Obviously complaining about her tone.

Lu Ying was speechless for a moment, she was silent for a while, she simply snorted softly and turned her face away, ignoring people.

It was only now that Su Nan recalled that the girl knew it would rain, but she only brought a small umbrella. Isn't the implication obvious? He didn't react for a long time, it was too embarrassing.

Although he is not in the mood to pick up girls right now, Su Nan doesn't want to hurt the squad leader, so he stretches out his hand and wraps his arms around the squad leader's waist.

It was obvious that Lu Ying's body froze, and then she returned to normal in an instant. She looked around and pretended not to notice the small movements of Su Nan's hands.

Su Nan laughed inwardly, but squeezed her even tighter, so that she could stay in his arms as a little bird, so as not to be drenched by the rain, and then walked into the community with her arms in his arms.

Now Lu Ying couldn't pretend to be stupid, her head was drooped, her face was flushed, she didn't dare to see people anymore, but she felt a special sense of satisfaction in her heart.

Even though the two of them have done more ambiguous things, the squad leader is still shy like this. Su Nan can't help being surprised, and laments that girls are really incomprehensible creatures.

The wind became stronger, and a small umbrella was a little useless. Fortunately, the distance was not far away, and the two rushed into the building in a panic. Their clothes were half wet, and Lu Ying's new clothes were also soaked.

Su Nan shook the umbrella, throwing out a large amount of water. He looked at the heavy rain outside and hesitated for a while, so it would be inconvenient to go back.

Lu Ying thought the same as him, stood beside him and said, "You can't go back in such a heavy rain, go to my house to take a bath first, and it won't be too late to leave when the rain subsides."

This is the only way to go, turning around and seeing Lu Ying shivering, Su Nan was afraid that she would catch a cold, so she hurriedly said, "Let's go up."

Take the elevator up, and come to the door to see the squad leader opening the door with the key. Su Nan's head started to turn. He hasn't seen Lu Anya for a while. What he said at the hot spring attraction last time made him a little confused how to deal with it other side.

Also, he didn't know how to explain why he went home in the rain with the squad leader on this rainy day. Lu Anya had already suspected his relationship with Lu Ying last time, so going in like this would not stimulate her?

"Why are you standing outside, come in quickly."

The monitor's words woke him up. Seeing that she had already walked into the room, she turned her head and looked at him coquettishly. Su Nan settled down and walked in. As an excuse, let's just say that we met by chance, and sent the monitor off because of the rainy day. Back home, it's true to say that.

As soon as she entered the house, the first thing Lu Ying said to Su Nan was: "My aunt is not at home, you go take a bath, I will find you some clothes, be careful not to catch a cold."

She couldn't help but push Su Nan to the bathroom.

Su Nan was still thinking about what Lu Anya's absence had to do with him taking a shower, and the bathroom door was already closed.

When he realized it, he wanted to go out and let Lu Ying wash first, but then he realized that there was more than one bathroom in Lu Anya's house, so he took off his clothes and took a shower without worry. Lu Anya was not at home, so his nerves were not so tense.

It took about ten minutes to take a shower, Su Nan turned off the shower, and stood in front of the mirror feeling a little confused, why didn't the clothes he promised come to me.

The changed clothes can be worn again, but why not wear clean ones if there are clean ones.

Going to the door to listen to the movement outside, Su Nan called the monitor a few times, but no one answered him.

Seeing the bath towels hanging in the bathroom, he randomly picked one to wrap around his body. Anyway, they were all women who were close to him, so they probably wouldn't mind him using them.

Then Su Nan opened the door and came to the living room.

There was no one in the living room. Su Nan thought for a few seconds, then walked to Lu Anya's room. Only Lu Anya's room had a separate bathroom.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Lu Ying lying on the bed. She was covered by the quilt and closed her eyes, as if she was asleep.

Su Nan was a little speechless, but the next moment he realized that the situation was abnormal, the squad leader didn't seem to be sleeping comfortably.

Feeling something was wrong, he hurried over and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out to touch the monitor's forehead, as expected, his body temperature was higher than normal.

"Who!" As if awakened by him, Lu Ying managed to open her eyes, and said in surprise when she saw him, "Hey, you came out without any clothes on."

After she finished speaking, she thought that it would not be good to sleep lying down in front of the boy, so she wanted to sit up, but found that her body was weak and her head seemed a little dizzy.

Before she could figure out what was going on, Su Nan had already held her shoulders, forced her to lie down again, and told her, "You have a cold, it must be because of the rain, take a good rest and don't move around." , I'll get you some medicine."

"Oh." Lu Ying was still confused.

After asking where her cold medicine was, Su Nan immediately left the room, and after a while, he re-entered, holding a cup of hot cold medicine in his hand.

"I can't find antipyretics, drink this first, and I'll go out to buy medicine later." He said to Lu Ying who was looking at him.

"En." Lu Ying responded with a lazy voice.

Su Nan sat down, helped her sit up, let her body rest on her own, stabilized, then picked up the water glass and carefully fed her.

She took a sip of the medicine, her face turned red, it was too warm, this person's body.


Immediately, she covered her stomach in embarrassment, with an embarrassed expression on her face.

Su Nan's face remained unchanged and said: "After drinking the medicine, go on sleeping for a while. I'll go out to buy medicine, and I'll also buy some food for dinner."

"Yeah." The other party didn't seem to notice her embarrassment, but Lu Ying preferred that he was taking care of her emotions, and couldn't help feeling a little happy in her heart.

After lying down on the bed, she thought of something, a look of embarrassment flashed across her face, she pointed to the chair next door and put the clothes on, then she pulled up the quilt to cover her face, leaving only a pair of eyes out, staring at him and said: "This is The clothes for you, and, be careful when you go out."

The half of the other party's ear was still exposed and turned red for some reason. Although Su Nan was confused, she didn't say anything, picked up her clothes and walked out of the room.

Changing into the sportswear given by the supervisor in the bathroom, Su Nan smelled a faint fragrance from the clothes on his nose, and at the same time, the clothes were a bit small for him.

"It must have been worn by the squad leader." He suddenly realized.

Falling into a drowsy sleep, she was awakened by hunger. When she woke up, Lu Ying smelled the smell of food wafting in from the outside, and knew that Su Nan had been back for a long time. She was tempted by the food and she couldn't care less, so she lifted the quilt Get out of bed and walk out of the room.

When she came outside the kitchen and took a peek inside, Lu Ying saw that Su Nan was busy wearing an apron. When she saw her coming, she didn't put down her work. She just took the time to say: "Dinner is almost ready, go to the dining table and wait." .”

After speaking, he continued to work.

"Oh." Lu Ying responded, but didn't leave in a hurry. She stood there and stared at Su Nan for a while before walking to the dining table.

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