"No, it's shameful."

Qin Xiaowan covered her face in shame.

Qin Ying lowered her face and said with a smile, "If you don't say anything, I'll ask Xiao Nan."

She poked Su Nan's cheek with her finger, as if she was teasing her.

Su Nan was speechless for a while, Qin Ying was drunk at this time, and he didn't dare to resist, fearing that Qin Ying would go crazy and bring Xiao Wan in, and then he would not be able to speak clearly.

But in such a state, being pressed by the soft and plump body, and smelling her seductive body fragrance at a close distance, Su Nan felt that her heart was about to move, and she became stiff for a while.

Qin Ying noticed his nervousness, and the act of poking his cheek changed to stroking his head, with a peaceful smile on the corner of her mouth, as if for a moment Su Nan returned to her mother's embrace.

Qin Xiaowan outside hesitated for a while, and then said shyly: "It's almost like a game, but I just started it, and he ran away."

Qin Ying's half-closed eyes widened a little, she was stunned for a while, and asked, "How did you do it?"

Qin Xiaowan seemed to be dazed for a moment, and then complained: "Mom, why do you ask such a question, you are not ashamed."

"I'm concerned about my daughter, hmph, if I don't tell you, I'll go to Xiao Nan and ask him."

Qin Ying glared at Su Nan, pretending to be dissatisfied.

Su Nan, who was stared at, felt baffled. Was it because he was angry because he heard about his daughter and him?

It was obvious that they were very energetic to match the two of them before, but the mother-in-law is also an inexplicable creature.

"Mom, you are too much!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, I'm going to find Xiao Nan."

Qin Ying smiled triumphantly, with a flushed face, a half-drunk smile, and three-dimensional facial features, from the perspective of Su Nan who was lying on the ground, she felt that this was a perfect work of art.

He forcibly diverted his attention away from Qin Ying who was lying on his body, and reached into his pocket, wanting to take out the phone.

Qin Ying mistakenly thought that he wanted to escape, so she climbed on top of him and sat on his stomach. Suddenly, Su Nan held her breath.

Qin Xiaowan finally compromised, and whispered and shyly talked about what happened in the room just now. She didn't speak carefully, but the drunk Qin Ying asked questions from time to time, coercing and luring Qin Xiaowan to talk about that.

Qin Xiaowan was also too nervous and shy, and didn't notice that her mother's tone of voice was different from usual.

Slowly, Su Nan felt that Qin Ying's breathing became short of breath.

I only heard Qin Xiaowan say: "At that time, I sat on his stomach, bent down and kissed him, he seemed to be confused, and I smiled triumphantly."

Qin Ying looked down at Su Nan, lay down, kissed Su Nan on the cheek, and then smiled at him triumphantly.

Su Nan looked bewildered, he grabbed Qin Ying's arm, trying to pull Qin Ying off her body.

Qin Ying, who noticed his movement, opened her mouth, as if about to scream, Su Nan covered her mouth instead, sweating coldly from behind.

Qin Ying took his hand away and looked at him ferociously, her eyes seemed to say that if she resisted again, she would not be polite.

Su Nan had no choice but to suppress the urge to run away, in order to lower Qin Ying's vigilance, and at the same time think about ways to escape.The mobile phone is still in the pocket, but it is a bit difficult to take it out at this time without being found.

Qin Xiaowan continued: "I found that he didn't resist very much, and I was very happy, so I turned my body and turned my back to him, imitating the plot in the game..."

Qin Ying's bright eyes stared at Su Nan, she silently turned her body and turned her back to him.

Su Nan thought, isn't it true, even this has to be learned?

When the crisis came, he quickly took out his mobile phone while Qin Ying was not paying attention, and dialed Qin Xiaowan's mobile phone.

It is not an instant to make a call, and it takes time to answer the phone. Su Nan clutched the phone tightly in her palm, praying in her heart, hurry up, hurry up.

Finally, the phone was dialed, and the phone rang at the door.

Su Nan was overjoyed and thought, don't run away, just pick it up.

Qin Xiaowan, who was explaining the details to her mother, also breathed a sigh of relief, and said quickly: "Su Nan called me, I'll go and answer the phone first."

After she finished speaking, she ran away.

Su Nan had no time to rejoice, and when the call was connected, it was already too late.

His heart went cold.

"looking for me?"

On the phone, Qin Xiaowan said strangely.

Su Nan said: "I forgot to bring the key to go out. I am downstairs. Come down and open the door for me."

"Why are you so careless?"

Qin Xiaowan complained, but her movements were unambiguous, she opened the door and left the house, and went downstairs.

Su Nan threw away the phone, knocked Qin Ying who was holding her down to the ground, then quickly got up and held her down.

Qin Ying was still confused, she raised her bright red face and stared blankly at Su Nan.

Su Nan hesitated to speak but stopped looking at her. In the end, she didn't say anything, but silently carried her to bed and let her go to sleep.

The aftertaste of the wine had completely broken out. At this time, Qin Ying's whole body softened into a ball, and she stopped messing around, and fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.

"Hey, what's the matter!"

Su Nan covered her with a quilt. Thinking of what happened just now, she felt so fucked up. She couldn't help but cursed and left the room embarrassingly.

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