"My God, you actually downloaded all the ingredients at once, that's a lot of weight!"

The girl called Baobao seemed to be very speechless to her. After a pause, the other party then replied: "I could have influenced Su Nan subtly and silently, making him want you more and more day by day, and finally couldn't control myself completely, but you He must be vigilant after so many shots at once, and the effect won't affect him for long with his physique."

"I can't wait. Besides, I was careless." Zhao Ruomin was also depressed, and she continued to type: "Don't talk about this baby, help me find a way to deal with tomorrow's sister, I'm spending money with you." Hundreds of them."

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let you treat me. Now it's troublesome, and it's no good to help you. You're not the target person, but it's strange to say, I don't know what kind of physique you have, and it hasn't been affected for so long. "

The other party seemed very depressed, Zhao Ruomin asked curiously: "What is the target person? How is it affected?"

"You still don't understand, forget it. Ruo Min, let me ask you for the last time, are you serious? If you just think it's for fun, I advise you to obediently admit your mistake and delete my friend before you go. They won't suspect anything if they were cheated, and then don't have anything to do with Su Nan from now on."

Feeling the seriousness of the other party from the lines, Zhao Ruomin's face became firm, and she replied with a rare seriousness, "I'm very serious."

There was a long silence on the other end, and then a message was sent.

"Because of your recklessness this time, you have already revealed everything. They will guard against you in the future, so you probably have no chance. The only way to take advantage of this momentum is to completely ripen the raw rice and catch them by surprise. .”

Zhao Ruomin's eyes lit up, "I'll go next door to find my brother-in-law, no, I'll lure my brother-in-law to my room, and then..."

"Think too much, you are not Su Nan's opponent at all, how about this, I will go to your side, and you will come downstairs to pick me up when the time comes."

When the other party said so, Zhao Ruomin felt that it was no problem, so he agreed.

The next day, Zhao Ruomin disappeared, she couldn't get through the phone, and couldn't find her anywhere, which scared Xiao Min into a panic.

Su Nan stabilized her girlfriend first, and then found a note next to Ruomin's pillow with words on it, the handwriting was crooked, even ugly, it was obviously Zhao Ruomin's handwriting.

Zhao Junmin didn't care about the embarrassing incident that happened last night, so she moved her head between her sister and Su Nan to read Ruomin's message.

"Sister, I'm sorry for you. I made a big mistake in a moment of confusion. I have no face to see you again, and I dare not ask for your forgiveness. I can't forgive myself, so I will go far from today. You and your sister don't come to see me anymore. Ruomin stay."

Zhao Junmin was stunned, then gritted her teeth and said, "She actually ran away from home, how could she do such a thing!"

It sounded quite annoyed, Su Nan couldn't help but glance at her, only to realize that this girl was really angry because of Ruo Min running away from home.

Su Nan's hand was tightly held by Xiao Min, and when she turned her head to look, Xiao Min's face was full of worry.

Su Nan held her hand tightly and comforted her softly: "Don't worry, she won't run very far, we will find her and come back."

Based on Su Nan's understanding of Zhao Ruomin, she didn't think she would give up easily. After all, Zhao Ruomin had always been very persistent towards him.And the note left by Zhao Ruomin was more of a threatening nature, maybe she planned to use it as a bargaining chip to win over her brother-in-law from her sister?

Listening to his comforting voice, Zhao Xiaomin felt that she had a backbone, and finally calmed down, thinking: "Ruomin may be hiding in the Internet cafe, Anan, let's search separately, Junmin, you go to contact those who usually have a relationship with Ruomin. Good classmates, ask them if Ruo Min is at their house, and ask them to contact other classmates to ask."

Zhao Junmin nodded quickly, took out her mobile phone and contacted Ruomin's classmate.

Because Zhao Ruomin used to often go to Internet cafes, Zhao Xiaomin has experience in this, but Ruomin may also hide in acquaintance's house, so she specially asked Junmin to call to inquire.

Su Nan thought of some of her classmates who often hang out in Internet cafes, and said, "I also ask my classmates to try."

Chapter six hundred and sixty first: sleeping

After Su Nan found a few familiar classmates and asked them to find someone, they left home with Zhao Xiaomin. The two found them in two ways from nearby Internet cafes, Internet cafes, and milk tea shops. At the same time, they also contacted Zhan Weiling and told her about the incident. .

Because Chuxi's mobile phone was on her, Su Nan didn't try to contact her.

Zhao Ruomin ran away from home, not looking serious, so Su Nan guessed that she was probably hiding somewhere, and would come back when she frightened her sister.

But Zhao Xiaomin couldn't wait so long, so Su Nan had to help find it.

Zhao Ruomin might just want to hide for a few days, but he might not go to stay at a classmate's house, because it would be easy to be exposed, so a place like an Internet cafe is a good place to hide.

Nowadays, Internet cafes are quite rare, and when looking for someone, Internet cafes and other places should also be included. Generally, the environment of Internet cafes is better, and Ruomin is a girl, so she might hide in Internet cafes.

What Su Nan is worried about is that Ruo Min hid in a hotel, so it will be difficult to find people. What is even more worrying is that Ruo Min is underage, and regular hotels cannot open a room without a guardian, unless you are looking for someone For help, who will Ruo Min turn to?The person who sold her medicine?

I can only hope that Zhao Ruomin is not so stupid and trusts those people whose origins are unknown. In the past, Zhao Ruomin gave Su Nan that feeling. Although she looks so fooled, it is because the person who fooled her is someone she trusts. for the sake.

This city is not big, but it is not small. It is not easy to find someone accurately.

Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin searched all the places near their place of residence, but still found nothing, so they had to increase the scope of their search.

If Zhao Ruomin hadn't left a note saying that he ran away from home, Zhao Xiaomin would have called the police a long time ago. Even so, Zhao Xiaomin decided to only search for one day, and if he couldn't find anyone tomorrow, he would ask the police uncle for help.

At noon, Su Nan came out of an Internet cafe, and didn't bother to have lunch. He swept his two bicycles and planned to rush to the next destination. At this time, a small hand patted him on the shoulder.

"Seeing you in such a hurry, what are you looking for?"

Looking back, standing behind her was Lu Ying, with a smile on her lips.She was accompanied by two female classmates in the class, looking at him curiously.They seem to plan to come to the Internet cafe together to play.

Su Nan was in a hurry to find someone and didn't have time to chat with them, so she explained the matter clearly in a few words about how to unlock the bicycle.

Lu Ying put away her smile and said, "Send me a photo of Zhao Ruomin, and I'll send it to my two classmates, and I'll find some people to help, and we'll look for it together."

"Don't make a big fuss just yet."

Su Nan told her to send her the photos. What Zhao Ruomin did was shameful after all. It is best to find her. If the police uncle asked the reason for running away from home, he didn't know what to say. .

The classmate he entrusted also sent a message, but no one was found, so Su Nan thanked him and left in a hurry.

In the evening, Su Nan stood in front of the bus stop with a happy expression on his face. Zhao Ruomin actually sent him a funny emoji on WeChat.

Although seeing this expression, Su Nan's teeth were itching with hatred, but he still replied to Ruo Min with the fastest speed and the most gentle tone, asking her where she was and when she would go home.

"I won't go home these few days. Wait until my sister calms down. I'm staying in an absolutely safe place now. Brother-in-law doesn't have to worry about me."

The girl replied carelessly.

This is heartless.

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