Moreover, Zhao Ruomin's figure is roughly the same as her sister's except for some plump parts. In the case of insufficient light, Su Nan does not doubt that he is there. Got it.

At this time, Su Nan was still roughly awake, but his behavior was out of control. He gritted his teeth and wanted to endure, but what's the point of stopping at this time.

The girl could sense his struggle, so she bent down and offered a sweet kiss, using her tenderness to please him and comfort him.

Su Nan was excited and hugged the girl.

At some point, Su Nan vaguely noticed a person standing beside the bed. He opened his eyes and was startled. He saw Zhao Xiaomin standing beside the bed staring at the two of them, her face flushed.

Su Nan watched her hesitate to speak, but Zhao Xiaomin suddenly rushed over when she was nervous, wanting to do that to him.

Su Nan's eyes were dull, and then he realized that since this room was full of fragrance, Zhao Xiaomin must have been affected too.

When he was hesitating and not knowing what to do, he caught a glimpse of Zhao Ruomin lying aside and passed out. Su Nan gritted her teeth and hugged her girlfriend tightly.

Not long after, Zhao Junmin rushed home exhausted, and saw that the house was brightly lit, but no one was there, and no one answered her calls.

There was a movement in her heart, and then she heard an indescribable movement.As if being guided by the devil, she walked suspiciously to the half-open door, peeked inside, and was immediately stunned. She didn't know how to react for a while, and then she came back. She was full of shame and anger, her pretty face flushed, and she turned and fled back to the room in a panic.

It's morning, the day's plan is in the morning, but there are three more people in Zhao Xiaomin's room who don't even bother to talk, not because they don't want to talk, but because they don't know what to say. No matter what happens, who is not in disbelief, or who is ashamed to see others because of grief and indignation.

However, among the three of them, only the elder sister Zhao Xiaomin has this kind of emotion. Zhao Ruomin feels extremely happy at the moment when she got what she wanted. She was sleepy and didn't realize that her sister was by her side at all. Rubbing his face against his body, he smiled like a flower with his eyes closed.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Xiaomin's eyelids twitched, and his face quickly sank.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat, and she gave Zhao Ruomin a self-seeking look, closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"Brother-in-law, what do you see me doing?"

Zhao Ruomin pushed him suspiciously, but seeing no response, he tugged at his hair and said, "From today onwards, you are mine, and I will tell my sister later, if she disagrees, you must follow me." Fly far away."

"What are you going to say to me?"

Unexpectedly, Su Nan didn't say anything, but heard a bone-chilling voice from behind. Zhao Ruomin instantly felt like a thorn in his back, and turned his head suddenly, and saw her sister sitting behind her with fire eyes, naked just like herself, but His expression was terribly dark.

She was stunned, and greeted foolishly: "Sister, good morning." The action was to throw away Su Nan's arms and jump out of the bed, and ran out the door.

"Stop!" Zhao Xiaomin yelled, seeing that Ruomin didn't listen, he said angrily, "If you run away this time, don't even think about seeing him again!"

Although Zhao Xiaomin was angry, she didn't lose her mind. She accurately grasped Zhao Ruomin's weakness. In addition, her tone was stern, and she seemed to be severing relations. She was so frightened that Zhao Ruomin froze in place, not daring to run away, but she was also trembling. near.

Su Nan couldn't pretend to be asleep at this time, so she opened her eyes and sat up, and said to Xiao Min, "Let me tell, Ruo Min, come and sit down."

The matter has developed to such a point that although it is not his main responsibility, it cannot be regarded as nothing happened, but how to deal with Zhao Ruomin still has to take into account Zhao Xiaomin's emotions.

Seeing him speak, Zhao Ruomin glanced at her sister, walked over and sat down dejectedly, her steps were slightly staggering.She didn't know if she regretted what she had done.

"Sit over here."

Zhao Ruomin chose to sit next to Su Nan, separated from her sister. Hearing this sentence, she couldn't help but look at Su Nan. But she still didn't dare to make a sound, and she didn't dare to look at her sister. She seemed to realize that she had caused trouble.

Zhao Xiaomin stared at her sister from top to bottom, her gaze made Zhao Ruomin's heart tremble, and then she heard her sister scold: "Idiot, you are so messed up, you are hurt like this..."

Zhao Ruomin subconsciously put her legs together.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't care about her sister any more, and turned to Su Nan with resentful eyes. She sighed and said softly, "Ah Nan, you go out first, I have something to say to my sister."

Zhao Ruomin looked at Su Nan begging for mercy, but Su Nan pretended not to see her, hesitated for a while, and finally chose to leave first and leave it to Zhao Xiaomin to deal with.

Because of the incident that caused Zhao Ruomin to run away from home, Zhao Xiaomin should have guessed what happened last night, and Ruomin must have used another trick to make Su Nan fall into the trap.

Zhao Xiaomin was also there last night, and she personally experienced the feeling of being out of control, so she didn't lose her temper with Su Nan, all the fault was this bold sister...

He glared at his sister dissatisfied, but saw that his sister was frowning tightly, gasping for air with a painful expression on her face, and her legs were trembling, not daring to move.

As someone who has been there, Zhao Xiaomin understood what was going on, and felt a little distressed. Although Ruo Min was in good health, Su Nan was stronger. If she hadn't rushed back last night, Ruo Min wouldn't have gotten out of bed today.

When she caught a glimpse of the color on the bed sheet, she felt sore again, feeling a little uncomfortable.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Sister, it hurts, it hurts..."

Zhao Ruomin sucked in a bitter face and said, she couldn't bear it anymore, she felt very good last night, why did she feel so uncomfortable afterwards.

Zhao Xiaomin only felt angry and funny, puffed up her cheeks and said angrily: "You deserve it, whoever made you mess up, you'll just let it hurt you to death."

Ruo Min didn't dare to say any more, her eyes rolled wildly, looking for a way to get out, last night she carried out the plan with only enthusiasm, without thinking about how it would end afterwards, it was too late to think about it now.

Seeing her younger sister frowning, but still looking weird, Zhao Xiaomin let out a sigh of helplessness.

"I really got you."

Su Nan was sitting on the sofa, and a mop was swept towards his feet with great momentum. He could only lift his feet up to let the mop drag across the floor under his feet, and looked helplessly at the mop in front of him with a blank face. land girl.

Jun Min's expressionless face seemed to hide violent waves, and she exuded cold resentment without saying a word, and it was difficult for people not to notice.

Needless to say, such a big commotion last night must have been noticed, otherwise the girl would not have treated him this way. The door was not closed tightly at that time, and the girl might have witnessed it.

While thinking wildly, Jun Min seemed to have noticed something, her pretty face was slightly dizzy, Mei glared at him, then turned around and bent down to continue working in silence.

Su Nan felt that he was wronged, but he felt that he had no confidence for no reason. Although it was Zhao Ruomin who lied to him at the time, which led to a big mistake, didn't he stop after he realized it later? What's more, he never refused to come to Xiao Min who was affected, which caused the embarrassing scene when he got up this morning.

Thinking of this, Su Nan turned her eyes to the closed door, guessing what would happen inside.Although a door could not prevent him from eavesdropping, Su Nan didn't want to do it, but the room was very quiet, presumably there would be no bloody sisters tearing up the incident.

After dragging the floor, Zhao Junmin went to sit down and have breakfast without saying hello to Su Nan. After finishing, she went back to her room, and when she entered the door, she turned her head and gave Su Nan a hateful look. The eyes were the kind of eyes that look at scum, but It seems that there is a bit of resentment hidden, which is fleeting.

With a bang, Su Nan was the only one left in the living room.

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