There was no time to say anything, Su Nan's eyes widened, and subconsciously wanted to push the girl away, but Ruo Min didn't give him a chance, and hugged him tightly with both arms.Her body was trembling with excitement, as if kissing Su Nan like this was an extremely exciting thing for her.

"Huh? What's the smell?"

Suddenly, Zhao Ruomin frowned, let go of Su Nan and asked in surprise.

At this time, Su Nan refused to admit anything, hugged the girl with his backhand, and kissed her actively. Soon, Zhao Ruomin was intoxicated by his tenderness.


The door was pushed open from the outside.

Zhao Junmin appeared at the door, looking at them who were kissing, her face was expressionless, and she just asked lightly: "You haven't gone back yet?"

The very ordinary question gave Su Nan a gloomy feeling. He was familiar with the atmosphere of the Shura field, but this time what Zhao Junmin brought to him was particularly strong. Is it because the two are biological sisters?

Su Nan was extremely ashamed, pushed Zhao Ruomin away, and said: "I'll come in to see Ruomin, I'll go back now."

"Eh? Are you leaving? No, I haven't had enough brother-in-law yet."

Zhao Ruomin leaned over, half hanging on Su Nan's body, with a look of reluctance on his face, coquettishly refusing to let him leave.

Zhao Junmin's face sank, she walked quickly and pulled the shameless second sister away, and said a lesson: "You think everyone is as idle as you, and school will start soon, have you finished your homework? You can't finish this The monthly pocket money is gone."

"So many homework and test papers, who can finish it." Zhao Ruomin complained, then smiled: "I'm with my brother-in-law, I don't need so much pocket money anymore, let me spend some time with my brother-in-law."

Su Nan remembered what Zhao Ruomin said before to save money and run away with him, but at this moment she was not in the mood to tease her, Zhao Junmin was like a volcano about to erupt at this moment, he was not welcome to stay here, it would be subtle to leave early.

It's no wonder that Zhao Junmin, a boy who was licking himself a few minutes ago, is now kissing his sister, and no one can stand it.

After telling Zhao Ruomin to do her homework well, Su Nan slipped away under her aggrieved eyes and Zhao Junmin's disdainful eyes, and didn't come to remember to tell Xiao Min.

When I got home, it was already noon, and suddenly remembered what happened last night, Su Nan immediately went to the next door, opened the door with the key and entered.

"Xiao Nan, you are back."

Zhan Weiling who was in the living room saw him come back and greeted him with a smile, but Su Nan could see that there was some worry in her brows, probably because she didn't know how to deal with Li Gongting's matter.

Su Nan approached and sat next to the senior sister, and asked tentatively, "Is senior sister struggling with what happened last night? Why do you think senior sister Li did this?"

Zhan Weiling frowned. She couldn't figure out why Li Gongting took a video of her and Su Nan. She had been struggling all morning.

Seeing this, Su Nan took the opportunity to say: "Senior Li doesn't have any strange hobbies."

The words he said deliberately led Zhan Weiling to think in a strange direction, and based on the fact that her best friend had a strange habit, it was easy to think about the shame disease.

But Zhan Weiling didn't think about that for the time being, she frowned, still not convinced: "No, I know Gong Ting very well, she is not that kind of person, I think she took the video accidentally, so I only panicked when I borrowed my phone, I just asked her to delete the video clip, well, maybe she had already deleted it."

Deletion is impossible. If senior sister Li Gongting gets sick, she cannot do without something related to him that can make senior sister Li Gongting feel ashamed. Those videos are for emergency when senior sister Li Gongting has a seizure. How can it be easily deleted.

However, Su Nan didn't point out this point, and it was in line with Zhan Weiling's request to ask Li Gongting to delete the video.When Zhan Weiling made such a request, Li Gongting would definitely be perfunctory, and it would be easy to expose herself under the entanglement. After a long time, and with Su Nan's guidance and hints, Zhan Weiling would find out the truth sooner or later.

As Su Nan thought about it, Zhan Weiling took out her mobile phone and dialed Li Gongting's number.

After a while, the call was connected, and Su Nan pricked up her ears to listen.

"Gong Ting, it's me, Wei Ling, nothing special, just want to care about your injury."

Zhan Weiling and Li Gongting exchanged pleasantries, Zhan Weiling didn't mention what happened last night, just chatted briefly, but Li Gongting was absent-minded and kept responding with "hmm".

After a while, Zhan Weiling changed the subject inadvertently, and said with a smile: "By the way, Gong Ting, you were shooting fireworks on the mountain last night. I'm so sorry for disturbing you."

"Uh, it's okay, I was wrong too, I shouldn't hide..."

Li Gongting was caught off guard by this topic, with a hint of panic. Although her performance was fairly calm, for Zhan Weiling who knew her well, this was already a big flaw.

Even though she felt ashamed, Zhan Weiling held back and said with a smile: "No way, if people come to that kind of place suddenly, I would be scared too. By the way, Gong Ting, did you shut down the shooting at that time? You won’t record me and Xiao Nan.”

When it came to the end, Zhan Weiling changed into a joking tone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Zhan Weiling jokingly asked Li Gongting if she and Su Nan were photographed, Su Nan felt as if the opposite party was holding her breath, and then the sound came out after a while.

"This joke is not funny, how could such a thing happen." Li Gongting said calmly, but there was a hint of guilt in his voice.

Zhan Weiling's heart sank, but she looked away quickly. She was seen face to face, so what if she was photographed, the problem now is how to get Li Gongting to delete the video.

She continued in a joking tone: "I'm just kidding, but if you take pictures, remember to delete them."

Li Gongting was silent for a moment, and said in a joking tone: "Okay, I will definitely delete it."

After hanging up the phone, Zhan Weiling turned to Su Nan with a weird face and said, "Gong Ting is a bit weird, and my intuition tells me that she must have captured something, but if it is captured, it will be captured, just delete it, why deny it. "

"Maybe it's because of embarrassment." Su Nan said falsely, he couldn't make his purpose too obvious.

"If I didn't ask, she wouldn't say it. It's okay to delete it secretly. But I asked, and I hinted it repeatedly, and she still denied it like this, so I couldn't figure out what she was thinking."

Zhan Weiling looked puzzled and saw it face to face. It's okay to confess that she accidentally took the video. After all, it was accidental, but it's interesting to keep denying it, especially when the other party's tone is obviously flustered. Feeling guilty, as if you want to hide something, what exactly do you want to hide.

Su Nan blinked and said, "Maybe I didn't get it?"

"No, I think I got it." Zhan Weiling shook her head, not sure if it came from a woman's intuition, which made her very sure of this, she looked worried, and then put on a resolute expression, "No, I I need to get Gong Ting's mobile phone to see for myself, otherwise I don't feel at ease, the video of the two of us wandering outside like this is too disturbing, Xiao Nan, please help me."

She said so, holding Su Nan's palm for help.

Su Nan was slightly taken aback, and nodded: "Okay, if you have any orders, senior sister, just tell me."

Zhan Weiling didn't immediately think about the shame disease, but she had the urge to investigate, and the matter was half done.

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