Hearing the sound of closing the door, Su Nan turned her head and looked at the girl with strange eyes. According to normal logic, the door would not be closed. It seems that the girl really has a ghost in her heart, subconsciously thinking that Xiao Min cannot find out that he is looking for her.

Being scrutinized by Su Nan's eyes, Zhao Junmin was a little guilty, the skin under the clothes trembled slightly, and goose bumps appeared.

She forced herself to be calm, stared at Su Nan coldly, and said expressionlessly: "What's the matter, tell me quickly."

An impatient look.

Su Nan grasped the girl's thoughts, she felt a little settled, and said with a smile: "I saw you washing the sheets just now, and you have been paying attention to the marks on the sheets. Is it because you are curious? That's not from my aunt."

She never expected that Su Nan would talk to herself about this issue, she blushed, and at the same time became unfriendly: "I know that's not my aunt, what do you mean by telling me this?"

The little fist was clenched quietly, and she decided that if this guy dared to say dirty words to tease her, she would jump up and beat him on the head.

Su Nan turned a blind eye to the girl's appearance as if she was about to explode, and smiled and said: "Since you know it's not my aunt, why do you want to touch it? Are you curious about Luohong? But it belongs to your second sister. If she knows What will happen?"

It won't be a big deal, at most she will be joked about, and the second sister won't be shy or care about it at all, but Su Nan's threat of this matter still makes her feel flustered and ashamed.

The second sister just talked to her about the issue of "serving together". If the second sister knew about this, she would probably choose to teach her the experience of that night. At the same time, she would comfort her by saying "be bitter before sweet" This truth.

Even if she didn't care about the consequences, it would be shameful for the second sister to know what she had done. With the second sister's mouth, the eldest sister would know it in a few days, and then she would be completely ashamed in this family.

Thinking of that situation, Zhao Junmin's head became dizzy for a while, Su Nan, why did he threaten himself with this matter?

Seeing the girl's unpredictable face, Su Nan knew that he was bluffing her. A thin-skinned girl like this is enough to control her with a little trick.Of course, the premise is that she doesn't hate you, and even secretly likes you. She can't bear to panic in front of you, and becomes panic-stricken. If an outsider does this, with Zhao Junmin's scheming, it is estimated that she will deceive the other party to death.

"What is your purpose...?"

Zhao Junmin took a deep breath, stared at him expressionlessly and asked.

Su Nan nodded secretly in her heart, she calmed down so quickly, she is really a smart girl.

"My purpose is actually very simple. I want to tell you that the matter between me and your second sister was not my initiative. It was actually an accident."

Su Nan said seriously, Junmin probably didn't know this, maybe he misunderstood his character, of course, his morals are not that high.

"That's it? Then I understand, and the misunderstanding of you is resolved." Zhao Junmin nodded, expressing that she forgave him, and turned around to leave.

Su Nan could easily let her go, so she took two steps forward and took her arm, and gently pulled her into her embrace.

Zhao Junmin was stunned for a moment, then felt a strong familiar smell, her body froze, her cute little face suddenly flushed red, she raised her arm and pushed Su Nan vigorously, but she couldn't match the boy's strength.

"You...let go!"

The snow and ice melted on her expression, tears burst out of the corners of her eyes, she held Su Nan's chest tightly with her hands, and leaned her upper body back as much as possible, as if she could stay away from Su Nan, but she was always close to him from the waist down.

"Don't let go, I don't think you believe me, I want to explain to you clearly."

Su Nan held the girl's waist tightly with one hand to prevent her from escaping, and wrapped the other hand around the girl's back, holding her half up straight. At the same time, he talked about how he was plotted against by Ruomin.

Zhao Junmin held his chest tightly with both hands, and she didn't want to hear it with a look of disgust, but her ears subconsciously pricked up. It turned out that this was the case, and she looked like an idiot second sister... No, how could she be persuaded by him so easily? , don't believe it, don't listen, I don't listen.

The girl stopped pushing him, and instead tightly covered her ears with her hands, her eyes were closed tightly, as if she were an ostrich hiding from the world.

Su Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she was still a girl at heart, no matter how mature she usually dressed up, she would be exposed when encountering things she couldn't handle.

Su Nan simply hugged her pretending to be an ostrich and came to the bed and sat down.

Zhao Junmin was startled at first, then blushed, thinking that he was going to do something bad, her little hands grabbed his clothes on his chest tightly, begging with a small face.

Su Nan actually didn't have that kind of thought, but when she saw Zhao Junmin's expression, she felt her heart was pounded hard.

He gently pinched Junmin's cheek with his big hand, pulled her delicate face into a cute expression, and said with a smile, "Is there a need for such a relationship between us? When you were at my house last time, you still let me do that." ...as licking dogs, and your sister doesn't object to us."

Unlike Ruo Min, she and Jun Min were already psychologically prepared, and Xiao Min had specially matched them up, so Su Nan didn't have the strong psychological burden when facing Ruo Min.

Zhao Junmin's face turned even redder, she was full of beauty, remembering the uncontrollable behavior during that attack, she even wanted to die afterwards, but now hearing Su Nan mentioning it, she was so ashamed that she wanted to find a way to get in.

Already determined to improve the relationship with Jun Min, Su Nan did not hesitate, leaned down and whispered in the girl's ear, "Why don't we do it again."

"Smelly licking dog..."

"Lick me..."

The girl's low curse sounded in the room.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan escaped from the room in a panic, avoiding the attack of a pillow, and quickly closed the door, hearing a "bang" sound, as if a heavy object hit the door.

He heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately he escaped quickly, otherwise his head would be smashed, and so did Jun Min, who was quite honest just now, but after calming down, she actually hit someone.

But she was blushing, physically weak, but she looked so cute when she was about to beat someone up angrily, let's do it again next time when I have a chance, I just need to be stronger when dealing with tsundere girls.

"Brother-in-law, so you are here. It's strange, why I couldn't find you just now."

Just when Su Nan was thinking of dirty thoughts full of malice, he suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, and at the same time, Zhao Ruomin's voice sounded beside him.

Su Nan forced herself to be calm, and turned to Zhao Ruomin with a serious expression: "I was in your sister's room just now."

While talking, he walked towards Zhao Ruomin.

Zhao Ruomin was wondering why Su Nan stood in front of her sister's door just after she came out of her sister's room, but when she saw Su Nan leaving, she immediately put the question behind her, happily took Su Nan's hand, and pulled Su Nan into the room, Also close the door.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment. She wanted to say goodbye to Zhao Ruomin and leave after doing something wrong, but now she was pulled into the room, and there was an excited and sneaky girl standing in front of her. She didn't know what to do for a while.

Zhao Ruomin was expecting Su Nan to hug her and kiss her, but she didn't know that he stood there motionless, she didn't think about it even though she was puzzled, she took the initiative to stand on tiptoe, and kissed Su Nan's mouth.

"Wait a moment……"

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