Su Nan could only sigh, being hated.

He rubbed the sore brows, calmed himself down, and thought about what to do next.

Because of Zhao Ruomin's disorder, the two of them had a relationship, which made Zhao Xiaomin sad.

There is no doubt that Zhao Ruomin got into a catastrophe and deceived her sister and Su Nan, but Su Nan couldn't hate her.

Zhao Ruomin did everything possible to want to be with him, but was instigated by someone to do such a thing.

For this girl who strongly liked her, but she didn't hate her, she even gave her her innocent body, so Su Nan couldn't blame her.

But if you want to make a mistake, you can make a mistake. From then on, it is unrealistic for the Russian emperor Nvying, and even Junmin to join in the family to live a happy life. Su Nan has to consider Zhao Xiaomin's feelings, because Zhao Xiaomin is his girlfriend, and Ruo Min is not in the same situation as Chu Xi and the others.

He can't just say to Xiao Min, "I like you and your sister, so we are together" just because he has Ruo Min. Reality is not a novel, and it has never been a perfect fairy tale.

But if Su Nan was to give up Ruomin, he couldn't do it now. When he thought that Ruomin would marry someone else in the future, his heart ached.

This made him have to admit that he is a superficial and bad person.

He made up his mind to see Xiao Min's attitude first, and with Jun Min's lesson from the past, he had a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

If the final result is that Xiao Min can't accept this matter, Su Nan is unwilling to provoke her, and will choose to keep a distance from Ruo Min first, insisting on putting his girlfriend first, and at most maintain contact with Ruo Min in private.In time, he believed that he would be recognized by Xiao Min.

This is also the reason why Ruo Min asked him for help when he was in the room just now, but he ignored him. At this time, he must not provoke Xiao Min again, and make the situation more complicated.

Just imagine how Xiao Min would feel if he helped Ruo Min and pleaded with Xiao Min just now, she must be very sad, and even have a feeling of being betrayed by a man and her sister, and it is not impossible to hate her sister from now on .

After all, what Ruo Min did was to make her a sister, and she used very bad methods.

While waiting, I heard a "click", the door opened, Zhao Xiaomin walked out, turned her eyes to him, and walked towards him.

The door of the room was closed, and Su Nan couldn't see what was going on inside. Seeing that Zhao Xiaomin's expression showed no joy or sorrow, she couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

What will Xiao Min do, accept fate and accept the facts, or firmly refuse to accept that the three sisters belong to him alone.

Su Nan couldn't help but guess.

In a short time, Zhao Xiaomin had come to him and sat down, turned her head and stared at him intently, without making a sound, her eyes were very calm, just like the rhythm before the storm.

Su Nan swallowed, and asked, "Is Ruo Min better?"

"It's the middle of the month, and the wound is wounded." Zhao Xiaomin said quietly.

Su Nan's eyelids twitched wildly, there is something wrong with this answer.

He pretended not to hear, and then asked: "What are you talking about inside?"

Zhao Xiaomin turned her head away and said, "We're talking, let Ruomin follow you too."

"Huh?" Su Nan was startled.

Zhao Xiaomin sighed coquettishly: "Is it surprising? Since I decided to let Junmin be your person, it doesn't matter if you add one more. Besides, the three sisters can stay together forever. I don't feel at ease if Ruomin is away... Do you think Am I going to say that?"

The girl turned her head around and stared at him with a half-smile.

Su Nan was taken aback, then shook her head: "No, absolutely not, Ruo Min is such a lawless bastard, I will support you no matter how you teach her, I have long since disliked her, besides, there is a thing that all three sisters are with one person , It is too inconsistent with the core values.”

"Damn ghost, I scare you." Xiao Min scolded with a smile, then put away her smile, leaned on him with a sad face, and lamented: "But what can I do if I don't do that, Ruo Min is already You are now, and Junmin hasn't had any real relationship with you yet, I've already let her be with you, let alone Ruomin... you say yes."

The last sentence was to ask Su Nan, but Su Nan was not willing to answer. Now he has no idea what Zhao Xiaomin was thinking, and he didn't want to make mistakes rashly, so he said firmly: "You decide."

Seeing his obedience to her, Zhao Xiaomin couldn't laugh or cry in her heart, Qianqian pinched his waist with her fingers, and simply closed her eyes and said: "I don't want to make a decision, I want to sleep, don't make noise , I was exhausted last night."

Saying that, she really fell asleep.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the end, Zhao Xiaomin didn't tell Su Nan what she had talked with Zhao Ruomin, nor did she say what to do in the future, so she just fell asleep in Su Nan's arms.

After standing still for a while, Su Nan gently carried her into Ruo Min's room.After covering her sleeping soundly with a quilt, he went to the door next door, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Zhao Ruomin was also sleeping, and her sleeping state was not good. She kicked the quilt aside, revealing her white belly, her legs spread wide, her brows slightly frowned, there were some crystal water marks on the corners of her mouth, and a touching smile , It seems that something good happened in a dream.

After staring at her for a while, Su Nan was about to close the door and leave.

Suddenly, he heard Zhao Ruomin shout: "Brother-in-law, don't go."

Su Nan stopped and looked over nervously.He hasn't figured out how to get along with Zhao Ruomin yet, the relationship has changed too fast, and he can't get used to it all at once, and Xiao Min's attitude is also ambiguous.

But Su Nan's worry was unnecessary, because Zhao Ruomin didn't wake up, she muttered in her sleep, turned over and hugged a quilt, just like hugging a lover in a dream, the corner of her mouth smiled more and more, hugging the quilt tightly.

Su Nan couldn't help shaking her head, sighing a little, she really deserves to be Ruo Min, she is so heartbroken to sleep like a normal person after such a thing happened.

However, it can also be seen that she didn't receive much blame just now, otherwise no matter how nervous she was, she would not be able to fall asleep peacefully afterward in the face of her furious sister.

Su Nan's mood suddenly improved, and she quietly closed the door.

Zhao Xiaomin fell asleep, and when she woke up, she was a little confused at first, and then suddenly remembered that Su Nan was not around, so she picked up her mobile phone and called him.

"You went back?"

After getting through, Zhao Xiaomin asked, what she asked was if Su Nan had returned to Qin Xiaowan's side.

"No, I saw that your refrigerator was out of food, so I went out to buy some, and I'm rushing back."

"Oh..." Zhao Xiaomin's ending was drawn out, she seemed a little lazy, and then she asked again; "Where did you go back?"

"It's almost home." Su Nan replied.

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