Although there are differences between men and women, Zhan Weiling can only let go of her entanglement at this time.

Now that they all said so, Su Nan simply didn't hesitate anymore, and he also felt that Li Gongting's injury could not be left alone.

Sitting down behind Li Gongting, Su Nan poured the medicine into her palm and rubbed her palm to warm it up.

Zhan Weiling stood aside, bent down and gently pulled up Li Gongting's clothes, first revealing a part of her pink waist, Su Nan's eyelids twitched, she quickly calmed down, then more and more of that pink waist was exposed, until the half of her back was covered show out.

Su Nan controlled her emotions, kept her eyes fixed, and put her hand on it, the tentacles felt warm and greasy...

Li Gongting didn't know what she was thinking at the moment, since Zhan Weiling was by her side, she actually offered to ask Su Nan to help her, and even deliberately acted like a dumbass in order not to make Zhan Weiling suspect.

At this moment, when she felt Su Nan's palm touching her, she immediately felt a little regretful, feeling shy in her heart, but she didn't feel any pain where she was touched, and there was a faint tingling feeling.

She obviously didn't have a seizure, but she felt comfortable at this moment, and she didn't know if it was the paralyzing effect of the medicine.

Zhan Weiling didn't think too much, she pulled Li Gongting's clothes carefully so as not to get dirty, she lowered her head and stared at Su Nan's palm, gently rubbing the purple spot on Li Gongting's back.

After applying the bruises, Su Nan got up and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. When she came out, she saw Zhan Weiling and Li Gongting sitting on the sofa talking.

Zhan Weiling said to him: "Xiao Nan, I persuaded Gong Ting to stay overnight tonight. Are you hungry? I'll make some supper."

Su Nan said: "Let me come, you guys talk."

Said Su Nan went into the kitchen to work.

Li Gongting is staying tonight, and she should be sleeping with Zhan Weiling. I remember that the squad leader said that the shame disease is an infectious disease, but Su Nan can't keep Zhan Weiling from contacting other girls unless she is locked up. It is impossible.

If this is the case, then it doesn't matter if Senior Li stays overnight. Besides, the infectious disease is just a guess. Even if it is true, the conditions for infecting others must be very strict, otherwise the world would have been messed up.

Even though she thought so, Su Nan was also careful. Li Gongting's strange behavior tonight made people wonder if she had an infectious disease.

Thinking of Li Xuejie's performance at the hot spring attraction last time, and the fact that the punished person had not been found in the punishment session, Su Nan felt uneasy. This is the best friend of Senior Zhan Weiling. What should be done.

This night, Su Nan secretly paid attention to Li Gongting's performance, but she didn't dare to be too obvious.

It was late at night, Su Nan was stayed overnight by Zhan Weiling, of course not sleeping with Zhan Weiling, but in a separate room, and Zhan Weiling shared a room with Li Gongting.

He thought for a while and agreed to stay. First of all, Zhan Weiling might have an attack, and it would be good to be close to him. At the same time, Li Gongting was suspected to be infected. Although Su Nan hasn't figured out what to do, it's not appropriate to stay too far away from her. , so that if she makes a mistake, she will enter the punishment link.

In the middle of the night, Su Nan had a dream. She dreamed that she was spending the night at Zhan Weiling's house, but in the middle of the night, Li Gongting sneaked into the room and attacked her at night.In the dream, Li Gongting behaved rudely towards him, but finally Zhan Weiling opened the door and came in to witness this scene.

He woke up from the fright, only to realize that it was a dream, wiped off his cold sweat, and fell asleep again.

In a daze, he felt that he was dreaming again, which was very similar to the previous dream. First, he heard a slight sound of the door opening, and then the door was closed. Someone approached with light cat steps, standing by the bed and staring at him. After a while, he climbed into his bed.

The dream seemed more real this time. I could feel the slight vibration of the bed and hear the rustling sound in my ears.

Su Nan thought that she was so wretched, but dreamed that senior sister Li Gongting climbed onto her bed and stood on top of her to take off her clothes while she was asleep.

Something fell and landed on the face, and there seemed to be... body heat left on it?

This is not a dream?

Su Nan shivered, opened his eyes suddenly, and saw two straight but healthy legs standing on both sides of his body.

Further up, there was senior sister Li Gongting who was grabbing the hem of her jacket with both hands and was about to take it off, her face was slightly red.

Su Nan was dumbfounded, and then saw Li Gongting saw herself waking up, she was startled at first, but then regained her composure immediately, she saw her take off her shirt, lay down next to him and fell asleep.

Su Nan's head suddenly got stuck, and she didn't understand what was going on. Senior sister Li Gongting must have found out that he had woken up, so why didn't she act guilty and lie down boldly instead.

After a while, Su Nan turned her neck and looked at the girl beside her. Since the light was not turned on, her eyesight was a little affected, and she could barely tell that she was sleeping soundly and breathing evenly.

Normally speaking, it is very unconvincing to pretend to be asleep after being discovered by the person involved in such a thing as a night attack. Li Gongting should not be so stupid, so she must have slept in the wrong room Bar.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, getting up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet in a hurry to urinate, but returning to the wrong room in a daze.

Su Nan had a preconceived notion, but felt that Li Gongting's behavior was very suspicious. She seemed to be having a sudden attack. She had no choice but to break into his room in the middle of the night to seek comfort. After being discovered by him, she became wise and went to the wrong place in a daze. The room is an excuse to disguise.

But no matter what, Su Nan must solve the problem in front of him as soon as possible, otherwise, if senior sister Zhan Weiling wakes up and finds out, he won't be able to clean up by jumping into the Yellow River.

It's just what to do, wouldn't it be embarrassing for senior sister Li Gongting to wake her up, let her go by herself.

Deciding to do this, Su Nan restrained her restless heart and pretended to sleep silently, but he seemed to be thinking too well. Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, Li Gongting actually took the initiative to lean her body over and hugged him tightly. Looking at him, transferring all her own heat.

Her actions made Su Nan understand that she was indeed pretending to be asleep, and at the same time, his young and vigorous characteristics were stimulated, causing a stress response.

No, something will happen if this goes on like this, senior sister Li Gongting may be having a fit, if she fails to control her mess, wouldn't Zhao Ruomin's mistake happen again.

At the same time, Su Nan thought that if senior sister Li Gongting was punished by the handle, it meant that she had only experienced punishment once, and the shameful behavior just now could almost heal her.

Su Nan didn't open her eyes, but began to struggle, just like being hugged while sleeping, feeling uncomfortable and wanting to get rid of unconsciously.

The other party seemed to be afraid of waking him up, and quickly withdrew his hand. Su Nan turned over and turned his back to her, thinking that he would just wait for her to leave.

Waking up was too embarrassing to just do it.

After a while, the hand behind her reached out to him again.

"Kang Dang"

Just when Su Nan was thinking of a way, the voice from the living room suddenly sounded, especially loud at night.

The two people on the bed were startled and sat up at the same time.

Their eyes met, and there was a subtle atmosphere spreading in the silence.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and said in a hurry: "Senior sister, why are you in my room?"

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