Su Nan relaxed and started to act.

Not long after, a small tree as thick as a bowl was supported by a pair of plain hands, swaying unsteadily.


Amidst the tender voice, a figure fell from the tree and landed in front of Su Nan and Zhan Weiling, staring at them blankly.

Su Nan and Zhan Weiling looked at each other, and the atmosphere froze for an instant.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The girl who fell from the tree also forgot to cry out in pain, lying on the ground staring at Su Nan and Zhan Weiling, those eyes were extraordinarily bright in the darkness.

Su Nan and Zhan Weiling stood in a daze for a while, and then realized that they separated immediately, turned their backs and tidied their clothes, their faces blushed unknowingly.

In the middle of the night making out in the wild, I couldn't help myself, but I didn't know that there was a person hiding in the tree, I guess I heard all the details of the two of them, it was really embarrassing, and what was even more embarrassing was that this person was an acquaintance.

Their movement awakened the people on the ground. Li Gongting shuddered violently and got up, but she didn't want to leave, and she didn't want to leave. Looking at their backs in front of her, she hesitated to speak. His face was blushing for a moment, and there was even a little jealousy unconsciously in his eyes, but he couldn't see clearly in the dark.

Although it was dark night, because of the fireworks in the distance, Zhan Weiling had actually seen clearly that the person who fell was his good friend Li Gongting, and he was embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

She never thought that when she was dating her junior in the wild, an acquaintance would fall from a tree. She was extremely embarrassed, and she felt ashamed and indignant when she thought that everything with her junior was being watched.

Turning her head, she saw that Su Nan was as embarrassed as herself, not knowing how to react. For some reason, Zhan Weiling suddenly wanted to laugh, wondering if the scare just now would have frightened her junior, but thinking about it this way, she felt a little worried for her junior. feel worried.

Taking a deep breath, Zhan Weiling turned around, forced a smile and said: "...Gong Ting, so you are here, I thought you would not come."

With a trace of resentment in her tone, Zhan Weiling couldn't understand why Li Gongting came here alone in the middle of the night. Although this scenic spot is not a barren mountain, few people climbed the mountain at night. The road is overgrown with weeds, not to mention night, few people are willing to come during the day.

Not only did Li Gongting come alone, she also climbed up the tree, which was not a big tree, and after climbing up, she couldn't sit on the branches.

At this moment, Li Gongting also managed to calm down, forced a smile and said: "Wei Ling, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it was just in the middle of the night, and suddenly there was a voice, I was I climbed up the tree."

Seemingly embarrassed, she turned her head to the side. Just at this time, Su Nan saw her senior speak first, thinking that she couldn't be cowardly, so she also turned around and saw her flickering eyes.

Su Nan secretly wondered, Senior Sister Li didn't seem to be telling the truth, but if she wasn't frightened by someone who came suddenly, then why did she climb up the tree and hide.

Su Nan looked around. There were big rocks on both sides of this small open space, and it was impossible to climb up it with bare hands. There were only a few trees that were not too big or small to hide.

Zhan Weiling's eyes widened, and she said in surprise: "I thought Gong Ting that you were very courageous, but I didn't expect you to be scared. So it's true that you said that you want to come here to practice your courage during the day."

She couldn't help laughing, and didn't deliberately mention what happened just now.Although embarrassed, Zhan Weiling felt that Li Gongting couldn't see anything from the tree, at most he could hear a little sound.The shame in my heart suddenly decreased a lot.

Li Gongting blushed, and said angrily, "I'm not a robot, so why wouldn't I be afraid? It's all your fault. You promised to come here with me to take risks, but you left me."

She turned her gaze, glanced at Su Nan, and quickly looked back.

Su Nan's heart trembled, thinking why Li Xuejie's eyes are so charming?It seems to be discharging, um, it must be too dark, I read it wrong.

Zhan Weiling quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Xiao Nan and I haven't dated for a long time, I don't want to miss it, I'll be with you next time."

"There will be no next time." Li Gongting snorted, very dissatisfied.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Su Nan roughly understood what was going on, probably because Li Gongting and Zhan Weiling came to the mountain to play during the day, and found this place to be nice, so she wanted to come here at night to practice courage, but she dared not come alone, so I found Zhan Weiling to accompany me.

The senior sister originally agreed, but because she wanted to date him, she broke the appointment. In desperation, Li Gongting had to come alone.

And Zhan Weiling felt that without her company, Li Gongting probably wouldn't come, so she brought her lover to this tryst, even if Li Gongting dared to come alone, Zhan Weiling was not afraid, at most, she just said hello when she met her, but Zhan Weiling didn't Never expected that Li Gongting would hide.

Zhan Weiling and Su Nan didn't know that Li Gongting was hiding nearby, and the sound of nearby fireworks constantly exploding affected Su Nan's hearing, so they didn't restrain themselves and started to act recklessly.

Wanting to understand the reason, Su Nan shook her head, what a disaster, the good outdoor rendezvous just disappeared, and I don't know when the next opportunity like this will come.

The surroundings fell into silence again, and the three of them didn't know what to talk about for a while. After all, it was very embarrassing.

Li Gongting said: "I won't bother you, go back first."

Zhan Weiling said: "Gong Ting, be careful on the road."

"Well, don't stay too late."

She gave an order, passed them and walked outside.

Su Nan and Zhan Weiling looked at each other, and both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, this is the phone that Gong Ting dropped."

At this time, Zhan Weiling saw a bright spot on the ground, like a mobile phone screen, and pointed to Su Nan.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Li Gongting going back and forth, running over in a hurry to pick up the mobile phone that fell on the ground, put it in her pocket, and said to them with some embarrassment: "I accidentally dropped the mobile phone, It’s good to remember, otherwise it would be inconvenient to take a car, goodbye.”

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Su Nan watched in surprise as her back disappeared into the darkness, and frowned. If you read correctly, the moment Li Gongting picked up the phone just now, the screen of the phone showed the video. In this short period of time, Li Gong Ting didn't have time to turn on the recording function, and the phone has been dropped on the ground for so long, but the screen has been on all the time, which shows that it has been like this before Li Gongting fell. ?

When Li Gongting was on the tree, did he keep secretly filming them?

Su Nan was shocked by her own thoughts, and didn't know why Li Gongting did this.

At this time, Zhan Weiling frowned, and said anxiously: "No, hurry up and chase after Gong Ting."

Uh, did the senior sister also find out?

Seeing Su Nan staring at her blankly, Zhan Weiling wondered, "What's the matter with you, junior, Gong Ting fell from the tree just now, she must have been injured, and it's midnight, so it's not good to let her go back alone."

Su Nan woke up like a dream, "Oh, yes, let's go after her."

Let's see what she's up to.

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