Next, the two discussed how to get Li Gongting's mobile phone. This is not too difficult. With the relationship between Zhan Weiling and Li Gongting, it is no problem to invite the other party to stay at home for a night. The difficult thing is whether you can Get the password to open the screen of the mobile phone, and whether Li Gongting has processed the video for privacy.

As for the password to open the screen, most mobile phones now have fingerprint unlocking. When Li Gongting falls asleep, Zhan Weiling, who is sleeping with her, can take the opportunity to complete this matter. There will be a second person to know.

After a long discussion, the two of them didn't come up with any countermeasures until they were hungry, so they decided to put it aside for now and not speak until after the meal.

Zhan Weiling went into the kitchen to make dinner, Su Nan sat on the sofa to reply to the message, Qin Xiaowan urged him to pick her up, but there was still a week before leaving school, Su Nan refused, citing that the hygiene at home had not been done yet.

Now he and Zhao Ruomin have this kind of relationship. During the Chinese New Year, for some reason, he did not refuse Qin Xiaowan's closeness, and the relationship between the two of them advanced to a more decent couple, so the situation became awkward. Knowing about him and Ruo Min, I don't know if he will be jealous.

At the same time, he and Zhan Weiling wanted to take advantage of the last few days of vacation to invite Li Gongting over to play at home. It would be inconvenient to have one more Qin Xiaowan, so let her spend a few more days with her mother.

Comforting Qin Xiaowan, Zhao Xiaomin was asking him why he left without saying goodbye in the morning. Su Nan was embarrassed to say that she was involved in her two sisters' Shura field, so she had to tell her that she was in a hurry and left first.

At the same time, he also had to deal with Zhao Ruomin's enthusiasm, probably because he couldn't see others, so Zhao Ruomin sent him messages on WeChat from time to time, both typing and voice, Su Nan was a little tired of coping, he really didn't know that Zhao Ruomin's personality was different That's sticky.

After finally being free, Zhan Weiling called him to have dinner, and the process of eating dinner was a little ambiguous.

I saw Zhan Weiling sitting in his arms, turning her head to share a piece of beans with him, the two of them were biting one end respectively, the beans became shorter and shorter as they ate, and when there was a little bit left, the two tried their best to grab the last bit. Do everything you can.

Zhan Weiling, who successfully snatched the beans, was flushed and panting from exhaustion. She leaned weakly in Su Nan's arms, licked her moist lips, and showed the posture of a winner.

After her emotions cooled down, she suddenly said: "Let's not think about anything else, let's invite Gong Ting over."

Su Nan thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

According to his guess, the video is for emergency use, and Li Gongting might not set up another layer of secrets. After all, in a critical moment, the body is uncomfortable, and entering the wrong password a few times will cause serious trouble.

Zhan Weiling said again: "Not tonight. If I ask her this way today, she will definitely be vigilant. After two days, I will ask her to come over to my house for dinner."

Su Nan wanted to get it done quickly, but she also knew that there was no rush, and...

He looked down at the senior who was sitting on his lap, feeling her gradually rising body temperature and her unstable breath, so he didn't mention anything else to spoil the scenery.

After the meal, they had a good sleep, and then continued to sleep after taking a bath, but they all suffered from insomnia, and they fell asleep hugging each other until the early hours of the morning.

Maybe the weather is a little hot, and the sheets are wet with sweat.

For the next two days, Su Nan went back and forth between her senior's house and Zhao Xiaomin's house, but because Zhao Junmin kept a close eye on him when he went to Zhao Xiaomin's house, he was a little uncomfortable. Every time after accompanying Zhao Xiaomin, he went to see Zhao Ruomin for a while and then left.

Zhao Ruomin was very dissatisfied with this, and began to send him sexy selfies on WeChat, probably to seduce him, and he didn't know who he learned this bad idea from.

For this, Su Nan reprimanded her righteously every time. After all, Su Nan didn't know whether Zhao Junmin would supervise Ruomin by the side.

This youngest sister-in-law seems to have to continue to give her some flair.

Su Nan thought about it.

On this day, Zhan Weiling got up early from the bed, lowered her head and kissed Su Nan on the face, and left the room. Today she asked Li Gongting to go shopping, and today was also the day she and Su Nan implemented the plan.

As usual, Su Nan didn't wake up until mid-sun, and he didn't have anything to do today, but he might be vigilant if he was in Li Gongting, so he was free.

First of all, I got up and urinated overnight, then brushed my teeth and washed my face, and finally came out, came to the dining table in the living room, and enjoyed the loving breakfast of my senior sister, which tasted good.

After filling his stomach, Su Nan went back to the room and turned on the computer, and sat in front of the computer to type.

All the way through the afternoon, Su Nan stretched her waist and checked the time by the way. Senior sister and the others will be back soon.

Suddenly remembered something, Su Nan logged into the Penguin to see if there was any reply from Chu Xi, but there was no accident today, and the Penguin was still silent.

Su Nan was a little confused. The phone disappeared for several days. It stands to reason that Chu Xi should have found out earlier, or that she didn't know when the phone was lost, so she didn't expect to be picked up by him.

This would be troublesome, and Chu Xi was under strict control at home, and it was not easy to find her, so it seemed that he had to wait until school started.

By the way, I left Chu Xi's cell phone at Zhao Xiaomin's house to charge it two days ago. I don't know if there has been a call. Ask Xiaomin.

Su Nan called Zhao Xiaomin and told her about it.

"Have you not contacted Chu Xi yet?" Zhao Xiaomin's voice sounded a bit strange, after a moment of silence, she continued: "I haven't received a call here, I don't know what's going on."

"Hasn't it been two days? Chu Xi must have noticed that the phone is missing." Su Nan was speechless.

"Uh, maybe it's possible." Zhao Xiaomin seemed to be speechless.

"Probably not." Su Nan first denied it. After thinking about it, he suddenly became worried: "Well, Chu Xi's family is strictly controlled, maybe she ran out on a date that day, and she might be fined by the family after returning. That’s why I can’t call my cell phone.”

"Ah Nan..."

"Huh?" Su Nan frowned, and asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Xiaomin's voice sounded a little sad.

"It's okay, I just feel that Chuxi is a bit pitiful, she hasn't told us something." Zhao Xiaomin said in a low voice.

"Yes." Su Nan also sighed, feeling that her previous thoughts were too optimistic: "Chu Xi is usually with us, and she should be under the pressure of the family, but she never showed it in front of us."

"Ah Nan..." Zhao Xiaomin said in a low voice, "Ah Nan, let me see you, let's... discuss about Chuxi."

"Maybe I'm not free today, so I promised to accompany my senior sister." Su Nan thought about it, and decided not to tell Xiao Min about Senior Sister Li Gongting. Feeling that Xiao Min was a little depressed, he comforted: "Tomorrow , when you come to my house, let's discuss it."

Zhao Xiaomin had two younger sisters at home, so it was not convenient to discuss things, so Su Nan asked Zhao Xiaomin to come to her home.

Although Chu Xi's matter is quite difficult, he can't be contacted at present, and the school will start soon, and he will be able to see Chu Xi then, so Su Nan has not taken more drastic actions for the time being, such as going to Chu Xi's house to find someone in person .

After hesitating for a while, Zhao Xiaomin nodded: "Okay, Ah Nan, have fun today."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xiaomin lowered his head and looked at Chuxi's cell phone in his hand with a frustrated expression.

Just after the phone call with Zhao Xiaomin ended, Su Nan received a call from her senior again. She and Li Gongting had already returned downstairs and bought a lot of vegetables, so she asked Su Nan to go downstairs to help carry them.

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