After hesitating for a while, Su Nan picked up Qin Xiaowan's and began to clean it, but the movement was slow, and it was obvious that it was delaying time.He looked at Qin Ying out of the corner of his eye, and found a look of disappointment on Qin Ying's face, Su Nan was puzzled by this.

"Hurry up, Xiao Nan is a mother-in-law."

Qin Ying urged.

Su Nan said calmly: "It needs to be washed clean, these underwear."

Because it belonged to Qin Xiaowan, he wasn't under too much pressure. He hoped that it would take longer to force Qin's mother to leave impatiently.

"You are very happy to wash!"

As soon as the words were finished, Qin Xiaowan's cold voice was heard.

Su Nan turned her head to look, Qin Xiaowan entered the bathroom at some point, stood beside her mother with a flushed face, looking at him with grief and indignation, extremely ashamed.

Qin Ying, who was impatient just now, chose to target Su Nan.

"Really, Xiao Nan, I know you are diligent, but you can't help girls wash clothes, how inappropriate."

After she complained, she walked over to pick up her clothes, and walked out of the bathroom, leaving Su Nan sitting there alone in embarrassment, holding Xiaowan's personal belongings that had been scrubbed into a ball.

Qin Xiaowan glared at him angrily, and when she saw her mother leave, she suddenly showed an ambiguous smile, walked over, bent down, moved her mouth close, pinched Su Nan's earlobe lightly with her fingers and said, "If you like, I will hand over my clothes to you to wash in the future." Okay, but don't touch my mother."

After finishing speaking, Qin Xiaowan was so ashamed that she lightly pecked Su Nan's face with her fragrant lips, and exited the bathroom with a blushing face.

Su Nan opened her mouth and was speechless when she saw Qin Xiaowan ran away without waiting for an explanation. It seemed that she was treated as a pervert. Is Aunt Qin playing tricks on her on purpose?

Su Nan pondered.

Looking down at the personal items in her hands, Su Nan thought for a while, and felt that she couldn't give up halfway, so she continued to wash, um, this fabric is so soft, I have to ask Xiao Wan which brand it is.

After coming out of the bathroom, Qin Xiaowan and Qin's mother were both gone. They probably didn't have the nerve to face him. After all, one teased him and the other kissed him forcefully.

Su Nan dried the clothes, went back to her room, and took out her notebook to play.

Sitting in front of the computer desk, Su Nan took out his mobile phone to read the information, and found that there were unread messages in his harem group, he opened it to look, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Qin Xiaowan: Su Nan is helping me wash my clothes, look at his seriousness. (with video)

Zhao Xiaomin:?

Zhao Junmin:?

Zhao Xiaomin: That expression, that movement, it's hard to believe that it's washing clothes.

Zhan Weiling: @Su Nan, junior, come out and explain, is it a new sexual fetish?

Zhao Xiaomin: @Su Nan, Ah Nan, come to my house, Junmin and I haven't washed the clothes we changed yesterday.

Zhao Junmin withdrew from the group chat.

Chu Xi:? ? ?

Su Nan silently quit the group chat, clicked on the profile pictures of everyone except Qin Xiaowan, explained the reasons to them respectively, and received the following replies.

Zhao Junmin: Abnormal, don't come to my house!

Zhao Xiaomin: Ah Nan, it's okay, I understand you.

Zhan Weiling: Brother, help me do my laundry when you have time.

Chu Xi: Your interest... is a bit peculiar.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"That's not the case. I played cards with Xiaowan and asked the loser to help the other party with laundry. Just now I was fulfilling the promise."

Su Nan sent an explanation to Chu Xi in a serious manner, and ignored the others, because it seemed that only Chu Xi was serious, and the others were more joking.

But it doesn't make sense, is Chu Xi someone who would be surprised by such a thing?After all, Qin Xiaowan is not an outsider, besides, Chu Xi is also quite dirty sometimes.

Su Nan was puzzled, or said that his image in Chu Xi's mind is actually quite good, not a pervert.

"So that's it. By the way, I'm being lazy. I'm going to be busy now."

Looking at the two replies sent by Chu Xi, Su Nan fell into deep thought. It seemed that Chu Xi didn't trust her explanation very much. It would be better to find an opportunity to ask her out to play and then explain.

Putting away the phone, Su Nan stood up and walked out of the room.

He came to Qin Xiaowan's door and knocked on the door.


The lively voice of a little girl came from inside.

"I have something to ask you." Su Nan replied.

The room was quiet for a moment, and then Qin Xiaowan's voice pretending to be calm came out, "Come in."

Su Nan pushed the door open and saw Qin Xiaowan sitting in front of the computer, playing a game as if nothing had happened. She seemed to be very focused and didn't look back. She asked casually, "Is there anything I can do? I'm playing a game, can't you?" I'm free to play with you."

Su Nan didn't rush to answer, but took out her phone and looked at the chat records in the group.

Qin Xiaowan: I guess he hasn't given you fat times, so don't be envious, you can fight for this kind of thing yourself (smug beauty).

Zhao Xiaomin: I suddenly want to beat you up.

Zhan Weiling: Any more, GKD!

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