She was exhausted, and drowsiness flooded in, and Zhan Weiling fell asleep quickly.

Li Gongting turned sideways to look at her sleeping soundly, and the scene he saw in the next room just now came to mind, thinking that Wei Ling is really bold.

She also fell asleep in a daze.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Early the next morning, Su Nan got up and left the room.

When he passed the kitchen, he saw two seniors cooking breakfast together in the kitchen. They worked together in a division of labor and cooperated very well, as if they had a tacit understanding.The way they talked and laughed happily with each other didn't look like they had experienced what happened last night at all.

It's just that when their eyes turned around and fell on Su Nan, their expressions became slightly unnatural and fleeting.

"Xiao Nan, go wash up first, breakfast will be ready soon." Zhan Weiling smiled dignifiedly.

"Morning." Li Gongting also smiled at him, then lowered his head to look at the fire.

Su Nan didn't dare to say more, fearing that Zhan Weiling would see something, so she nodded and pretended to leave naturally.

When he returned home to wash up, he was always thinking about one question, that is how to let senior sister Zhan Weiling know about senior sister Li Gongting's situation.

After all, Senior Sister Zhan Weiling and Senior Sister Li Gongting are good friends. Suddenly learning that her best friend has also fallen, it is impossible not to be surprised and sad, but after careful consideration, Su Nan still feels that the secret of Senior Sister Li Gongting has been exposed. It is more appropriate, but he has no idea how to achieve this goal.

direct hint?It is possible to reveal the fact that one has learned that the shame disease exists.

Su Nan doesn't want to do this for the time being. He always subconsciously rejects the question of "showdown", and based on past experience, he feels that even if he wants to have a showdown, it may not go well. The squad leader can know that there may be something hidden in this secret.

Thinking back to this matter, Su Nan thought, it seems that senior sister Zhan Weiling can only find out by herself, or other girls find out and then tell senior sister Zhan Weiling.

The method can be to create an opportunity for senior sister Li Gongting to find her next time she has a seizure and be witnessed by people around her, or let others discover the secrets in senior sister Li Gongting's phone.

Senior sister Li Gongting had an attack in the early hours of last night. If the handle abnormality was caused by her, then her next attack will be three days later.

It will take three days to create an opportunity, and senior sister Li Gongting will not necessarily find him after three days, because senior sister Li Gongting has some images of him in her mobile phone, probably taken when she gave him a massage before. For emergency use in case of seizures.

It seems that the target is to be placed on Li Gongting's mobile phone.

Su Nan thought.

Back next door, breakfast was ready, and the two seniors were waiting for him.

Su Nan sat down opposite, and asked Li Gongting concerned: "Senior sister, is the injury better?"

Li Gongting lowered his eyes and replied: "It's not a serious problem, it will probably be completely healed after going back to rest for a few days."

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that she might be thinking too much, senior sister Li Gongting acted so unnaturally, maybe it wouldn't take long for her to expose herself.

Zhan Weiling didn't doubt too much, thinking that the reason why Su Nan helped Li Gongting apply the potion last night, she looked at Li Gongting worriedly: "Are you really all right? Why don't you wait for Xiao Nan to wipe it for you after breakfast?" Potion."

Li Gongting slightly frowned and shook his head: "No, I'm not used to your medicine."

"Okay." Zhan Weiling had no choice but to give up.

Su Nan lowered her head and ate breakfast silently, thinking about how to arouse senior sister Zhan Weiling's suspicion of Li Gongting.

After breakfast, Zhan Weiling refused to let Li Gongting into the kitchen on the pretext of repaying her injury, and went to wash the dishes by herself.

Su Nan turned her eyes and said, "I'll help."

He left a sentence and walked to the kitchen.

Li Gongting looked at his back from behind, her eyes were blurred, and she came back to her senses after a while, her pretty face flushed, but she remembered what happened last night.

It's all because she was so obsessed with ghosts at the time, she thought she would not be discovered, and sneaked into Su Nan's room to do those daring things, which completely embarrassed her.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly at the time, and Su Nan immediately said after waking up that she was confused and entered the wrong room, which did not arouse Su Nan's suspicion (self-thinking).It's just that Zhan Weiling suddenly rushed through the door, blocking her in the room and being forced to spy on the secrets of Zhan Weiling and Su Nan's boudoir. Now thinking about it, I feel shocked and ashamed.

It turns out that this can be the case between boys and girls.

she thought blankly.

It's not that Li Gongting is ignorant of this aspect, but that she didn't pay attention to this aspect at all in the past, even if she came across some information from the Internet by chance, she didn't take it to heart, so it seemed that the door to a new world was opened last night.

Slipping into the kitchen, seeing Zhan Weiling standing in front of the sink washing dishes, Su Nan walked over and said, "I'll help."

The place was not big, and after he squeezed in, Zhan Weiling could only move one step to the right, but the narrow space still allowed the two of them to stay close together.

Zhan Weiling smiled ambiguously at him and didn't say anything. She only thought that Su Nanchun's heart was moved because of her bold behavior last night. She didn't reject it at all, but was a little excited.

Suddenly I heard Su Nan say: "Senior sister, I have something to tell you." Her voice was low and mysterious, as if she didn't want to be heard by Li Gongting outside.

"What's the matter?" Zhan Weiling was very surprised, because Su Nan's tone was very serious, as if she had something important to say.

"That's right." Su Nan frowned and said, "When we were on the mountain last night, didn't Senior Sister Gong Ting fall from a tree? At that time, her mobile phone fell to the ground, and it seemed to be in video recording."

Hearing Su Nan mention that incident, Zhan Weiling blushed subconsciously, and then realized the meaning of Su Nan's words.

She frowned and relaxed, and said with a smile: "You suspect that Gong Ting is taking pictures of us? Impossible, the environment is so dark, and the mobile phone can't take pictures clearly. I guess Gong Ting was taking pictures of fireworks. She was so scared that she climbed up a tree to hide and forgot to turn off her mobile phone."

At that time, the environment was not completely dark, the moonlight was quite bright, and there was the light of fireworks bursting, but Su Nan didn't want to be too obvious, so she raised her mouth a little and planted a seed in Zhan Weiling's heart.

He changed his mind, and said again: "I must have misunderstood. Didn't senior sister Gong Ting turn off the video recording function at the time? I was afraid that she would accidentally take a picture, and I didn't even notice."

Hearing what he said, Zhan Weiling also felt that it made sense, raised her eyebrows, and kept this matter in her heart.She planned to find some time to find out Li Gongting's tone, if she really accidentally captured something... just remind her to delete it, that's the only way to go.

Zhan Weiling's pretty face was stained with a blush.

Seeing her senior's expression in her eyes, Su Nan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the next step is to see her senior's actions.

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