Outside, Li Gongting was restless, because she felt uncomfortable staying here because of what happened yesterday, so she had the idea of ​​leaving.

Getting up and walking outside the kitchen, she greeted inside: "Wei Ling, I have to leave earlier."

"I'll see you off." Zhan Weiling hurriedly washed her hands, and went out to see Li Gongting off.

When sending them out, Zhan Weiling suddenly remembered the conversation with Su Nan just now, and asked subconsciously: "Gong Ting, that... can you show me the video you took on the mountain last night."

After thinking about it, it's not easy to speak too clearly, so she said it with hints. After all, if it is a misunderstanding, it will be embarrassing for everyone if it is said too clearly.

If you want to watch the video in this way, as long as Li Gongting doesn't have ghosts in his heart, he will generally not refuse, and Zhan Weiling doesn't think Li Gongting would do that kind of thing at all, so he just asked casually, and he doesn't think Li Gongting would. deny yourself.

Knowing that, Li Gongting panicked all of a sudden, thinking that the secret had been discovered, and said in a panic: "I didn't take pictures of anything, I just took pictures of the fireworks."

After she finished speaking, she quickly turned around and left, and disappeared after a while.

Jane Weiling? ? ?

She was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses, and she was dumbfounded for a moment. Could it be that Gong Ting really captured something? ! !

My BFF She Filmed My Outdoor Scene, So What Should I Do?

Zhan Weiling's head was completely stuck, unable to think.

Most importantly, why did Li Gongting do this!

Misunderstanding, must be a misunderstanding!

When Su Nan came out of the kitchen, he saw Zhan Weiling sitting on the sofa, frowning, and his expression was depressed. He couldn't help but beat faster, walked over and asked, "Sister, what did Sister Gong Ting say?"

Zhan Weiling glanced at him, hesitated for a moment, and sighed: "She didn't say anything, but her face was a little strange before she left... I don't think she might have photographed something, um, it might not be because of It’s just embarrassing for me to ask you about bumping into us, so let me ask more clearly.”

She convinced herself in this way, nodded affirmatively, and slipped into the room in a daze.

Su Nan shook her head, knowing that it was not that simple, but the seeds of doubt had already been planted, and senior sister Zhan Weiling suspected that she was filmed. I can't stop thinking about that, and with more guidance at that time, Senior Sister Zhan Weiling will discover more secrets of Senior Sister Li Gongting.

Zhan Weiling's short-term attention will always be on the matter of whether she has been filmed or not. She has no time to pay attention to Su Nan, so Su Nan leaves her house and returns to her own home.

After Su Nan finished drying the quilt cover, she suddenly remembered that Chu Xi's cell phone was still here, so she sat in front of the computer and turned on the computer, logged into Penguin, clicked on Chu Xi's profile picture, and sent her a message.

Chu Xi's avatar was gray, and there was no reply to the message. It should be offline. Su Nan waited for half an hour, and then turned off the computer.

The mobile phone's WeChat notification sound kept beeping, and someone was looking for him.

Su Nan picked up the phone and clicked on it, and found that it was Zhao Ruomin who was sending a message to him. After reading the content carefully, he complained that he was irresponsible, and disappeared as soon as he was deceived.

I don't know who taught her to say that.

Su Nan smiled wryly, going to see Ruo Min at this time, would it irritate Xiao Min, probably not, Xiao Min didn't seem to be as angry as imagined, or she accepted the reality.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Ruomin kept urging him during this process, Su Nan thought about it, and decided to go there, Ruomin just experienced this kind of thing, he is in a sensitive time, so he should be with him more.

Telling her senior sister on the phone, Su Nan left home and came all the way to the community where the three Zhao Xiaomin sisters lived.

The three sisters of the Zhao family treated him as a family member, and gave him a backup copy of the house keys, so Su Nan went straight into the house without hindrance.

Then he saw Zhao Junmin walking out of the room with a bed sheet in her arms, probably going to wash it, there was still a dark red mark somewhere on the bed sheet.

Zhao Junmin seemed very curious, she lowered her head to observe the imprint, and touched the place lightly with her hand, completely oblivious to Su Nan's arrival.

Su Nan was stunned, hey, isn't this bed sheet the same bed that he and Zhao Ruomin slept on that night?The bright red mark on it...

Zhao Junmin looked up and was also stunned. She didn't expect Su Nan to be at home, and she was frightened for a while.

After standing in a daze for a while, she finally remembered what she was doing, and retracted her hand like an electric shock, her pretty face flushed instantly, feeling extremely ashamed.

Gazing at Su Nan viciously, she quickly ran into the bathroom holding the sheet.

Su Nan felt innocent, he didn't do anything yet.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Brother-in-law, you are here."

Zhao Ruomin seemed to hear the sound, and excitedly opened the door to rush over to throw her brother-in-law down, who knew that the door of her sister's room next door was also opened at the same time, Zhao Xiaomin appeared at the door with a clever smile, and greeted Su Nan.

"Ah Nan, you are here. I just need to ask you for something. Come into my room."

Inadvertently glanced at her sister, Zhao Xiaomin raised her eyebrows a little unhappily when she saw that she was wearing a cool nightdress.

Zhao Ruomin stuck out her tongue, and quickly retracted and closed the door.

Su Nan's expression remained unchanged, she walked towards Xiao Min with a smile, "What's the matter, let's talk slowly after closing the door."

Perhaps because of his reverie caused by his words, Zhao Xiaomin blushed pretty, and calmly pulled him into the room, and slammed the door shut.

Does she really miss herself too much?

A thought flashed across Su Nan's mind, thinking that only by satisfying his girlfriend would his girlfriend satisfy him, so he approached her and opened his arms.

Zhao Xiaomin gave him a blank look: "What are you thinking, your mind is unhealthy, I really have something to ask you."

Having said that, she didn't reject being held in his arms, and even snuggled up to his chest comfortably, sniffing his scent deeply a few times, with a look of enjoyment.

Su Nan sat on the bed with his girlfriend in his arms, and the two of them didn't do anything. After all, it was early in the morning, and the two younger sisters were still outside. They just leaned against each other, talking in a low voice, and the atmosphere was warm.

Zhao Xiaomin suddenly remembered something, raised her head and asked Su Nan: "A Nan, didn't you have a date with Chu Xi a few days ago? What's the matter with her? I sent her a message on WeChat, but she never replied."

Zhao Xiaomin was a little depressed and inexplicably worried. Suddenly being unable to get in touch would always make people have bad associations.

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