"My assistant lives here. The car had a flat tire just now, and she drove to fix it."

As if seeing his doubts, Chu Xi explained casually with an unnatural expression.

Su Nan nodded and said nothing.

Chu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, said "please sit down" to him, and turned around to make tea. She seemed quite familiar with this place.

Su Nan sat alone on the sofa quietly watching her busy, thinking about what to say next.

After a while, Chu Xi came up with two cups of hot tea and put one cup in front of him.


She said politely, and sat down beside her, keeping a distance from Su Nan.She took a sip of the tea, the hot air hit her face, her eyes flickered under the eyelashes, and she said softly: "You came to see me yesterday, I know, I'm sorry, because of some reasons, I couldn't come out at that time See you, I hope you forgive me."

Her attitude was sincere, but her polite attitude made Su Nan feel that she had become a stranger.

Su Nan fumbled for a while, then nodded. He groped in his pocket, took out the phone, hesitated for a moment, and finally put the phone on the coffee table solemnly, turned to Chu Xi and said, "Your phone, you lost it last time." , and the car keys, return them to you."

Chu Xi glanced at him in surprise, then looked down at the phone, with a hint of joy in his eyes, picked up the phone, and said, "I forgot where I lost it, so you picked it up, thank you .”

"You don't need to be polite to me." Su Nan shook her head and asked casually: "By the way, did you delete all the videos we shot that time?"

Chu Xi unlocked the phone and was flipping through it. Hearing this, he hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Well, that's it."

"That's it." Su Nan was silent for a moment, and then said: "It's fine to delete it, I've worked hard all this time, and I still need to shoot that kind of video."

"Thank you for understanding." She breathed a sigh of relief and gave Su Nan a gentle smile. Her smile was still charming, but it felt really strange to Su Nan. In fact, after thinking about it carefully, he should have noticed it the last time we met. But I haven't been able to react. This time I observed carefully, the difference from the past is really obvious.

"You're welcome, that's not what you were supposed to bear." Su Nan shook her head and stood up, "It's a bit late, you have to go back, I'm leaving too."

He turned around to leave.

Chu Xi was slightly puzzled, but seeing that he was about to leave, she grabbed his hand subconsciously and stood up, "Wait, you... want to leave? Why? You came to see me just for this?"

Su Nan suddenly turned around and looked directly at Chu Xi. She frowned solemnly, and her hand holding his palm was tightened forcefully, as if feeling very embarrassed.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, why would she still ask such a question at this time, didn't Chu Xi's attitude and what she said just now showed everything? For what reason, does he have to spread the word out and tell her clearly that this relationship is over and that he won't bother her again in the future?

Su Nan felt his heart twitch, but he still took a deep breath and said, "I came to see you just to confirm this matter, you have already expressed your attitude, if you are not satisfied with my answer, then okay , I can clearly tell you my attitude, we share..."

Before finishing this sentence, Chu Xi, who noticed something changed, quickly stepped forward to cover his mouth, stared at him coldly, and said word by word: "Shut up? What do you want to say? Break up? Do that?" Such a thing, eating it up and wiping it off is like walking away? You rubbish, dead scumbag!"

Su Nan was stunned, and felt dazed for a while. Compared with Chu Xi's rejection of the breakup, it was Chu Xi who angrily scolded him, which was exactly the same as what he remembered. Girlfriends are like two different people, no matter how angry Chu Xi is in normal times, he would not stare at him with such a majestic gaze, and then angrily reprimand him one mouthful at a time.

Almost like a queen.

After Chu Xi finished cursing, she also froze for a moment, and when she realized it, her perfect face suddenly flushed red. She quickly closed her mouth, lowered her head, and blushed up to her neck.She had no face to speak anymore, but her body did not leave Su Nan at all.

Su Nan's head was like a paste, and he was a little confused about the current situation. In fact, he misunderstood Chu Xi?

After the two of them were stunned for a while, it was Chu Xi who reacted first, let go of his hand covering his mouth, and put her arms around Su Nan's waist instead. She pressed her chin on Su Nan's shoulder, fell silent for a moment, and lowered her head. Said in a low voice: "Sorry, I was too excited and scolded you."

Su Nan shook her head, and subconsciously wanted to hug the girl in her arms, but hesitated for a while and couldn't lift her hand.

As if feeling it, Chu Xi hugged him even tighter, his body trembling slightly, Su Nan could even feel her beating heart in her chest, and heard her extremely nervous breathing.

In the end, he raised his hand and gently hugged the girl.

The trembling body of the other party stabilized, and the girl put her cheek on his chest, and said softly: "You seem to have misunderstood something, it seems that I sent the wrong signal, but it was wrong, I didn't mean it that way, anyway, I don't allow the relationship between us to end like this, you can't just walk away like this."

There is a strong firmness in the gentle tone.

Su Nan was silent for a while, and said: "Actually, what I wanted to say just now is that we should separate for a while to calm down. In fact, I don't want to give up yet."

Chu Xi smiled and said, "I won't allow that either."

She raised her head and looked at him with a serious expression: "Recently, I have been troubled by some things, which may make you feel strange, but please believe that I don't mean that, I... don't want to leave your side."

She blushed a little, with a style different from that of a girl. She tiptoed and kissed the corner of his mouth, and continued shyly: "I think you give me a while, let me think about it, and deal with those things. The matter, because it is a very special private matter, so please forgive me for not being able to tell you the specifics, but please rest assured that I will be able to solve it in the end and return to you, okay?"

"Okay." Su Nan hugged her tightly, her heart was filled with the joy of regaining what was lost, and she buried her cheek in his arms, showing a relieved smile.

The sudden ringtone woke up the two who had been hugging each other for a long time. Su Nan subconsciously wanted to find her mobile phone, but found that it was not her own that was ringing.

Chu Xi smiled at him apologetically with the mobile phone, walked to the balcony and picked up the phone. The one that came in was the mobile phone that Su Nan returned just now.

After the call ended, Chu Xi came back, she glanced at the phone screen in her hand, and said to him, "Xiao Min called, you seem to have not been back since last night, she and senior sister are very worried about you. "

"Uh, my cell phone is out of battery." Su Nan took out her cell phone, only to find that it had turned off automatically, and she didn't remember to charge it at the monitor's place last night.

Chu Xi smiled and said, "Go back first, and apologize to them well. I'm still a little busy these days. When school starts in a few days, we'll have a lot of time to meet."

"Well, see you then."

Su Nan untied the knot in his heart and felt relaxed. He looked at the delicate girl in front of him and couldn't help but go forward.Chu Xi blushed, but raised her face and closed her eyes.

After a kiss, Chu Xi opened his eyes, his cheeks were slightly red, his breathing was slightly rapid, his eyes were moist, and his whole body seemed to be melted.

Su Nan felt itchy in his heart when he saw it, but he was thinking about the girls at home, and at the same time Chu Xi had something to do.So he didn't mess around and left from Chuxi.

She watched Su Nan leave with a smile. After the door was closed, the house was empty except for Chu Xi. At this time, her smile became melancholy, and she sighed inexplicably sadly, saying: "I almost messed up, But what happened, the me just now..."

Her eyes were very confused, as if there was something incomprehensible in her heart.


At this time, a woman in professional attire came out of the room, looking at Chu Xi with a tangled expression, as if hesitating to speak.

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