Both girls' hair was disheveled, their faces were covered with sweat, and some of their hair was covered with a special style. They looked tired, but their faces were full of moist luster.

Su Nan also feels very satisfied. He has been staying with Xiao Wan recently, and he is often teased, which makes him feel like a fire in his heart. Now he is finally comfortable.

"Ah Nan is really suffocated."

Xiao Min said to him with a smile.

"It seems that Xiaowan didn't satisfy you, so let me continue to love you tonight, senior."

Zhan Weiling held Su Nan's face in her hands, smiling like a flower.

"You don't have to wait until night, you can do it now."

Su Nan smirked, wanting to do it again, the two women laughed and scolded to avoid him, but finally fulfilled his wish.

After the incident again, Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin could only breathe, their bodies were drenched, while Su Nan was completely satisfied and stopped messing around again.

The three of them were lying on the bed and whispering.

"Have you met Chu Xi? I can't get a date with her."

Su Nan asked in bewilderment, he wanted to ask Chu Xi out to play with the four of them, but he didn't expect Chu Xi to be free. It stands to reason that it's almost New Year's Eve, no matter how strict the tutor is, it should be at this time Just rest.

The two women looked at each other and shook their heads.

Xiao Min's expression was gloomy: "I chatted with her privately, but she didn't reply to me. It's too much. How can we have a man together?"

"It has nothing to do with this." Su Nan was ashamed, and asked Zhan Weiling: "Where is the senior sister?"

Zhan Wei also shook her head: "You know, I have been making up lessons, and I have been free for the past two days, and I haven't chatted with Chuxi, but since the holiday, she hasn't been bubbling in the group, unless it is related to Xiaonan thing."

"Hehe, I value sex over friends." Zhao Xiaomin sneered.

Seeing that both of them were a little dissatisfied with Chu Xi, Su Nan quickly helped to clarify, telling them that Chu Xi was forced by his family to take tutoring recently, so he had no time to touch his phone.

Zhao Xiaomin showed a smile and praised: "So that's the case. It seems that I misunderstood her. Chu Xi is still my good friend."

Zhan Weiling rolled her eyes and said, "But why does she have time to reply to Xiao Nan?"

Zhao Xiaomin was taken aback for a moment, and then she was furious: "Sure enough, you value sex and despise friends, Chu Xi is a bitch!"

"Hey, it's been a while."

Su Nan quickly reminded.

"Hehe, Xiao Nan has been speaking for Chu Xi."

Zhan Weiling said eccentrically at the side.

Su Nan was speechless: "Sister, please don't fan the flames."

Zhan Weiling stuck out her tongue with an innocent look on her face.

"Hmph, Ah Nan, don't cover up Chuxi. If you want to prove whether she values ​​sex over friends, it's very simple. The three of us each send a message with the same content to Chuxi, and see who she replies to."

Zhao Xiaomin seemed to be heartbroken by Chu Xi's non-response, so she snorted and made a comment.

She took out her mobile phone and urged Su Nan and Zhan Weiling: "Hurry up too, give me your mobile phone, and I will send the message."

Just as Su Nan was about to speak, Zhan Weiling quickly handed over his phone, leaving him speechless.

Under the hard work of the two girlfriends, Su Nan finally compromised and handed over the phone.

Zhao Xiaomin opened the WeChat of each mobile phone, clicked Chuxi's profile picture, entered the same content "Are you there" on each WeChat, and clicked send.

"This 'are you' question is too low-level, it's not like my style at all."

Zhan Weiling complained.

Su Nan also shook her head: "Chu Xi and I wouldn't talk like that."

"For the simplest question, you can tell how hard she is by how she responds." Zhao Xiaomin was not convinced.

The three heads gathered together, guarding the three mobile phones, waiting for a reply.

ten minutes later.

Zhao Xiaomin said: "It seems a bit boring."

Su Nan replied: "You said you wanted to test."

"Yes, but we don't need to wait like this, let's make some shows."

Zhao Xiaomin stared at Su Nan, her eyes rolling around, wondering what the hell she was thinking.

Su Nan showed an evil smile: "Why, do you want to come again? I don't mind."

Zhao Xiaomin seemed a little scared, and pushed the senior sister: "Why don't you go first."

Zhan Weiling reached out to touch the tiger's buttocks, and teased, "Why don't you dedicate this place?"

Zhao Xiaomin was annoyed at first, and then laughed strangely: "Sister, do you want it? Let you try it, Ah Nan, I will catch her for you."

As she said that, she stretched out her hand to Zhan Weiling, as if she was going to do something, Zhan Weiling twitched, she was not an opponent at all.

At this time, the bell rang.

The eyes of the three people were attracted by the mobile phone at the same time. It was Su Nan's mobile phone that rang, and the other two mobile phones did not respond.

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