"Mom, hurry up if you have anything to say, Su Nan is chatting with the seniors in the group again, I have to hurry over there."

Feeling the non-stop ringing mobile phone in her pocket, Qin Xiaowan anxiously told her mother that as long as she was by Su Nan's side, Su Nan would be ashamed to flirt with her seniors in front of her.

The closer relationship with Su Nan also made her jealous.

"According to me, you should secretly help Xiao Nan quit the group."

Qin Ying gives bad advice to her daughter.

"This is not good, it will leave Su Nan with the image of a sassy girlfriend."

Of course, the reason is more than that simple, Qin Xiaowan is unwilling to do this, and also considers that everyone should live in harmony in the future, and don't do things that are too easy to arouse everyone's hostility.

"Xiao Wan, you have no sense of crisis."

Qin Ying taught her a lesson, with a hint of hatred that iron cannot be made into steel, "Those are your rivals in love, how can you be soft-hearted and not hold Xiao Nan firmly in your hands, be careful that he will be snatched away."

"Mom, didn't I tell you that senior sisters are in the same situation as me. If I do that, it will be very difficult for Su Nan."

Qin Xiaowan said depressedly, feeling that her mother seems to be a little different today, even if her mother knew about the existence of senior sisters and the others, she did not encourage her to go to the palace.

"That's a problem." Qin Ying suddenly changed her mind, and said to her daughter: "Although there is no palace fight on the surface, you must not take it lightly. Xiao Wan, you will be inseparable from Xiao Nan for the rest of your life. You must try your best Fight to be the one he loves the most.”

"Of course, I've always done that."

Qin Xiaowan agrees with this.

Seeing this, Qin Ying said again: "So Xiaowan, tomorrow Chuxi will come to have a date with Xiaonan, aren't you going to do something?"

Qin Xiaowan was stunned, "Mom, how did you know?"

Su Nan said about this in the group, so she knew, but she didn't tell her mother, and Su Nan certainly wouldn't tell, so how did my mother know.

Qin Ying said with an innocent face: "I accidentally saw Xiao Nan's cell phone. I feel that this Chu Xi will be your strong competitor. Don't take it lightly."

Qin Xiaowan showed hesitation, her mother's meaning was obvious, she hoped that she would be more proactive, and even put the competition on the bright side, but that's not allowed.

Qin Ying didn't say any more, she patted her daughter's shoulder: "Xiao Wan, think about it for yourself."

Qin Xiaowan came out of her mother's room and bumped into Su Nan who was going to the toilet. She hesitated for a while, then approached Su Nan and asked, "Chuxi coming tomorrow?"

Su Nan nodded, without any sense of shame in front of her new girlfriend, thanks to the careful training of the other girlfriends.

Qin Xiaowan pretended not to care: "Where do you plan to go?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, but the steps of a date are nothing more than shopping, eating, watching a movie, opening a house, etc..."

Su Nan saw Qin Xiaowan's brows twitch, and didn't continue.

"Open the room, ha ha." Qin Xiaowan's smile was stiff, and her words seemed to be gnashing her teeth: "Chu Xi has been very busy recently, so she probably won't be free."

"I think so." Su Nan nodded approvingly, thinking that the hourly room can be opened, the lovers have not seen each other for a long time, why don't they make a big deal?

Qin Xiaowan glanced at Su Nan, and said in a nonchalant tone: "Then, wouldn't it be boring for me to be at home alone? Can I go with you? They are both your girlfriends. Chu Xi won't object, right?"

Su Nan's expression became strange, could this be the legendary Gong Dou?Otherwise, why would Xiao Wan follow her on a date with Chu Xi? Her EQ is not that low.

Turning her head quickly, Su Nan thought about the solution, and said: "It's not impossible, but I have agreed with Chu Xi that there will only be two people on this date, and I don't want to break my promise, why don't you mention it to her?"

He said a compromise. In this case, Xiaowan would probably regress, and at the same time, he could not be blamed. After all, he agreed, as long as Xiaowan persuaded Chuxi.

Qin Xiaowan obviously understood Su Nan's "sinister" intentions, pouted depressedly: "I'm not going, you guys have fun."

"It's a pity, actually, I think the three of them are pretty good." Su Nan sighed hypocritically.

Qin Xiaowan blushed and scolded him: "A pervert!"

After cursing, he turned around and entered the room.

Did I say something weird?

Su Nan couldn't figure it out, thinking that Xiao Wan must have misunderstood what she said, thinking about the threesome.

Back in the room, Qin Xiaowan sighed, it was really difficult, Gongdou or something.

In fact, if she was thick-skinned enough to follow Su Nan's suggestion and call Chuxi, with Chuxi's character, she probably wouldn't refuse her.

But Qin Xiaowan couldn't do this, because if she did that, her purpose would obviously be to destroy Chu Xi's date with Su Nan, which would make her feel like a hateful villain in the Gongdou drama.

At the same time, it will also affect her image in Su Nan's mind, and it will also cause Chu Xi's dissatisfaction.If this matter is known to everyone, then everyone will change their views on her.

Thinking about it this way, it's too much to lose.

"I really can't do it, mom, but I will use my method to win over Su Nan and make him love me more."

Qin Xiaowan spoke in a low voice.

Winning over Su Nan in an upright and aboveboard way is what everyone is doing, and no one can use this to accuse others.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan is making breakfast this morning, Qin Ying is actually pretty lazy, and when she makes breakfast, everyone will eat buns bought from outside together.

As soon as he finished his breakfast, he received a message from Chuxi, saying that she had arrived at the station and where was she going to find him.

Su Nan came back directly to pick her up, put down her things and hurried out the door.

I swept two mopeds outside the community and rushed to the subway station one kilometer away.

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