As soon as he walked out, he received a call from Qin Xiaowan, and the girl said to him depressedly: "Did you lie to me on purpose, I didn't see you at all."

"Maybe I went to the wrong building, I can't recognize which one it is, why don't you come and pick me up, I'm in..."

Randomly reported an address to Qin Xiaowan, and after hanging up the phone, Su Nan hurried out and ran downstairs in one breath.

At this moment, the bell rang again, and it was still Qin Xiaowan calling.

"You guy, are you kidding me? I didn't see you at all!"

The girl said bitterly while panting.

"No way, let me take a look. Ah, it turns out that this is another building. I saw it wrong. I'm actually..."

After finishing her annoyance, Su Nan hung up the phone and hurried to the door of the building that she reported to Qin Xiaowan just now.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Within a minute, Qin Xiaowan's figure appeared in the field of vision. She seemed very depressed, and walked up to Su Nan angrily, staring at him with dark eyes.

Just when Su Nan thought she was going to be angry, the girl pouted and said, "I'm exhausted, give me a kiss, or I won't care about you next time."

The girl turned her head to reveal her side face, which was smooth and fair, with a faint blush rippling from above.

Seeing the traces of sweat on the girl's forehead, Su Nan hesitated for a moment, finally bent down, and lightly imprinted it on her face.

For a moment, a smile bloomed on Qin Xiaowan's face.

She seemed to be surrounded by great happiness. She closed her eyes and stood still for three seconds before slowly opening them. She came over with a smile on her eyes and took Su Nan's arm.

"Come on, let's go home."

Even the voice became lively.

Su Nan smiled a little forcedly, and was taken away by Qin Xiaowan.

In his mind, what happened before came to mind, although it was not his fault, it was because Qin Ying got drunk and went crazy, but it happened after all, I am very sorry for Xiao Wan.

After such a thing happened, Su Nan didn't know how to face Qin Ying in the future, and even had the idea of ​​going home tomorrow to escape.

Going up to Hushang, there was a takeaway worker standing at the door, holding a mobile phone and making continuous calls, frowning.

Qin Xiaowan quickly pulled Su Nan over and said, "It's my takeaway, just give it to me."

She took out the key and opened the door of her house.

The takeaway staff handed out a lot of things in their hands, and Su Nan reached out to take them.

Entering the house and closing the door, Qin Xiaowan was a little puzzled: "Mom is at home, why didn't you open the door?"

"Maybe he fell asleep."

Su Nan said casually.

"I'm going to wake her up for dinner."

Qin Xiaowan walked towards Qin Ying's room.

Su Nan opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't stop her.

It's unrealistic for Qin Ying to hide her drinking for the whole night, and she got into a big disaster after getting drunk, which made Xiaowan realize that it's not a bad thing to teach her a lesson.

Qin Xiaowan came out after entering the room for a while, she sighed and said: "Mom is actually drunk, forget it, don't call her, let's eat first."

Su Nan nodded, expressing that he had no objection.

The two arranged the takeaway and sat down to eat together.

Su Nan asked casually: "Does your mother drink a lot?"

Qin Xiaowan had a smile on her lips, as if she was happy to have dinner with Su Nan.

Hearing this, she replied: "Occasionally she drinks, but it's rare to see her drunk. I don't know why she went crazy tonight."

She was also a little puzzled.

If Qin Ying's answer before was not false, then seeing her daughter and Su Nan going out together makes her feel lonely.

Su Nan asked again: "Will your mother go crazy when drunk?"

Qin Xiaowan thought for a while, then said disgustedly: "That's not true, but it will become very annoying, clinging to me all the time, and acting like a baby, in short, it's disgusting."

"Uh, doesn't she feel embarrassed when she wakes up?" Su Nan was puzzled.

"No." Qin Xiaowan shook her head and said, "After she wakes up, she will forget about it."

Hearing this answer, Su Nan couldn't help feeling secretly happy. If Aunt Qin really didn't remember what happened when she was drunk, that is to say, as long as he didn't tell, no one would ever know about that.

Su Nan suppressed the excitement in her heart, and decided to wait until tomorrow to look at it. It is best to forget everything, otherwise it will be too embarrassing.

After the meal, Qin Xiaowan took Su Nan directly to go shopping. After the cosplay game not long ago, she got her wish and increased the intimacy with Su Nan to the point where hugging and kissing were considered daily behaviors.

Su Nan didn't reject it that much anymore, but he always felt that Qin Xiaowan was still young, or because he was the daughter of his mother's friend, he had a feeling that he couldn't continue talking.

In short, let's keep it like this for now, and we'll talk about it later.

At present, Su Nan still has more difficult things to deal with. If he sees Qin Ying tomorrow, and she still remembers the memory of being drunk, what should he do?

The temperature suddenly dropped at night, walking on the road and taking a breath, you can see thick white mist exhaling from your mouth.

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