"Xiao Wan won't say it."

Su Nan dispelled their doubts and prepared to go out with them.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaomin's expression changed, and he winked at Zhan Weiling quietly.

Zhan Weiling understood, walked up to Su Nan, blushed, and said in a coquettish tone, "Xiao Nan, I'm thinking about it again."

Surprised, Su Nan said, "But I promised Xiaowan to pick her up."

"That girl has occupied you for so long, she will still lose her temper in one less day, anyway, you have to pay the public rations today, or you are not allowed to leave, Xiao Min, come on."

Zhan Weiling hugged Su Nan's arm, and Zhao Xiaomin approached on the other side, doing the same thing, and the scent of the girl after bathing wafted into her nostrils.

Su Nan was going to hold back because he couldn't break his promise to Xiaowan, but the moment Zhao Xiaomin got close to her, he felt the heat of her body, and he immediately changed his mind, letting the two girls act like anxious hooligans Pull yourself into bed as well.

After lying down on the bed, the senior sister gave up the seat, and Zhao Xiaomin made up for it.

It was obvious that Zhao Xiaomin had an attack at this time and was in urgent need of treatment. The senior sister was helping her cover it up and at the same time trying her best to seduce Su Nan.

There is no way, for the sake of the safety of his girlfriend, Su Nan had to do her best. Of course, the senior sister did not escape the target in the end.

During the stalemate, Su Nan's cell phone rang, and the senior sister answered it for him.

"Hello, Xiao Wan? Xiao Nan is not free to pick you up today, so go home by yourself."

Zhan Weiling's voice was not smooth.

Six hundredth Chapter 17 Familiarize yourself with the unscrupulous life in advance

"Damn it, what are you doing? Stop it!"

Qin Xiaowan was very depressed, as soon as she heard the voice, she knew what was happening on the other side.

Since she has been with Su Nan recently, she has enjoyed a sweet love for the first time, but what is happening at this moment brings her back to reality.

The jealousy was burning.

Zhan Weiling glanced at the scene and said, "I can't stop, come and see if I don't believe you."

"I'll be there soon!"

Hearing the busy tone of the mobile phone, Zhan Weiling was startled, Qin Xiaowan probably really came.

Ten minutes later, she received a message from Qin Xiaowan and walked over to open the door a crack.

"You're really here."

Looking at Qin Xiaowan standing outside the door, Zhan Weiling was a little speechless, what can you do here at this time?Want to get involved?

Qin Xiaowan put on a stinky face without answering, and asked directly: "How long will it take you? I'm hungry."

"You have to ask Xiao Min about this, she is having a fit now, and she can't seem to stop."

Zhan Weiling pointed behind her, and opened the door a little more. Suddenly, a strange voice rushed into Qin Xiaowan's ears, making her face turn red instantly.

"It's really...too shameless." Qin Xiaowan gritted her teeth and said jealously.

"You will be similar in the future. If you have nothing to do, go back first. It's useless to stay."

After speaking with a smile, Zhan Weiling was about to close the door. Although there was no one outside, there was no guarantee that no one would come over. It would be bad to be heard.

Qin Xiaowan rolled her eyes, put her hands against the door to refuse to let it close, and said, "I want to go in too."

Zhan Weiling was surprised: "Are you sure?"

"Sure." The girl gritted her teeth and said, she wanted to see what was going on inside.

Because of Qin Xiaowan's insistence, Zhan Weiling had no choice but to let her in. She was afraid that Xiaowan would not let the door close, and outsiders who passed by would find out.

As soon as she entered the door, Qin Xiaowan felt a strong shock.

Suddenly, she was pushed from behind, and accidentally fell onto the bed, and the shock became even stronger.

Qin Xiaowan turned her head in embarrassment, and Zhan Weiling smiled with interest behind her: "It's all here, let's feel it up close."

After speaking, Zhan Weiling actually chose to join.

Qin Xiaowan was dumbfounded.

Participating in this four-person game, Qin Xiaowan felt as if her consciousness was drifting in the sea, and her head was always dizzy.Of course, this time she is just a supporting role.

Afterwards, the four of them went to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Except for Su Nan's awkward expression, Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin seemed to be all right, eating and drinking what they should eat and drink, but Qin Xiaowan's expression remained stiff and blushed all the time. Can't go back.

After dinner, Qin Xiaowan dragged Su Nan and ran away. Under the teasing eyes of Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin, she was at a loss, her rank was still too low.

These two women seem to want to familiarize her with this kind of thing now. What are they paying attention to? Is it a big fight in the future?

Zhan Weiling lived with Zhao Xiaomin for two days and then went back. It was the New Year's Eve.

On this day, Qin Ying concentrated on preparing for the New Year's Eve dinner, Su Nan and Xiao Wan have been helping.

Although there were only three of them, there was a lot of preparation work. In the evening, a sumptuous dinner was finally completed.

After the meal, Qin Ying came to Su Nan, handed him a red envelope, pampered his head, and said with a smile, "Xiao Nan, I wish you peace and happiness forever, this is the red envelope."

Then Qin Ying came to Xiaowan, hugged her daughter, and blessed her: "I wish Xiaowan more and more beautiful, and be with Xiaonan forever, be happy."

Qin Xiaowan blushed a little, no one would say that on New Year's Eve, but in front of Su Nan.

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