"I forgot to tell you, Chu Xi's cell phone is with me."

Su Nan told Xiao Min the details of meeting Chu Xi that day, took out Chu Xi's phone, and pressed the button to find that it was turned off.

He said: "I haven't charged it all the time, and the phone will automatically shut down when the remaining power is exhausted, so I didn't receive the message you sent her."

Zhao Xiaomin took the phone over and muttered, "Let's charge it, in case Chu Xi finds out that the phone is lost and calls his own number, but you can't get it."

She connected the phone to the data cable, did not turn it on, and threw it aside to charge quietly.

Turning around and pushing away Su Nan who was leaning over to hug her, Zhao Xiaomin smiled and said, "It's okay, you can go out now."

Are you so ruthless?

Su Nan left the room helplessly, then pushed open the door of Zhao Ruomin's room, and slipped in happily. Didn't Xiao Min drive herself away to imply that she could come and see Ruomin.

"I'm chatting with my sister, you are not allowed to come in, go out!"

Su Nan was enjoying herself, but unexpectedly saw Zhao Junmin in the room standing up and frowning at herself, speaking indifferently, with a hint of complacency in her expression, as if she had been lurking here for a long time, just waiting for him to come in and give him a blow .

Zhao Ruomin next to her looked a bit annoyed, she probably didn't expect her sister to spoil her good deed, and wanted to say something nice for her brother-in-law, but she was stared at coldly by her sister, so she felt timid and subconsciously didn't say anything.

"Uh, I went to the wrong room."

Su Nan glanced at Junmin, and wisely chose to leave. When the door was closed, she heard Zhao Junmin say something to her second sister, but it was obviously for him.

"How can a man enter a girl's room casually, and this guy is our future brother-in-law."

So confident that I will be your brother-in-law?And not the husband?

Su Nan, who was stunned and had nothing to say, stood outside the door, thinking maliciously.

To be honest, among these girls, he is not sure which one he will marry in the future, and he cannot do without him. Whoever marries is a kind of harm to others, but on the other hand, whoever marries him It's all possible, so there is also the possibility of marrying Zhao Junmin.

Slowly getting angry, Su Nan went to sit on the sofa and began to think.

Zhao Junmin was targeting him, the reason...it should be because she overthrew her second sister, but could there be other factors, such as jealousy?

But no matter what, Su Nan doesn't want to let Zhao Junmin go on like this. If the relationship becomes too rigid, it will be bad for him, Xiaomin and even Ruomin.

It's just how can I make Jun Min calm down.

This girl is essentially in his shape, but when getting along with him, because of her personality or other reasons, she can't take the initiative, and even avoids his initiative, so it is advisable to coax her in the way of ordinary couples It won't work.

Then do you want to do the opposite?

In the room, watching Ke Ke's brother-in-law being scared away by his sister, Ruo Min was a little angry, "Sister, did you do it on purpose, are you jealous of me?"

She spoke too bluntly, and said whatever came to her mind. Jun Min blushed and was annoyed when she heard that, "What's none of my business? It's obviously his fault. He's my sister's boyfriend. How could he... do this to you?" kind of thing!"

As my sister's boyfriend, but he shot at his girlfriend's sister, what a beast.

Zhao Ruomin was upset: "Then why can he do that to you? Aren't you also my sister's sister?"

Zhao Junmin blushed even more. She didn't expect the second sister to say this, and she didn't know what to say for a while, "That's because... That's because... No, how can I have anything to do with him..."

"I see!" Zhao Ruomin suddenly realized, interrupted the impatient younger sister who wanted to explain clearly, and said proudly: "You think you are the only one who is approved by the elder sister, so you can do shameful things with your brother-in-law? Let me tell you, actually Eldest sister also agrees with us."

"Ah?" Zhao Junmin froze in place for a moment, forgetting what she wanted to say.

Zhao Ruomin reached out and grabbed her sister's arm and pulled it.

Zhao Junmin was caught off guard, and was pulled into a soft and warm embrace, who was still gently stroking her head, and said dotingly: "Sister, don't worry, the three of us want to be with brother-in-law, now only I'm leaving you, and my eldest sister and I will help you. In the future, we will not only live together happily, but also give birth to a healthy baby for my brother-in-law, and we will never be separated for the rest of our lives..."

Zhao Junmin was stunned for a while before she realized that she dared to think that she was sullen because she was the last of the three sisters who did not stay with her brother-in-law. Ruomin even wanted to ask the eldest sister to help her "complete" the good deed. Things, things like this, are really...

But, why did the picture of the three sisters and her brother-in-law that the second sister said appeared in her head, in which she was still holding the baby and smiling so happily.

It’s not like this, I didn’t think about it that way, it’s not this kind of person, it must be my sister’s words that affected me, I really do!Not at all!do not like!like that!

"It's too shameless!"

As if the most delicate part of her heart had been touched, the girl pushed the second sister away as if her hair suddenly exploded, blushed and shouted angrily, and then fled the room as if discouraged.

Zhao Ruomin was stunned for a moment, she stroked her delicate chin, with a puzzled look on her face: "Did I tell you something about my little sister? The reaction is so big."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

While Su Nan was thinking in the living room, Zhao Junmin ran out, blushing.

After glaring at him viciously, Zhao Junmin lowered her head and walked towards her room.

Su Nan didn't know where he offended her again, but being treated like this over and over again made him make a decision to improve his relationship with Zhao Junmin.

Seeing Zhao Junmin walking back to the room without raising her head, Su Nan's expression darkened: "Stop!"

Startled by his sudden sound, Zhao Junmin stopped, turned her head and looked at him timidly, then realized something was wrong, her expression quickly turned cold, and her brows were frowned.

Her heart beat faster than expected, and she didn't dare to look at Su Nan squarely, her heart was in a mess, thinking about the nonsense of the second sister just now.

Junmin's behavior was a bit wrong, but Su Nan didn't bother about it, she got up and said directly: "I have something to tell you, come with me."

After speaking, he walked to a room, opened the door and went in.

Zhao Junmin opened her mouth, wanting to say that it was her room, but Su Nan went in before she could speak, so she should go in or not.

After struggling for a while, Zhao Junmin still decided to go in, her sister and sister were at home, she didn't think Su Nan would dare to do anything to her, and she also wanted to test to see what Su Nan thought of the three sisters, if he dared to make any mess Thoughts, just... smash his dog's head!

Zhao Junmin cheered herself up, stepped into the room, and closed the door behind her.

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