Not long after, Su Nan came up with food, and thoughtfully served her a bowl of soup and a bowl of rice, and said to her: "Let's eat first, and then take medicine after eating, do you feel better?"

As he spoke, he came over, put his hand on her forehead, felt it for a while, and said, "It's still a little hot, but it's much better than before. How do you feel now?"

However, Lu Ying felt that his hand was hotter than her own forehead. She nodded and said, "I'm still a little dizzy, but it's not as uncomfortable as before. I think my illness is gradually getting better, and it wasn't very serious in the first place."

Su Nan roughly estimated her temperature, and withdrew her hand, "Fortunately, it was treated in time, so I didn't have a high fever, but I still need to take medicine."

"Well, let's eat, I'm so hungry." Lu Ying looked at the food and said salivating, she felt her stomach was rebelling, the most important thing is that these dishes were prepared by Su Nan for her, for her To say attractiveness is undoubtedly adding several layers.

Su Nan nodded and sat down opposite.

After the meal, Su Nan personally supervised Lu Ying to finish taking the medicine, and then helped her back to the room to rest in the room, while he went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Lying on the bed, although Lu Ying is still a little weak, she has never felt so good. When she is sick, the most important person is by her side, taking care of herself meticulously, and even cooking for herself. This kind of life makes her feel like In a dream.

Moreover, there were only the two of them in the house at this time, which made her feel like a two-person world. Without the pressure from her aunt, she was inexplicably excited.

Lying on the bed tossing and turning, but unable to fall asleep, Lu Ying listened attentively, but there was no movement outside, she couldn't help worrying whether Su Nan had gone back secretly.

He took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and sent a message to Su Nan, telling him that he wanted to drink water.Immediately, there was a small movement in the living room, first the sound of walking, then the sound of pouring water, and then the sound of more and more clear footsteps.

The next moment, the door opened, and Su Nan's familiar face appeared in front of her eyes.

very nice.

Lu Ying thought to herself.


"Thank you."

After receiving the boiled water handed over by Su Nan, Lu Ying sipped it slowly, the plain boiled water gave her a sweet taste.

She drank a glass of water for nearly a minute, and finally handed the glass back to Su Nan reluctantly when she had reached the bottom. Seeing that Su Nan took the glass and wanted to go out, she quickly asked: "What were you doing outside just now? There has been no movement."

Su Nan put the cup aside, raised the phone in his hand, "Bored, play games."

By the way, he replied to the inquiries sent by his senior sister and Xiao Min. He told them that he would not be going back until very late tonight, so he didn't have to wait for him for dinner.

"Oh." Lu Ying didn't really play games very much, but at this moment she subconsciously showed a look of interest, and said, "What game? Take me to play."

She was afraid that Su Nan would refuse, so she added: "I feel much better, I don't feel bad anymore, but I can't sleep no matter what, I'm bored and want to find something to do."

Hearing this, Su Nan glanced at her, but without saying anything, she pulled the chair closer and sat on the edge of the bed.

Seeing this, Lu Ying smiled and brought the phone over.

The two played a game.

I don't know how long it has been, Lu Ying put down her phone, rubbed her eyes drowsily, and said, "I'm so sleepy, let's go to sleep."

Immediately realizing that her words were ambiguous, she blushed and changed the subject: "Su Nan, it seems to be raining outside, you should sleep in the guest room tonight, it's very late now."

Su Nan had a bit of a headache, and before he knew it, it was almost eleven o'clock, and the time for playing games passed so fast. Thinking of this, he glanced at Lu Ying, and changed his inner thoughts: there are beautiful girls playing games with him, so Time flies so fast.

It was raining again outside, Su Nan secretly thought it was bad luck, but it was not appropriate to leave the squad leader who had just gotten sick, so he agreed to stay.

Lu Ying fell asleep first, Su Nan went to the guest room to make the bed, and climbed into the bed, but he couldn't fall asleep anyway, his thoughts were very messy, sometimes thinking of far away places, sometimes thinking of sleeping next door monitor.

Today passed like this, and he didn't accomplish anything in the end, but taking care of the sick squad leader, today is considered meaningful.


The phone vibrated, and Su Nan picked it up to look at it, but the monitor was asking if he was asleep.

Su Nan replied that she was not asleep.

After a while, I received another message from the monitor, "I didn't sleep either, I don't know why I couldn't sleep, I was sleepy just now. What should I do if I'm bored now?"

Su Nan tentatively asked, "How about...continue playing games?"

After a long time, there was no reply, and Su Nan immediately regretted it. The girl slept next to you in the middle of the night, and even told you that she couldn't sleep. You don't think about the reason why the girl did this, and you just ask if she plays games. It was too shocking.

At this time, the phone vibrated again.

"Okay..." (smile)

Actually agreed.

Su Nan was a little surprised, but he suggested it first, so he could only get up and leave the room, and walked to the next door.

The light next door was on, and the door was ajar, probably knowing that he was coming, so the door was specially opened for him just now.Su Nan didn't think much about it, she opened the door and walked in. The squad leader was already sitting on the bed waiting for him.

The light in the room was a bit dim, Su Nan walked over and sat in the position just now.As soon as he took out his mobile phone, Lu Ying said, "I've opened the room, I'll wait for you."

It's really a game.

Su Nan thought to herself mockingly, and was about to get serious. At this moment, she heard Lu Ying on the bed saying, "It's a bit cold, so come in too. It's warmer to play games under the covers."

Su Nan looked up, under the slightly yellow light, her cheeks shone with a faint blush, her eyes wandered, but she kept observing his reaction from the corner of her eye.

Su Nan shook her head slowly.

Lu Ying bit her lip, and said, "What? Aren't you cold? I don't know when I will get sleepy. If you catch a cold outside, I will be very troubled. After all, you also got caught in the rain today."

Su Nan was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lu Ying bit her lip and took a deep breath. She suddenly lifted the blanket and said seriously, "Quick, come in, the blanket is very warm."

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