Su Nan suddenly had a dull pain in his head, and Su Nan was startled, looking at the movements of his hands in surprise.

Qin Ying's voice came from behind.

"Xiao Nan, do you still remember this place?"

Qin Ying's voice was full of joy, she leaned closer, and looked at the picture on the wall with Su Nan, her eyes nostalgic: "I didn't expect that so many years have passed, only this place has not changed, I really miss it, Xiao Nan used to live Oh, in this position."

She turned her head and glanced at Su Nan, then turned her head and continued to look at the picture on the wall.

Su Nan also guessed a little bit, but she still felt a little surprised when she heard what she said.

So Qin Ying brought him back here, in fact, to miss the time with him when she was a child?

Probably because of the lack of air here, Su Nan felt a little stuffy in his chest. He exhaled and said, "Are all the patterns on the walls drawn by me?"

Apparently yes, children's doodles.

Qin Ying laughed and did not deny this point, "Xiao Nan was the most naughty when she was a child, she refused to be hospitalized obediently, she always wanted to be coaxed, and she also liked to play pranks, using the walls of other people's hospitals as drawing boards to paint graffiti, which caused the nurse to die of headaches gone."

She seemed to remember something interesting, with a smile on her face all the time.

Su Nan was also speechless when she heard it. Is this who she was when she was a child?

Why can't I remember these memories?

Su Nan carefully probed: "Sister Qin, did I get hospitalized because of a head injury?"

He suspected that he had lost his memory. Maybe his parents sent him to the hospital because of a head injury.

Qin Ying said, "I guess so, I don't remember clearly."

Well, after all, almost ten years have passed, and it's normal not to remember.Su Nan decided to call and ask her mother.

"By the way, sister Qin, did you also live in this ward at that time?"

Su Nan asked curiously.

There is no distinction between men and women in the hospital, and he was still a child at the time. If Qin Ying was also hospitalized here, and then got acquainted with him, and then got to know Su Nan's mother, it would be very common.

"Xiao Nan, guess."

Qin Ying blinked at him, looking a bit spooky.

"Don't guess, go back and ask my mother."

Su Nan ignored her.

Qin Ying pouted, "It's boring."

As she spoke, she raised her phone, turned on the camera, and took a picture of the wall.

"Why did Sister Qin bring me here?" Seeing this scene, Su Nan finally couldn't help asking.

Qin Ying deliberately took him back to the ward where he lived when he was a child, which he couldn't understand, because it didn't feel like a very meaningful thing.

At first he thought Qin Ying came here because of Xiaowan's father.

Qin Ying put away her mobile phone, sighed and said, "Because Xiao Nan can't remember what happened when she was a child, so I thought, bring you here to see if it will work, but it doesn't seem to work."

She looked rather pitiful.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It turns out that, returning to a familiar place, it is indeed possible to remember the past experience.

Su Nan felt relieved, but he had no impression of this place in his head, and it seemed that he was going to disappoint Aunt Qin's good intentions.

Then Su Nan thought of another point, was the reason why he was hospitalized at that time really a head injury? According to the general development, what he lost should be the memory before the injury, but the memory he forgot included after he was discharged from the hospital.

For example, he couldn't remember many things related to Xiao Wan when he was a child. Although he knew that there was this person and remembered some memories, those memories were too vague.

And Qin Ying was even completely forgotten by him, but he still remembered that there was such a person, she was a friend of his mother, but he didn't remember that he had been with her at all.

Could it be that after his brain was damaged, it caused the problem of easy forgetting of memories.

This point is similar to Su Nan's previous cognition. He had a bad memory at the beginning, but he got to know Chu Xixiao, Min and others later, and his body was influenced by them. After strengthening, he gradually changed this problem.

"Since we can't remember, let's go back."

Qin Ying sighed regretfully.

Su Nan nodded, this place is too gloomy, even if he is brave and talented, he still feels a little scared.

Before leaving, Su Nan glanced at the wall that was graffitied by himself when he was a child. He felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He thought to himself, this is probably the sense of déjà vu.

The two left the inpatient department, and then evacuated out of the hospital building.

Standing and bathing in the faint moonlight, the supernatural atmosphere in my heart slowly faded away.

When they came to the foot of the fence, it was still the same, Su Nan pushed Qin Ying up first.

Qin Ying's butt is too plump. When Su Nan helped her like this, she always felt guilty.

But Qin Ying didn't take it seriously, making Su Nan feel that she was thinking too much, so she had to try to treat it with a normal heart.

Because Qin Ying almost fell when she came in, after Su Nan pushed her up this time, she told her not to move, climbed up by herself, jumped down first, and then followed her.

The car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, and the two walked towards the car. Halfway through, Su Nan stretched out her hand to stop Qin Ying from moving forward, motioning her to keep quiet.

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