After coming out of the shop after eating, on the way to the cinema, Chu Xi stopped when he passed the toilet.


Of course, the two of them didn't go to the bathroom together, they were divided into men and women.

The boys were faster, and Su Nan waited for about a minute before Chu Xi came out.

Seeing that there was no one around, Su Nan couldn't bear it any longer. She moved closer and hugged Chu Xi in her arms, and then pressed her against the wall to form a wall-dong posture.

Chu Xi seemed bewildered by his sudden action, and looked dumbfounded. Su Nan kissed without hesitation, felt the girl in her arms tremble, and then slowly responded.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the kiss, Su Nan looked down at the blushing girl in her arms, and jokingly said, "I'm not skilled enough."

Chu Xi stared at him with blurred eyes for a while, then suddenly took the initiative to move closer.

Su Nan thought it was interesting, so she stayed still and let her do it by herself.

Chu Xi touched it cautiously at first, then tried a little harder, and finally let go of the restraint, pouring all his enthusiasm into it, and the relatively blunt movements became more and more proficient, returning to the appearance Su Nan remembered.

Someone came, and the two separated as if guilty of guilt, and looked at the height measuring instrument outside the toilet pretending to be serious, and when the person left, they looked at each other and smiled.

Su Nan walked over and took Chu Xi's hand. Chu Xi looked down and said nothing.

Su Nan led her to the cinema, and went to watch the movie after checking the tickets.

While watching the movie, Su Nan kept holding Chuxi, and sometimes played with her hand subconsciously, feeling that her attention didn't seem to be focused on the movie, so she let her go.

After the movie ended, the rain had stopped outside. It was two o'clock in the afternoon, and Chu Xi had to go back at four o'clock, otherwise it would be too late.

What can you do with the remaining two hours?

Su Nan's mind turned. It was a rare meeting. I watched a movie and ate a meal. Should I find a hotel to rest?

He tilted his head to look at Chu Xi, because the weather was cold, and the girl's clothes were thicker, not as attractive as the summer dress, but the girl's appearance was outstanding, and any clothes would look good and catch the eye.

Moreover, Su Nan has the characteristics of a good memory, and she can't help but feel a little moved in her mind by making up the appearance of Chu Xi under the thick clothes.

"What are you looking at!" Chu Xi saw that his eyes were staring at him treacherously, tightened his collar a little vigilantly, and took a step away from him.

Su Nan said sadly: "What are you thinking? Am I that kind of person? I'm looking to see if you're cold."

Looking at him in confusion, Chu Xi shook his head: "I'm not cold."

After finishing speaking, she felt her nose itchy and sneezed. After she finished, she blushed and dared not look at Su Nan.

Su Nan said happily: "Look, you have caught a cold. Now it's raining outside, it's very wet and cold everywhere, and there's nowhere to go. Why don't we find a place to rest, there's a hotel nearby."

As soon as she heard the word hotel, Chu Xi knew what Su Nan was paying attention to. She was silent for a while, sighed, and said, "I'm going back soon, and I can't mess around with you. In fact, I'm stealing today. If you ran out, if you were found to be abnormal when you go back, it will not be so easy to fool you at home next time."

Su Nan frowned, "Your family is so strict."

The last time Su Nan asked Chu Xi if her family knew about the two of them, Chu Xi said at the time that it would not be a problem, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

The palms tightened and were held by warm little hands.

Su Nan looked at the girl who walked up to her, her eyes were gentle, and she said softly: "Because I am an only child, so my family has high requirements on me, so don't think too much about it, I can decide on personal matters , as long as I can fulfill the requirements at home."

Su Nan nodded, held the girl's hand instead, and pulled her into his arms. The girl snuggled into his arms meekly, with a gentle smile on her lips.

At present, it seems that this is the only way to go. Su Nan is quite annoyed by his own powerlessness, but he chooses to believe in Chuxi.

The two snuggled together for a while, when Chu Xi suddenly thought of something, broke free, smiled and said to him, "Take me back today."

Su Nan understood what Chu Xi meant, and it would take at least an hour to get back there, plus the time to go to the car, and they could still stay together for more than an hour.

Facing Chuxi's expectations, Su Nan could only agree.

Coming out of the shopping mall, Su Nan saw the traffic jam on the main road outside, so Su Nan chose to take Chuxi to take the subway.

During the Chinese New Year, there are people everywhere, and the movie theater was crowded just now. Su Nan and Chu Xi watched the most unpopular movie this year, otherwise they would not be able to buy tickets, let alone the main transportation in this city. The subway station full of people.

Su Nan and Chu Xi lined up to scan the QR code to enter the station, because they knew that there would be no seats, they didn't get on the car until they reached the end, and the car at the end was not so crowded.

Fearing that Chu Xi would be taken advantage of, Su Nan asked Chu Xi to stand in a corner inside and guarded outside her.

The space is too crowded, and it is inevitable that the bodies will come into contact, and they will be very tight, especially when someone is squeezing from behind, Su Nan can only squeeze towards Chu Xi.

Looking down at her blushing face, Su Nan only found it amusing, and had the urge to kiss her lightly, but with so many people on the subway, he still held back.

The train wobbled to its destination.

The two got out of the car, and there was still some way to the destination. Su Nan wanted to scan the QR code to unlock the bike. Chu Xi grabbed his hand and shook his head at him.

Chu Xi led him forward. It was the first time for Su Nan to come here. The surrounding properties had the highest prices in the city, and there was also a villa area. Where did Chu Xi seem to be heading?

This will not make Su Nan feel inferior. The only thing he finds strange is that there are better public schools in this place. Why does Chuxi's family send her to a private high school? Home is a bit far away.

Asked this question, and got a light answer from Chu Xi.

"My own, it's more comfortable to wear."

Although Su Nan still didn't understand, she didn't try to guess what the rich people thought.

As he was walking, Chu Xi suddenly stopped and said to him, "Let's send it here. Be careful when you go back."

Su Nan nodded, but looked at the girl.

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