awesome!"

Su Nan laughed and didn't know how to react, while Qin Xiaowan rolled her eyes behind her mother's back.

After arriving home, Su Nan followed Qin Ying's instructions and put the things away.

When he was relaxed, Qin Ying pulled him to sit on the sofa with distress, "Your brother has worked hard, please sit down and rest."

Then poured him another glass of water, and said with a smile: "Little brother, drink some water first, don't get tired."

Su Nan took the water glass, a little dazed.

Qin Xiaowan was very dissatisfied: "Mom, I am your daughter!"

Her mother is also so kind to Su Nan, so good that her daughter is a little jealous. You must know that her mother has always treated her well.

"What did you call me?" Qin Ying put away her smile and turned her head to stare at her daughter.

Qin Xiaowan only felt that her mother's eyes were terrified at this moment, swallowed her saliva, and called weakly: "My lord..."

Qin Ying showed a smile: "Hey, come on, sister, please sit down and drink some water."

She kindly pulled Xiaowan to sit down, poured another glass of water for Xiaowan, and said, "Sit down for a while, and I'll cook for you."

After speaking, my elder sister hummed a song, got up and went into the kitchen.

Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan held water glasses and looked at each other. Qin's mother seemed to be addicted to her sister's game.

In the kitchen, Qin Ying was washing the vegetables while listening to the movement outside, imagining the weird expressions on the faces of the two people, she couldn't help laughing out loud, "Hmph, who told you that I am old, I am not old, forever Seventeen."

Her wet hand gently stroked her cheek, her expression was in a trance, did my skin lose its luster, did crow's feet appear, no, nothing at all.

Dinner was ready soon, and the whole family sat together to eat dinner. Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan exchanged eye contact, and called Qin Xiaowan's mother at the same table, one by one, her sister, which made Qin Ying smile and praised them for their sweet mouth.

Just now when Su Nan communicated with Xiaowan, she thought why Qin's mother insisted on making them call her sister was because she was stimulated by Qin Xiaowan's words when she was in the car before. After all, no woman is willing to accept the fact that she is old. Well, Qin Xiaowan is in trouble.

After discussing, the two decided to follow Qin's mother's temperament and comfort her first, and the effect was quite good.

After dinner, Qin Xiaowan volunteered to wash the dishes, and Su Nan also went to help.

And Qin Ying took a rest for a while, then went to tidy up the empty room and make a bed for Su Nan.

Looking at the bed that could accommodate several people, Qin Ying thought, it would be a waste for Su Nan to sleep alone at night.

Before I knew it, it was eight o'clock, and Qin Ying cleaned the room and made her clothes a little dirty, so she went to take a bath. After she came out, she asked Su Nan and Xiao Wan to wash, saying that she should go to bed early tonight and get enough energy for tomorrow. Then they go out to play.

Su Nan was the last one to take a shower. It was almost nine o'clock after the shower. The three of them sat together and watched TV for a while. At ten o'clock, Qin Ying said, "It's getting late, everyone go to bed."

Qin Xiaowan got up obediently and was about to go back to her room. It seemed that this was Qin Ying's rule and she was not allowed to go to bed late.

Su Nan also planned to go back to the room, so she got up.

Seeing that they were going back to their own rooms, Qin Ying couldn't help but said, "Wait, why do you sleep in separate rooms?"

She frowned slightly, as if it was a serious matter that they slept in different rooms.

It was only then that Su Nan remembered that Qin's mother had told her about herself. It should be that Qin's mother discovered some strange behaviors that Xiaowan made because of shame disease when she was at home.In order to conceal the truth, Qin Xiaowan made up a lie to make her mother think that she had a strange disease and needed to get close to Su Nan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan guessed how Qin Xiaowan lied to her mother, now that he knew the reason why Qin Xiaowan was a pervert, and it wasn't in the seizure period, so he didn't want to sleep with her tonight.

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