The girl's expression was full of uneasiness and unwillingness. It was clear that the second sister was not infected with the strange disease that cannot be separated from Su Nan, so how could it be like this.

Su Nan smiled bitterly in her heart, sisterhood is not so easy to achieve, let alone two younger sisters.One Jun Min made Xiao Min entangled for a long time, but she didn't know that another idiot younger sister also cared about her man, Xiao Min must be depressed to death now.

People who no one doesn't want to like only like themselves, but due to special reasons, Zhao Xiaomin finally accepted the fact that he is not the only Su Nan after struggling psychologically.

But now even the two younger sisters are involved, and they also like Su Nan, which makes her unacceptable. After all, they are her own younger sisters, the darlings of her childhood, both sister and mother.

A long time ago, she hoped that her younger sisters could live a happy life in the future and not repeat the tragedy of her mother, but she made a big joke with her when she realized it. It seemed that these wishes could not be fulfilled.

Forget about Jun Min, because of special reasons, it would be better for her to be with Su Nan, but Ruo Min is still a normal person, so how can she have that kind of thoughts about Su Nan.

She thought helplessly in her heart.

Although Ruomin was a little close to Su Nan before, Xiao Min always thought that it was just the closeness of her sister-in-law to her brother-in-law. In addition, Ruomin has always been careless, it is hard to believe that she will have something to do with love.

It wasn't until what Zhao Ruomin did this time that Xiao Min suddenly realized that the bastard sister had grown up and would even shoot men with her.

Su Nan's heart was filled with guilt when his girlfriend bowed her head in silence. He was silent for a moment, and thought of sophistry flashed in his mind, but he finally gave up.

Facing his girlfriend's questioning, he chose to nod and admitted her guess.

Zhao Xiaomin looked disappointed, Su Nan's answer destroyed her only luck left.

Su Nan couldn't bear it, thought for a while, and said:

"Actually, I'm not sure if Ruo Min likes me. She's always been very close to me and said she would be with me for the rest of her life, but I feel like she doesn't understand these things. Maybe she treats me purely because of your relationship." Trust is added."

"Also, she has a little understanding of my relationship with Junmin, and she also knows that you have no objection to me and Junmin. She feels that we are rejecting her and is very upset. She told me to get your approval and let her join us. Then the three sisters can stay with me forever."

Su Nan finally said: "I think she may be reluctant to leave you, and because she knows about you, Junmin and me, she came up with the idea that 'four people are feasible and better together' .”

Up to now, Su Nan didn't intend to hide it, and told Zhao Xiaomin all the shocking things that Zhao Ruomin had said, but he still concealed what he did when he took Zhao Ruomin to a remote park.

Zhao Ruomin was stunned for a while, and then fell into silence. After a long time, she said with a gloomy expression, "Maybe that's the case. Although Ruomin is usually a bit stupid, but when she is serious, even ten cows can't pull her back. If she If you don't want to leave me, Junmin and you, and hope to be with us forever, then I can't change her thinking."

The person who knows the younger sister best is her, the elder sister who raised the younger sister since she was a child, so she understands the character and temper of the younger sisters very well, and feels powerless in her heart.

Su Nan comforted: "We might as well wait until she is sensible, maybe she will understand without us talking at that time, in fact, I have been doing this before, but I didn't expect that she would go straight to the soup this time. Add ingredients."

Zhao Xiaomin frowned: "This guy has never understood the seriousness of the matter since he was a child, and he will do it if he thinks he likes it. I don't know how many troubles he has caused since he was a child."

Seeing that Xiao Min was no longer sad, Su Nan was overjoyed, and said with a straight face: "Actually, it's not just Ruo Min's fault this time, Xiao Min, have you ever thought about how Ruo Min bought those materials? However, that is not something that ordinary people can touch at all.”

Even the materials that are designed to fascinate people are all circulated in the underground market, and ordinary people can't get to them through formal channels, let alone Zhao Ruomin's materials are one level higher than this.

Zhao Xiaomin's heart trembled, and he hurriedly said, "Could it be that Ruomin met bad people outside?"

She was very worried. Although Ruomin sometimes caused troubles before, she was reasonable and never did anything bad. But it is not impossible for such a sister to be cheated by others.

"It's possible." Su Nan nodded, "It's best to find out who she has been in contact with recently. I asked her where to get the materials, and she said that she got it from a friend who is a micro-business. Why don't we check it? Get her phone?"

Su Nan consulted Zhao Xiaomin's opinion. In fact, Su Nan didn't really believe in the reason of Weishang, but he felt that there was a high probability that Zhao Ruomin's mobile phone would have the supplier's contact information.

Such a supplier with no bottom line, he made up his mind to find out, even if he did not hesitate to pay the other party to be severely punished.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Because she was too worried about her sister's safety, Zhao Xiaomin finally agreed to Su Nan's request to invade her sister's privacy.

The two entered Zhao Ruomin's room, and Zhao Xiaomin searched for the phone. After turning on the screen, she bowed her head and thought hard.

Su Nan asked softly, "Do you know how to unlock it?"

Zhao Ruomin's mobile phone was given by him, because it was not the flagship phone at that time, but a very ordinary phone, so there was no fingerprint unlocking function. If you want to peek into the secrets in the phone, you can only unlock it with a password or a pattern.

Zhao Xiaomin looked hesitant: "I'll try, but I'm not sure."

As she said that, she tried to enter the password, which seemed to be Zhao Ruomin's birthday, but the password displayed was wrong, and then Xiaomin entered her own birthday, which was still wrong.

She frowned bitterly and said to Su Nan: "Both of these are wrong, so I don't know what the password is anymore. If I enter the wrong password too many times, the phone will be locked."

Su Nan also had no choice but to say, "Why don't you ask Ruomin tomorrow."

Anyway, you can ask, it's not a bad night, and there's no need to go to such a troublesome process of flashing the phone.

Although Zhao Xiaomin was a little unwilling, it was the only way to go.

She put the phone back to Zhao Ruomin, so that Zhao Ruomin would not wake up tomorrow and find that the phone was gone, and realize that something happened and escape from the house.

After doing all this, the two returned to the room.

It was getting late, Su Nan greeted Qin Ying and Xiao Wan on WeChat, and stayed at Zhao Xiaomin's place.

Because of Zhao Ruomin's matter, the two of them were not in the mood for anything to happen, and fell asleep hugging each other after a hasty shower.

Not long after Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin returned to their room, Zhao Ruomin, who had been in a deep sleep, twitched her eyelashes, and quietly opened her eyes with sly eyes.

She sat up, picked up the mobile phone that was placed aside, lowered her head and pressed it, with a slightly anxious look on her face.

"The big thing is bad! I was discovered, baby help!"


Baby: "I haven't seen your reply for so long, I thought you were having a good time, what happened?"

So Zhao Ruomin typed and told the other party what happened tonight, and then said nervously: "Baby, think of a way, or I will die tomorrow!"

Just now, my sister and brother-in-law went into the room to check her mobile phone. They must have come to settle accounts with her. She is not very afraid of her brother-in-law, but she grew up under her sister's power, but she is terrified of her sister. When she thinks about being punished tomorrow, Maybe there will be no pocket money in the future, and she won't be able to see her brother-in-law, so she feels that her future is bleak.

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