"I'll open the door for you."

Zhao Xiaomin jumped out of bed, and ran out without combing her hair.

Opening the door, Su Nan stood at the door with both hands full of things.

"Why do you buy so many? It won't fit in the refrigerator."

Zhao Xiaomin grinned while complaining and walked over to take the things in her hands.

Su Nan said: "It's cold now, so there's no need to put everything in the refrigerator."

While the two were talking, they entered the house and sorted the things and put them away one by one.

During the period, Zhao Junmin opened the door and took a look, and closed the door again seeing that they didn't need help.

"You made my sister angry."

Zhao Xiaomin turned to look at the door of her sister's room, and then said to Su Nan.

"Probably because of what happened last night."

Su Nan smiled dryly, paying attention to Xiao Min's expression.

"Why does she react more than I do?" Zhao Xiaomin laughed, more like a joke.

Su Nan just kept silent.

Later, the two started to cook lunch, with Zhao Xiaomin serving as the chef and Su Nan helping out.After cooking, she went to ask her sisters to eat, but one said that she was not hungry, and the other was still awake, so she had to come back and eat with Su Nan.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief, if he sat at the same table with the three sisters, he would probably feel uncomfortable.

After dinner, the two lazily sat on the sofa watching TV, Zhao Xiaomin leaned on Su Nan, smiled and said to him: "I thought you went back."

Su Nan stared at the TV and said, "I won't go there anymore. School will start in about ten days. I'm going to clean up the house first, and then I'll bring Xiao Wan back."

"If you don't go over, that girl won't curse me to death secretly. After all, I disturbed her and your two-person world."

Zhao Xiaomin said with a smile.

"Then what is the world of two, my aunt is here too."

Su Nan shook his head, he inexplicably thought of Qin Ying and how she got drunk that night.

During this period of time he lived there, Qin Ying often made him feel weird.So he was worried that there was something wrong with his psychology, so he deliberately let his relationship with Xiaowan go, but it was more appropriate to move out directly.

Of course, the most important reason for him not going back there was Ruo Min, he couldn't do that kind of thing and walk away.

Although I don't know how to deal with it if I stay, and I feel uncomfortable, but I can't do it without facing it. At least I have to comfort Xiao Min and Ruo Min, and also see their attitudes by the way.

"Since you don't want to go back, why don't you stay with me for a few days. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed the two-person world with you, Nan. Last time I went to look for you, my senior also followed."

Zhao Xiaomin muttered, resting her head on Su Nan's shoulder.

Su Nan nodded slowly: "Okay."

"Come back to your room with me."

Suddenly Zhao Xiaomin stood up and dragged Su Nan into the room, looking impatient, but Su Nan knew that she wanted Junmin to come out for dinner.

After the two entered the room, Zhao Junmin opened the door.

In the room, Su Nan sighed, and there was one more person to coax.

Seeing his frown, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly said, "I'll go talk to my sister."

Su Nan hesitated and nodded.

Last night there were some things that Junmin didn't know very well, and she might think that her brother-in-law was messing around with her second sister, I'm sorry sister, let Xiaomin explain it.

Seeing his pensive face, Zhao Xiaomin left with an inexplicable smile.

Su Nan sat in the room and waited patiently.

About five minutes later, the door opened, and a figure flashed in. First, he closed the door, and then his eyes fell on him. A smile instantly filled his face, and he rushed towards him.

"Ruomin, why are you here?"

Su Nan said in surprise, and quickly opened his arms to embrace the girl who rushed forward. Although he was very careful, he still heard the sound of the girl breathing in, which seemed to involve the wound.

Su Nan frowned: "You're messing around, you're still jumping around when you're injured, what's the matter?"

He hugged the girl with heartache, gently sat her on the bed, and then hugged her to avoid making her move too much.

Zhao Ruomin was a little surprised at first, then smiled, lying in his arms and said to him: "Brother-in-law, this feeling is good, if I do it more, I won't be in pain."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

Su Nan shook her head, feeling that her body was a little hot, so she thought she was hot, and wanted to let her go.

Zhao Ruomin was dissatisfied and said: "Brother-in-law, why don't you continue to hug me, it's very comfortable."

Su Nan had no choice but to continue hugging her, fearing that her struggle would involve the wound, she really didn't know how to take care of herself.

Zhao Ruomin smiled with satisfaction, leaned comfortably in his arms, raised her head to look at his face, and felt more and more fond of it, as if she was hungry and suddenly welcomed a feast full of Han people.

"Brother-in-law, I want to kiss you."

She said softly, without waiting for Su Nan's consent, she printed her lips on it privately. Su Nan turned her eyes to the door worriedly, worried that Xiao Min would come in suddenly, but if Ruo Min came here, she must have obtained Xiao Min's consent, right? Thinking of this, his act of pushing the girl turned into a hug.

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