The outdoor temperature is only about ten degrees, the sky is drizzling, and the cold wind blows on the face like a knife.

"Unlucky." Su Nan frowned, it seems that the date plan made today is going to be ruined, but it's not a big problem, you can choose to play some indoor scenes.

A few minutes later, Su Nan came to the exit of the subway station. She saw Chu Xi standing at the exit with a glance. She hadn't seen her for more than ten days. She seemed to have gained weight, and she could see a slight curvature on her chest. I don't know if it was It's not that I changed the big cup secretly.But overall, Chu Xi didn't seem to have changed much.

Su Nan parked the car a few meters in front of Chu Xi, and greeted her frivolously, "Hi, beauty, are you waiting for your boyfriend?"

Chu Xi lowered his head, and when he heard the voice, he raised his head to look at him, his eyes flashed with confusion, and he nodded.

After deliberately attracting the attention of passers-by, Su Nan pointed at the moped parked outside the entrance of the subway station, and her smile seemed a little serious: "How about sweeping a moped and riding together?"

Chu Xi has been standing here for a while. As a beautiful girl, she is born with a high appearance rate, which is particularly eye-catching.

Before that, she had been approached by many young people who felt good about themselves, including BMW owners who came to pick up people at the subway station, Mercedes owners, and Porsche 718 owners who happened to pass by.

After these people struck up a conversation and were rejected by Chu Xi with a cold face, they did not leave. While waiting for the person they wanted to pick up, they wandered around, thinking about how to attract the attention of this beauty.

Seeing Su Nan's behavior at this moment, they couldn't help laughing in their hearts, thinking where did the bastards come from to pick up girls in such an old-fashioned way.

The car owners looked at Su Nan with playful eyes, and then turned their eyes to the beautiful girl, thinking how she would refuse.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful girl who had been ignoring people before showed a bright smile at that bastard at this moment, like a hundred flowers blooming for a while, and then the beautiful girl really took out her phone and walked over to scan the code to unlock it.

So a group of people foolishly looked at the backs of them riding away together on bicycles, messed up in the wind.

Since it was the New Year, there were a lot of traffic on the road, so Su Nan led Chu Xi to a small road with few people, and then headed for the destination.

Because it is a moped, there is no need to exert much force on the feet, so both of them feel very relaxed.

While controlling the direction, Su Nan caught up with Chu Xi and walked alongside her, turning her head to look at her.

There was still a smile on the corner of Chu Xi's mouth, as if he was still thinking about what happened at the entrance of the subway station just now. To be honest, Su Nan's behavior just now was intentional. When he came here, he saw a group of flies around Chu Xi. He chose to use that way to declare ownership.

Chu Xi also gave him a lot of face, and co-staged with him a routine of pretending in the urban cool article, which greatly satisfied Su Nan's vanity.

"How long has it been?" Su Nan asked.

"How long have you been waiting?" Su Nan asked again.

Chu Xi thought for a while before replying, "More than ten minutes."

Su Nan said to her: "You should have told me in advance, were those people harassing you just now?"

For more than ten minutes, those people probably chatted with Chu Xi for more than ten minutes, and it was hard work for Chu Xi to keep rejecting them.

"No problem."

Chu Xi said lightly, not paying attention at all.She probably seldom rode this kind of bike, she was a little interested, and quickly accelerated to overtake Su Nan, "running" in front of her.

Su Nan also caught up and rode alongside her, saying, "It's too cold and it's still raining, let's find a place to shelter from the rain, have you had breakfast yet?"

"I didn't eat."

Su Nan glanced at the street, there was no breakfast shop, but there were quite a few restaurants.

He said: "It's already ten o'clock now, and breakfast is almost closed, so we might as well just go to lunch."

"Okay." Chu Xi had no objection.

Chu Xi is a little talkative today, but it is not convenient to chat now that he is in a hurry.

Just passing by the largest shopping mall nearby, Su Nan and Chu Xi parked the car at the designated location, and they entered the shopping mall.

The first and second floors of the mall are shops selling clothes and shoes. On the first floor, there are McDonald's and KFC, but the two don't like to eat these. They go directly to the fourth floor where the cinema is located. This floor is all for food.

Ask Chu Xi what he would like to eat, and after hearing her say anything, Su Nan took her into a restaurant that made pork belly and chicken. The two of them couldn't eat much, so they ordered a set meal of about [-] yuan, and then ordered some other The side dishes are almost there.

Su Nan ordered food from the waiter, and Chu Xi was sitting next to him, turning his head to watch him talk, as if to see any changes in him.

After the waiter left, Su Nan stretched out her hand, put her arms around Chu Xi's waist skillfully, and asked her, "Did you miss me?"

Chu Xi froze for a moment, then pushed his hand away.

Su Nan was stunned.

"Sorry, I seem to have gained weight recently."

Chu Xi glanced at him and lowered his head in apology.

Su Nan put away the confusion on his face, and smiled a little, "Why, are you afraid that I will despise you? You haven't gained much weight, let me see."

Su Nan stretched out his hand again and hugged Chu Xi, and this was more than that. He boldly groped his palms and found that Chu Xi's figure was indeed a little plump and softer than before, but his figure was not out of shape, but he felt more Well, even let him put it down a little bit.

"Have you... touched enough?" Chu Xi's tone was filled with shame and indignation, and his body was very stiff.

"I'm an old couple, what are you afraid of?"

Even though he said that, Su Nan still took his hands back and messed around in other people's stores, which had a very bad influence.

Moreover, Chu Xi was the conservative one among his girlfriends, and couldn't stand being taken advantage of by him in public.

Seeing him give up, Chu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and said without looking sideways: "Don't mess around outside, let's eat first."

The waiter served the food, and the two began to eat.

After eating almost, Su Nan said: "It's still raining outside, let's go to the movies."

So Su Nan booked movie tickets.

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