Su Nan cursed secretly, and replied to her: "You ran away from home, your sister is very sad, she and I have been looking for you outside for a day today, be good, come back, don't let your sister worry."

Zhao Ruomin: "I don't want my sister to be sad, so brother-in-law, you should tell her that I am safe, so that she doesn't have to look for me."

Su Nan had no choice but to change her tone, endured the discomfort and typed: "Okay, I will tell her, but it's okay to secretly tell your brother-in-law your location, brother-in-law is also very concerned about you, and wants to see you, don't worry, it's just me go alone."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Wow, so happy!"

"But I won't tell you."

Su Nan showed a smile when he saw the first two messages, but the last one made him scold in his heart, this girl is completely out of control now, it's difficult to deal with.

"Okay, brother-in-law, I turned off the phone, I love you."

When Su Nan sent another message in the past, there was nowhere to be found. He sighed, gave up searching, and took the bus back to Zhao Xiaomin's house.

Since Zhao Ruomin said that he was safe, it must be true, and he hid very tightly, so there is no point in looking for it, why not go back and discuss with Xiao Min, try to contact Ruomin, and coax her back.

In the car, Su Nan explained the situation to the classmates who had been entrusted by him, telling them not to search any further, and finally called Zhao Xiaomin, but the line was busy.

It shouldn't be talking to Ruo Min, so who is it?

Su Nan didn't think much, left a message to Zhao Xiaomin on WeChat, and then squinted her eyes to rest on the bus. After running all day today, although her body could bear it, she felt a little tired mentally.

He ran too far, and the traffic jam was serious during the new year, so when Su Nan returned to Zhao Xiaomin's house, it was already dark.

He had the key left by Xiao Min, opened the door and entered, and found that the house was pitch black and no one was at home.

Presumably Zhao Junmin also went out to find someone, so Su Nan took out her mobile phone and sent the news that Ruomin had contacted her.

Just as he was about to cook, he suddenly heard low crying from the room, someone was crying sadly.

Su Nan's heart twitched, she approached and pushed open the door of Xiao Min's room, and saw that she was sitting on the bed and secretly wiping tears without turning on the light.

It seemed that the sudden opening of the door surprised her, Xiao Min wiped away her tears in a panic, and didn't cry anymore, but just lowered her head and refused to lift it up.

Su Nan felt distressed when she saw it. What happened last night was very irritating to Xiao Min, but today Ruo Min ran away from home again, no matter how strong her sister was, she couldn't bear it.

Without turning on the light, Su Nan was afraid that his girlfriend would be embarrassed, so she walked over and sat beside her, stretching out her arms and gently hugging her.

The girl leaned docilely in his arms, but said nothing.

Su Nan said: "Ruomin... contacted me before, and she asked me to tell you that she is safe, so you don't have to worry."

The girl in her arms trembled.

Su Nan said softly: "You are her elder sister, elder sister Ruo mother, she is afraid of you so she dare not tell you directly, anyway, you don't have to be sad, Ruo Min is fine, if you are angry, just send me a message." Well, I was wrong about that too."

If it wasn't for that time when he lost control and took Ruo Min to the park to bully him, Ruo Min would not have wished to be with him more and more. His behavior that time was like opening Pandora's box.

The girlfriend's silent appearance made the atmosphere a little dull.There was not enough light in the room, and Su Nan didn't try to see her face, but she could guess that she was gritting her teeth, and she must be sulking.

Just as he was about to say something, his girlfriend suddenly pushed him, pushed him down on the bed, then climbed up on him, held his face and gnawed, a bit rough, and the charming body fragrance wafted out of his nostrils, instantly hooking Su Nan's heart Itchy.

The little hands grabbed him, as if venting their resentment.

But Su Nan endured it silently. He felt that he owed Zhao Xiaomin too much. This girl had always been the one who indulged him the most. She was not born open-minded. With the matter of her younger sister, the girl was actually very depressed, so let her vent it.

After venting, the girl's lips suddenly became warm and lightly pressed against his lips.

Smelling the fragrance of the girl's body, Su Nan's throat was itchy, and she had the urge to explode. She unconsciously moved her hand towards her chest, but was knocked off by the girl, and then her palm was pressed on the bed.The girl seemed to take the initiative and hit him hard once.

Su Nan felt it was funny, but she didn't take any action of resistance, and resisted the urge to turn against the customer. After all, he decided to let his girlfriend vent once.

Slowly, something fell on his face, and his eyes were covered by the small object.He sniffed lightly with his nose, and he smelled a heart-swinging fragrance, which made him reluctant to take it away, and the fire in his heart seemed to burst out even more.

Su Nan twisted her body in a little discomfort, strange, he felt especially strong tonight, is it because Xiao Min was so tough once?

I will never have an M physique.

He laughed inwardly, feeling that he was thinking too much, it was nothing more than novelty and fun.

As the silent communication continued, it seemed that ten thousand ants were crawling across Su Nan's heart, itching and unbearably hot. Finally, the communication came to the last step, and he couldn't help holding his breath.

At this time, the girl who was in the upper hand suddenly bent down, bit his ear and said a word while panting.

"Brother-in-law, it's me."

Su Nan's eyes widened, but a big mistake had already been made.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Since when did Zhao Ruomin become a Taoist?

With a wry smile, Su Nan vaguely recalled all the details from entering the door.

It seemed that he had been led by the nose since entering the room.

With all five senses and six senses strengthened, it is impossible for him not to be able to distinguish his girlfriend in the dark. Zhao Ruomin must have made a trick in the room beforehand, waiting for him to arrive, and the trick he used was similar to last night.

There was a faint fragrance in the air in the room. If you didn't pay attention, you would think it was the common perfume smell in girls' rooms.

At that time, Zhao Ruomin was pretending to cry, Su Nan cared about his girlfriend, so he didn't notice the abnormality immediately. After he got close, there was something wrong with the fragrance on Ruomin's body, which immediately affected him and aroused his emotions.

As the saying goes, one wrong step and one wrong step, not to mention Zhao Ruomin came prepared today.

She has put on makeup, a very clever makeup technique that Zhao Ruomin can't understand, and the clothes on her body are exactly the same as what her sister is wearing today. If you don't look at her from the front, you can't tell her apart with her head down. It was Ruo Min.

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