Although Qin Ying was a little puzzled, she still stood there obediently, watching Su Nan's actions curiously.

Su Nan stared at the car for a while, then squatted down, put her hands on the ground, and looked close to the ground. She saw a pair of feet from under the car, and someone was hiding there.

Seeing this man's sneaky look, Su Nan knew that he had bad intentions, and when she thought that if she didn't follow, Aunt Qin would be murdered by her appointment, she immediately became furious.

He stood up and signaled Qin Ying to continue standing still, while he walked towards the car with light steps alone.He didn't tell Qin Ying what happened, for fear of scaring her.

Walking near the car, Su Nan walked around the rear of the car, and saw a sneaky figure bending over and hiding there. He was young, but dressed sloppily, and he knew that he was not doing well.

I saw this man poking his head out quietly, as if he was looking at Qin Ying in the distance, and Su Nan standing behind him could clearly hear his swallowing.

Originally thought that he came here for money, but unexpectedly, he was interested in sex. Su Nan felt cold, walked behind the man, and patted him on the shoulder.

The man was startled and reacted quickly. He turned around and stabbed him with a knife, but Su Nan's fist was faster and hit him hard in the face.

"Ah!" The man screamed, and fell to the sky, lying on the ground, his body twitched continuously, as if he was taking in more air than he was exhaling.

Su Nan turned a blind eye to this, and he sighed with a depressed face: "It's really unlucky, I won't be able to go back until two or three o'clock."

Sure enough, after calling the police, the police rushed to escort the gangsters into the car, and Su Nan and Qin Ying also followed them back to make statements.

They were busy until two or three o'clock before they left the police station in the county seat and drove home on the highway.

Su Nan was sitting in the co-pilot, and looked at Qin Ying who was smiling and driving with some puzzlement. She was not very scared when she met the gangster with a bayonet just now, which was really beyond Su Nan's expectation.

"Probably more optimistic. Seeing that I have dealt with the bad guys, I feel happy."

Su Nan muttered in his heart, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Forty minutes later, the two returned home.

Qin Ying washed her face and came out, yawned, and said to Su Nan, "Xiao Nan, good night, see you tomorrow."

She entered the room sleepily.

Su Nan then also went back to the room, lying on the bed but unable to fall asleep, the events of the past two days kept appearing in her head, going shopping with Qin Ying as a couple, being molested by a drunk Qin Ying, the New Year's Eve with Qin Ying, and Qin Ying Going out to explore late at night on the New Year's Eve...

Fuck, everything has to do with her.

Su Nan turned over and kept muttering: "Qin Xiaowan is number one in the world, Qin Xiaowan is number one in the world..."

Waking up in the morning, Su Nan sat on the bed in a daze for a long time, and then he made a decision, his eyes became determined.

Lifting the quilt and getting out of bed, Su Nan walked out of the room. The living room was quiet, and neither mother nor daughter got up.

Su Nan glanced across Qin Ying's door, and landed on Qin Xiaowan's door.

After thinking for three seconds, he walked over. The door was unlocked, and he opened it directly to enter.

Qin Xiaowan was sleeping on the bed, and the quilt was kicked away by her mischievous, revealing her white belly.

Su Nan walked to the bed and stared at Qin Xiaowan for one second, two seconds, three seconds, then he did something and climbed onto Qin Xiaowan's bed.

Of course, just as he started, Qin Xiaowan opened his eyes, staring at him strangely, with a bit of secret joy.

Su Nan froze, and after a while, she said awkwardly, "If I say I'm here to wake you up, do you believe it or not?"

"Well, I believe it." Qin Xiaowan nodded affirmatively, but the joy in her eyes became more and more intense.

Su Nan knew that he couldn't explain clearly, and he said, "I did come to wake you up, but the way is a bit special."

Then, under the surprised gaze of the girl, he held the girl's face and kissed it.

Qin Xiaowan seemed to be hit by great happiness all of a sudden, and stayed there for several moments, until she clearly felt the temperature of the other party's lips, and then responded enthusiastically.

After a while, Su Nan let go of her, giving the girl a chance to take two breaths of fresh air.

After the girl calmed down, she said to him seriously: "I like this way of getting up, and I will only wake up when I am kissed by you in the future."

In other words, Qin Xiaowan expects him to wake herself up in this way every day.

Su Nan responds to her expectations with behavior.

He needs to divert part of his attention from thinking about those weird things, and only Qin Xiaowan can help him at this time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the first day of the new year, Su Nan went on a date with Xiao Wan. This time he took Xiao Wan seriously as his girlfriend and started dating her seriously.

He wanted to dive in, to get lost in it, to forget about everything else.

When getting along with Xiao Wan, Su Nan calmed down a little bit of annoyance.

Su Nan has never been so active before. Qin Xiaowan felt that the sun came out from the west today, and she was in a happy mood all day long. She felt that Su Nan's elm head had finally opened up and was influenced by her sincerity.

She posted this incident in the group to show off, and received blessings from her seniors who were both opponents and partners.Seeing the teasing of her seniors, Qin Xiaowan smiled happily.

It was getting dark, Qin Xiaowan and Su Nan returned home after receiving a call from their mother, her mother had already prepared a sumptuous dinner and was waiting for them.

Seeing the two of them going home holding hands, Qin Ying smiled knowingly, and greeted, "Sit down and eat quickly, love can't be eaten as food, you haven't eaten anything all day, right?"

"But falling in love can make me eat an extra bowl of rice, and then I will have more energy."

Qin Xiaowan smiled and said that she was in a good mood and sat down.She is really hungry.

After dinner.

Qin Xiaowan has been a little clingy to Su Nan recently, and wanted to follow Su Nan back to his room, but her mother took her into her room on the grounds that she had something important to tell her.

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