Six hundredth Chapter 16 paid the public food in full

There was silence for a while.

"Hmph, it really is that you value sex over friends."

Zhao Xiaomin rolled her eyes, picked up her mobile phone, jumped out of bed, and walked into the bathroom.

Zhan Weiling also put away her mobile phone, got out of bed with a smile, and said to Su Nan, "My body is sticky, I'm going to take a shower too, you guys talk slowly."

After finishing speaking, she followed behind Zhao Xiaomin's buttocks and also entered the bathroom.

Su Nan was a little touched suddenly. Chu Xi couldn't get in touch. The two of them were actually worried too. After all, unlike him, they would sometimes receive replies from Chu Xi.

So they jointly encouraged Su Nan to contact Chu Xi, and now that they saw Chu Xi's reply, they were not so worried.

After staying for a while, Su Nan picked up the phone and read the message.

"Sorry, your message failed to send."

Blinking her eyes, she was indeed right. Su Nan was stunned. Could it be that WeChat has a new function recently, and if the message cannot be sent, can it still give a reminder?

But this is obviously the answer.

Su Nan had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly thought of something, and typed "Are you there" again to send it.

"The user you called is temporarily unavailable, please leave a message if you need anything."

Seeing this reply, Su Nan became interested, and typed "Are you there" again with her fingers nimbly, and clicked send.

"Sorry, the purpose of your message is unclear and has been automatically filtered by the system."

"Is it here?"

"……Here I am."

"I've run out of templates for answering 'Are you there?'. How about giving you some time to search?"

Looking at the series of ellipses sent by Chu Xi, Su Nan seemed to see the girl with puffed cheeks in annoyance, and couldn't help laughing knowingly.

Chu Xi's reply was obviously from Baidu, probably to make fun of him.

Su Nan typed and said, "Just kidding, what have you been up to lately?"

Chu Xi: "It's still the same as usual, how about you."

Su Nan: "I'm very free. I play games every day and pick Xiaowan up to school. By the way, senior sister and Xiaomin are here. Do you want to get together? I haven't seen you for a long time. They are going to stay here It took two days, twenty-nine to go back."

After a while, Chu Xi sent a reply.

"Sorry, I'm not free until Chinese New Year."

"Are you free after the Chinese New Year?" Su Nan asked. After waiting for a while, Chu Xi didn't reply. He thought about it, then typed and sent another message.

"Why don't we meet after the next year, from the first day to the third day of the new year, maybe you decide the time, I can go to you, I want to see you."

After a while, the news came out.

Su Nan smiled and continued to reply: "Then we have made an agreement, when will I find you?"

"No, I'll go find you, and then... just the two of us."

Although a little surprised, Su Nan wasn't surprised. She felt that Chu Xi wanted to be alone with her, so she replied with an "OK" expression.

Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin came out of the bathroom, and they came to the bed and sat down.

Zhan Weiling asked him curiously: "The chat is over? What did Chuxi say?"

"After the year she came to see me."

After Su Nan answered, she took a look at the two women, shook her head and said, "Put on your clothes quickly, be careful not to catch a cold."

The two had just finished taking a bath, and they were only wearing a bath towel. A large area of ​​snow-white skin was exposed, which aroused people's imagination, but Su Nan was more worried that they had caught a cold.

"It's okay, the air conditioner is turned on."

Zhan Weiling didn't care. She sat on the bed with her hands back and raised her legs. Her round and slender legs looked particularly eye-catching. What's more, in this position, she didn't wear anything...

Zhan Weiling didn't notice this, she glanced at Zhao Xiaomin, and said thoughtfully: "I only met you, Xiao Nan, it seems that we have an average status in her heart."

Zhao Xiaomin smiled while putting on her clothes, "Don't be so provocative, quickly expose the fur on the bed."

The senior sister shook her upturned legs, looking very indifferent: "What does it matter, Xiao Nan is not an outsider."

But she still put her feet down, picked up the clothes that Su Nan had prepared for them, and put them on.

The facilities in this hotel are mediocre, the air conditioner and warm air are not strong enough, and it still feels a little cold to be naked without clothes. The reason why they live here is purely because they want it to be closer to where Su Nan lives.

Seeing that they were all dressed, Su Nan said, "Xiaowan is almost out of class, let's go pick her up together, and then have a meal together. I have already said hello to Aunt Qin, so I won't go back to eat tonight."

"By the way, we're here, do you want to say hello to Sister Qin, she took good care of us before."

Zhao Xiaomin looked at Su Nan and asked, before Qin Ying came to live at Su Nan's house, and had dinner with them, and she was quite familiar with them.

Zhan Weiling shook her head: "It's better not to go, we are here to see Xiao Nan, let Sister Qin know that I am here, maybe she will invite me to dinner, and ask us to stay at her house, then it will be boring."

Only then did Zhao Xiaomin come to her senses, and quickly said, "Then we won't go, Ah Nan told Xiaowan not to tell Sister Qin that we are coming."

It's a joke, living under Sister Qin's nose, how can they get close to Su Nan, and Qin Ying has never concealed that she wants to win the hearts of her daughter and Su Nan, knowing that they are here, she will probably keep an eye on them.

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