-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The mountain was not high, and the two of them walked to the foot of the mountain in less than ten minutes. They saw the figure of Li Gongting not far away, leaning on a small tree, frowning, as if it was inconvenient to walk.

Zhan Weiling hurried over to help her.

"What's wrong with you, Gong Ting, did you hurt yourself from a fall?"

Li Gongting stretched his brows, first glanced at Su Nan, then smiled and said, "It's okay."

"How can it be okay, you can't even walk, I'll take you to the hospital."

Zhan Weiling frowned as she spoke, and took out her mobile phone to call a taxi, but Li Gongting pressed her hand and shook her head: "I'm really fine, just go back and apply some potion, Wei Ling, I have been exercising since I was a child, don't you understand these things?" ?"

Zhan Weiling felt that it made sense, so she stopped insisting, but she was still worried that Li Gongting would go home alone.

"I remember that your home is quite far away, why don't you go to my place, don't refuse, the injury can't be delayed for too long." She held Li Gongting's hand tightly and said without doubt.

Li Gongting knew that he couldn't refuse, so he sighed secretly and agreed.

At this time, Su Nan came over and said, "The car I called has arrived, it's at the door, let's go out, senior sister, help her."

While speaking, Su Nan looked at Li Gongting, and found that after she came into contact with his line of sight, she avoided it unnaturally, wondering if she was guilty of guilt.

Su Nan thought that Senior Sister Li must have something wrong.

He didn't want to stare for too long, fearing that Zhan Weiling might misunderstand, he turned and walked towards the door at a slow pace, while Zhan Weiling supported Li Gongting and followed him slowly.

After getting into the car and sitting in the co-pilot, Su Nan kept thinking about Li Gongting's problem. She didn't know why she secretly recorded the video. Is Senior Zhan Weiling her good friend, or did he actually misunderstand?

It's not easy to ask the person concerned this kind of question, let's remind Zhan Weiling, and I'm worried that a mistake will ruin the relationship between the two seniors. If he misunderstood, it would be embarrassing.

It would be great if I could get Senior Sister Li Gongting's cell phone, so I could know whether she had ever secretly photographed her.

This thought flashed through Su Nan's mind, but he thought it was impossible to do it, so he didn't take it to heart.

She arrived home soon, and Zhan Weiling helped Li Gongting to walk up the stairs. She found that although Li Gongting's walking posture was a bit awkward when climbing the stairs, it was not serious, so she was relieved.

When I got home, I helped Li Gongting to sit on the sofa, Zhan Weiling talked with her, and asked Su Nan to help find the family's bone medicine.

Li Gongting responded casually, obviously distracted, but Zhan Weiling thought it was because of her injury, so she didn't think too much about it.

Since entering the door, Li Gongting has paid attention to Su Nan intentionally or unconsciously.She found that Su Nan was very familiar with Zhan Weiling's house, as if she was staying in her own home.She expected that Su Nan must come here often to accompany Zhan Weiling, and she felt a little strange.

Su Nan came over with the potion for traumatic injuries, Zhan Weiling took it from him, and said to Li Gongting: "Gong Ting, turn your back, I will apply the potion for you, Xiao Nan, come into my room and stay for a while."

Su Nan thought that applying the potion would lift up the clothes, so she entered the room without saying a word.

Staring at Su Nan as she entered the room, Li Gongting turned around silently, lifted the clothes behind her back, revealing her fair back, and at the same time heard Zhan Weiling gasping behind her.

"Gong Ting, your injury is a little serious, it's all purple, does it hurt?"

Li Gongting said indifferently: "It just looks scary on the surface, it's not serious, just rub the potion on there, and rub it for me to dissolve the congestion."

"This...will I hurt you?" Zhan Weiling hesitated.

Li Gongting said: "It's nothing, just do as I say."

"Okay, then I'll try to be gentle."

Hearing what she said, Zhan Weiling had no choice but to do so. She poured some liquid medicine into the palm of her hand, pressed it carefully, and rubbed it lightly, but she heard the sound of Li Gong's gasping, which seemed to be in pain. Gong Ting's body was trembling slightly.

Zhan Weiling stopped quickly, at a loss: "Why, did I hurt you?"

"No... no, your potion... is a bit irritating."

Li Gongting blushed slightly, and said slowly, the bruises she usually uses are quite mild, but she didn't expect this one to be so irritating, she didn't realize it all at once.

Zhan Weiling didn't know what to do.

Li Gongting took a deep breath and said, "Wei Ling, go ahead, I wasn't ready just now."

Zhan Weiling tentatively put her hand on it, and with a light touch, she felt Li Gongting's delicate body tremble, obviously not just because the potion was too irritating.

Now Zhan Weiling didn't dare to move, but Li Gongting's injury couldn't be ignored.

After thinking about it, she came up with a solution, and because she was concerned about her friend's injury, she didn't think too much about it, so she said directly, "I'll ask Xiao Nan to help, he's quite experienced."

Before Li Gongting agreed, Zhan Weiling called out.

"Xiao Nan, come out."

Li Gongting opened his mouth, suddenly thought of something, then fell silent again.

Su Nan came out of the room and saw the difference in the expressions of the two goddesses. Some realized why, but pretended not to understand, and asked, "What's the matter?"

In fact, as soon as Zhan Weiling opened her mouth, she felt that something was wrong. It was wrong to let her man touch other girls' backs, but it seemed unnatural to change her words at this time. Li Gongting's injury also had to be dealt with.

She said: "Gong Ting's injury is a bit serious, I don't know how to do it, you come and apply some medicine to her."

"This...isn't it good." Su Nan was a little hesitant.

"What's wrong, I taught you the method, just try it."

Li Gongting answered, looking at Su Nan indifferently.

"That's right, Xiao Nan, come on, I really can't."

Zhan Weiling didn't think that Li Gongting's attitude was wrong, but instead helped her persuade Su Nan.In Zhan Weiling's impression, Li Gongting is a girl who is a bit slow to men and women, simply put, she is a straight girl of steel, so it is not outrageous to ask Su Nan to apply the potion for her.

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