Qin Xiaowan: What, want to see more?That's it, everyone sends ten sentences of Xiaowan sister 666, and I agree to take the next paragraph.

Zhao Xiaomin: Miss Xiaowan 666*10

Zhan Weiling: Miss Xiaowan 666*10

Zhao Junmin: Miss Xiaowan 666*10

Chuxi: Miss Xiaowan 666*10

Zhan Weiling: @秦小WAN.Also shoot and wash fat times?Tired of watching, let’s have something exciting, or you’re actually lying to us.

Qin Xiaowan: Hmph, how about this, tonight I will take a picture of him wearing a fat pair on his head, wear mine!

Su Nan put her phone back into her pocket silently, and was about to settle accounts with Qin Xiaowan who had just had sex in the group, but at this moment, she accidentally saw the game she was playing. The style of painting looked pretty good, and it had strong Chinese elements.

"What kind of game is this?" Su Nan asked.

"Ah, this one, what is it called Code 109 City: Alice, someone sent it to me."

Qin Xiaowan answered casually.

She pretended to be very involved, and ignored Su Nan, her eyes were fixed on the computer screen to play the game.

Su Nan could see that she was perfunctory, probably afraid that he would cause trouble for her, but at this time Su Nan was also more interested in the game she was playing, because as an experienced person, he subconsciously felt that there was something wrong with this game , so continue to watch Xiao Wan play.

Xiaowan obviously just started playing, pointing the mouse, the game screen changes.

In the beginning, it was a story about an older male protagonist with glasses going out.

The male protagonist washes his face, brushes his teeth, feeds the cat and goes out. Everything looks normal, but it’s morning, but the background of the game is the same as the night, and there are many men who don’t look like beggars sitting at the door.

As the screen changes, it can be seen from the background of the street that this game is set in the future, and the people at the bottom live a boring life without work.

At this time, I will introduce from the perspective of the male protagonist, why they can live a boring life without being destroyed, and we should be grateful to them who are called [ITEN].

Qin Xiaowan pointed her finger, and the originally normal game suddenly became astringent, because an unhealthy picture appeared, which was showing the function of [ITEN]. It turned out that [ITEN] was an artificial human slave girl for men to vent.

Qin Xiaowan obviously didn't expect this, she stared blankly at the screen, and kept clicking with her finger, and the picture shown by the continuous clicking became more and more unhealthy.

Finally, she came back to her senses, turned off the game in a hurry, and looked back at Su Nan standing behind her with a hesitant expression.

Su Nan took a deep look at her, and patted her on the shoulder: "The game is good, remember to send me a copy later."

After speaking, he left the room before Qin Xiaowan could react.

Qin Xiaowan moved her lips, and when she saw him walk out, her expression became tearless, and she murmured in a low voice: "Damn it, who sent me the game and lied to me that it's fun, now I've been misunderstood to death."

She puffed her cheeks and clicked on QQ, and found the group that often bubbled up. After looking at it for a while, she realized that she was a scumbag. She downloaded the link posted in the group by someone else.

The QQ in the lower right corner has an avatar flashing.

Qin Xiaowan clicked on it and saw that it was Su Nan who had received the news.

Su Nan: Send it to me now, and share the good things together.

Qin Xiaowan cursed viciously: "Send it, send it right away, I will fuck you to death!"

In a fit of anger, she sent the game to Su Nan.

"Hey, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing."

Qin Xiaowan sat back against the back of the chair again, and gradually fell into deep thought. In the end, she showed a triumphant smile: "When you are burning with desire, I will go to your room to play with you again, and see how long you can hold on."

"Let me see, social security in this game is not social security first."

She rolled up her sleeves and lay down in front of the computer, concentrating on it. Gradually, her legs overlapped.

Let’s say that when Su Nan just finished teasing Qin Xiaowan and showed a happy smile, she saw that she really sent the game over. On a sudden whim, Su Nan chose to download and install it, and then opened it to play.

I have to say that this game is pretty good. The heroine is a cute loli, and the scene where she wears a cheongsam and teases the male teacher is simply social security.

Su Nan fell in love and kept playing, feeling excited and unbearable.

Now that his girlfriend is not around, in fact, playing this kind of game is very bad, there is no way to vent, Qin Xiaowan's girlfriend is not counted for the time being.

But this game is very interesting, and the heroine hits Su Nan's cute spot, making him unable to stop.By the time the game was over, his heartbeat had become very abnormal.

"It's just a prologue, so there is a follow-up?"

Su Nan thought about whether to go to some forums to find follow-up, but her body couldn't hold on.

After a difficult decision, he finally gave up looking for a follow-up, sitting on the seat and constantly adjusting his breathing, so as not to make a fool of himself in this family.

At this time, he heard abnormal breathing behind him, looked back, and was startled, Qin Ying stood behind him at some point, her face was flushed, her chest was still rising and falling, as if she was tired after exercising.

Su Nan quickly closed the notebook, pretending to be calm and asked, "When did you come?"

"Forget it, it seems to be when Alice was with her teacher."

Qin Ying blinked and answered.

Su Nan's face was a bit dark, and the plot of the male protagonist only started when he saw Alice, which means that Aunt Qin completely watched his game process, which was too shameful.

Su Nan didn't know how to explain to Aunt Qin, could it be that Xiaowan gave the game?

At this time, Qin Ying put her hands on his shoulders and said meaningfully: "Young man, be restrained, and send me the game later."

After leaving a word, she turned and left the room, leaving Su Nan in a daze. Aunt Qin's words were inexplicably familiar, did she come to avenge her daughter?

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